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Steven W

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Everything posted by Steven W

  1. There was some comment along those lines. But been followed up with nothing since.
  2. NS may come under some pressure after BJs announcement re football fans, but I can't think from who. Only Dave Cormack at Aberdeen has been vocal about the issue. The other clubs have said very little. The SFA / JRG would appear to have their own agenda re the whole issue. The non-league clubs' #letfansin camps has been ignored by all.
  3. I thought it was a definite, but wouldn't be first time I got something wrong!
  4. Hadn't realised that Midlothian, and presumably East Lothian, don't move to tier 2 until Tuesday. All the councils that moved to tier 4 did so on Friday at 6pm did they not? So am I right in thinking if you move down a tier it happens the following Friday, but if you go up a tier you have to wait a week? Looking at those numbers, yes, every chance their 'promotion' will be cancelled.
  5. Still in shock to have scored two goals in one game and secured three points. The difference in United when switching to four at the back - and specifically the introduction of Robson was there for all to see. What went before was appallingly bad. Callachan done a good impression of Mark Connolly at the penalty (still mystified as to why it was a penalty), and then repeated the trick with his free kick a few minutes later.
  6. Fuchs in fairness improved as the half wore on. But what an embarrassment for both sides. The 'quality' of football on show is pitiful.
  7. Watched the game as a neutral. Dunfermline worthy winners. McInroy and Turner both outstanding. Halliday awful.
  8. Only one league game in tier 1 this weekend. Inverness granted permission to have 300 tomorrow, but ultimately that's still only pilot level numbers. Granted Inverness have yet to have any fans return, so first match back so perhaps not unexpected. Will be interesting to see if they're allowed more at their next game, although going by Ross County's second match with fans, probably not. Brora and Clach (maybe others?) given permission to have fans. In Brora's case, with immediate effect and up to 150 for their friendly tomorrow. Presumably that will utilise the terrace too which is something of a first in Scotland during the pandemic. A small step forward. Interestingly Thurso tweeted they are still BCD for tomorrow's match. I genuinely think the NCL has been forgotten about.
  9. It doesn't. Of course doesn't. But you were a child yourself one day, and you'd do well to remember that
  10. Its a perfectly valid point. You and your wee gang - none of whom have fathered a child, and thus have an entirely blinkered view - who have some axe to wield against the only. The only. The only set of people who won't be offered a vaccination.
  11. Imagine posting on a football forum on a daily basis, that the only people in the Scotland who won't be offered the vaccine, should also lead completely mundane lives, be denied a proper education, live almost under house arrest and not get a visit from Santa. 'Wild'
  12. Yeah, this is just follow-up news from September's results. The 'Big News' is imminent though (but not today)
  13. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-oxford-vaccine-produces-strong-immune-response-in-older-adults-early-results-show-12135926 I skimmed through the article. I think this is just them releasing their phase 2 results? Phase 3 is the ones we're after aren't we?
  14. Where's the evidence of this, must be stats to back that up. Oh wait, you just made that up to suit your agenda. Schools are rightly staying open, get over it. 78% of schools have had no Covid at all
  15. Probably close on 100 folk out of work. Glad you're happy.
  16. Annoys me that on Mondays NS always offers up the caveat of the lower numbers owing to the weekend reporting levels. Yet doesn't offer up the same caveat on a Tuesday when they're therefore typically higher. Also come to realise that that's probably half the reason that, of all the days of the week to choose for Tier Review, she chose a Tuesday.
  17. I don't think anyone is realistically expecting to be caught, charged, or fined. I do though find it becoming an offence, punishable by law, however unlikely, deeply troubling.
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