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Chinatoon Bairn

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Everything posted by Chinatoon Bairn

  1. Callumn Morrison. Speak to me. What's he like? Never impressed me when he played for you against us. Rapid but that's about it from what I've seen.
  2. CALLUMN Morrison announced. It's what we need but I've never been convinced by him, hopefully he can kick on now with a permanent club.
  3. He was utterly dung against us for East Fife. Can't really remember him looking good anywhere to be honest other than a few games for Hearts a few seasons back.
  4. Planning on getting into some sort of fitness routine as a beer belly at 20 year old isn't a great look. Nothing mental, just something to tighten up the core and boost upper body strength.. Anyone able to point me in the direction of some good circuits/workouts that can be done at home?
  5. Got this face firmly engraved into the back of ma skull until the day die noo
  6. Wit a turn this has taken.. the battle of the ITKs Who's everyone got their money on?
  7. Delete this right fucking now. It's Friday, at least wait until Monday to tell us this.
  8. Government looking at the potential for stadiums to be opened to limited amounts of fans as of September 14th. Suppose being utterly fucking dung for the past 3 year has it's advantages, we might no miss any games.
  9. Need a signing the day so half the folk here can go back to writing off players without seeing them kick a baw for us.
  10. Berra is a free agent, reckon he'd fill that roll perfectly.
  11. Unsure if I'm wanting to believe someone on twitter calling himself Hugh Jarse but he seems to know someone somewhere.
  12. In the Graeme Hotel beer garden last night for a good couple of hours, not really any notable differences other than the closing times. A nice place to enjoy a pint of T. To top it off, I woke up this morning without a hint of roughness. Lovely.
  13. Was up here last year around September time, a few days on my own hitting a couple munros. Got there pretty late on the first day so took a wee wander out to Steall falls. Fell off this wee bridge into the river about waist deep. Boots were ringing for the remaining two days. Cracking area though, need to get back there again.
  14. Pleasing, gave me the fear when you played us nearer the start of the season. Would've scored if Bell didn't make a cracking save.
  15. Am I right in thinking this is the bloke that's about 6"4 and also somehow rapid?
  16. Not seen as much complaints this weekend as I did previous.. Hills still absolutely heaving? Might get up one this weekend weather dependant.
  17. Wee laddie from Kemlin now confirmed. That won't get the season tickets flying off the shelves!!
  18. Was hoping to get a lot of Munros battered out this year, managed 3 so far and given how busy a lot of the places apparently are it'll be staying that way for another wee while.
  19. The day I done it it was exceptionally foggy, I’d imagine you would be alright most of the time. Never took a photo from the top of Beinn Ime since there was no point but here’s one from Beinn Narnain on the same day.
  20. Beinn Ime is a horrid munro. Glad I’ve got it out the road. Came down from Beinn Narnain and up that the other week, couldn’t see a thing. If Beinn Ime was a person it would be a fat, ginger, specky laddie with no pals.
  21. Weeks on and still think that home kit is bogging, looks like a shit attempt at a Ross County kit
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