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Everything posted by AUcal

  1. Defensive shambles today. Partick don't have much on us, but defending like that is so poor.
  2. Pretty good overall. Very happy to have it back. Will be good to see a couple of the other guys from the podcasts get more tv time, sounds like that is the plan.
  3. Can't say I expected killie to have this many obsessed weirdos on here.
  4. I would like ayr to win this game which means partick have to lose. Do the honourable thing lads.
  5. Anyone have "offended by anything" or "world gone mad" on their bingo card? Waiting on a "snowflake". Hope this is investigated properly
  6. Actually trying to play something resembling football in this derby might help with that.
  7. Aye my dissertation supervisor said the same, he had all sorts of emails at all hours from students who just couldn't cope. I was lucky enough to be at home, but if I had moved a significant distance, to then be trapped in a tiny student flat, without classes or any kind of social interactions to get me through, I'm not sure I'd do too well either. Know of a couple of people who, at the advice of lecturers, moved back down south or home to other countries if they could because of how bad it was getting. Can't say I blame them. Hope normality returns soon for Universities.
  8. I think Maxwell can be very good at bringing the ball forward and seems to have a bit of pace about him. Can look dangerous when he is running towards a defence with options either side. His final decision is almost always off though and seems to get the ball lost in his feet regularly. Not really sure what position actually suits him best, not convinced about him doing any kind of defensive duties tbh.
  9. Really hope the coming year isn't too disrupted by covid for all the students that have juts started back. I spent all of covid times (my entire 4th year and tail end of 3rd year) doing classes in front of a laptop at home. It was shite. Felt like I wasn't learning anything at times as the whole set up was too different. I'm pretty sure it was just as bad for lecturers as is was for students, no doubt they had an unprecedented number of panicked emails and such. If I had been paying, like some of my classmates from abroad were, it would have been just awful. Have a couple of family members and friends that are just starting, and I really hope for their sake that there is some kind of normality. 1st year was class, helped me in a lot of ways.
  10. Heard about this, think it was up in the stand. Hope they figure out who it was and get them banned. No excuse. Sadly far too common.
  11. Aye Darren Young's stock isn't what it was a couple of years ago. Would definitely give him a miss.
  12. Simply has to be the enormous, sprawling metropolis of Ayr/Prestwick. Rename it Burnsland. In reality I don't understand why this is a thing. Seems odd to name a new cities for nothing. Pretty pointless.
  13. Very glad to have stumbled across this thread for the first time, very few of my friends/colleagues find partridge funny at all, which I just can't understand. All subjective I guess, I've never been that keen on still game. Enjoyed reading back through some of the qoutes and stuff in here, Alan is a true hero. Recently listened to all of "from the Oasthouse" and thought it was excellent, not sure how I'd not listened by this point but it was very very funny.
  14. "ThEyrE DesTRoyING OUr CuLTuRE" Seems to be the constant rallying call for these guys. You're right, they're constantly stirred up into permanent rage and insanity. Must be so tiring.
  15. Typical bunch of mutants on my train to Glasgow earlier. Seemed especially riled up. Can see it turning ugly later.
  16. We were definitely better, although we still look poor at the back. If Dunfermline could actually score we may have been in trouble, especially first half. Played some decent stuff at points but still a bit disjointed. Thought Tomi was very good and Murdoch was as good as I've seen him for a while. The new loanee from Hibs looks a player also.
  17. I was just about too young to remember it all happening at the time, but have grown up with the aftermath being a continuing wee news item on TV. There was a decent documentary on Netflix recently. Covered the events that day and the following actions in Afghanistan and Iraq over the last 20 years. Was quite depressing, but hardly surprising, to see the timeline of very aggressive/illegal foreign policy decisions and monumental f**k ups that has left those countries in the mess they are just now. For all that 9/11 may have lead to significant changes in the US and west in general, it means f**k all in comparison to the suffering in the middle east. Also, Americans putting the month first is also very questionable behaviour. Steal beams and that.
  18. Can't see us scoring more than once, if at all. Think it will end 0-0, with a score line of 3-2 in red cards. Would be some laugh.
  19. Really? I would argue the complete opposite. Mind at Raith when he claimed society and social media were really to blame as he lead them to relegation despite the club looking relatively safe when he came in at the turn of the year.
  20. Thinking of heading up to Falkirk tomorrow because our game is off. If I were going in the away end, where do I buy the ticket online?
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