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Posts posted by AUcal

  1. There has been quite a few but the one from recent memory that sticks out for me is Dean Shiels extra time winner in the Ayrshire derby league cup semi final 2012.  We were underdogs and we were woeful that day, but it was horrible. Made all the worse that they went on to win it that year. 

    Also, a special mention for the horrific attempt at heading the ball back to the keeper from Andy Geggan away at Alloa a couple of years back when it seemed we had blown the title. Possibly the lowest ive felt leaving a game, but as it all worked out okay in the end its not as sore.

  2. Has anyone been in every stand of a stadium?
    Hearts and Dundee United seem to keep changing the away ends over time. 
    Hearts used to be home end then during reconstruction sat in the main stand, new away end and at skol cup semi was in the stand across the road from the main.
    United used to have the away end behind the goals at the home end, also remember being to the right of that in a steep terrace with massive steps. Have been in every side of the stadium.
    Have been in all the stands at firhill due to the constant switching of away sections. Obviously have been in all stands at Somerset, big fan of being able to move around the entire ground when there is a small away support.

    Although I can see why away supporters might complain about the away end views. The view from the railway end isn't very good compared with the Somerset road end. Although you can make quite a bit of noise in that stand without very many folk, I don't think it's steep enough and it can be a real struggle to see down the other end at times. I don't go in the main stand very much, not since I was a kid. Always thought the view was alright but I've never been in the far side where away supporters are housed.
  3. The thought of not having Ayr United and being unable to go to Somerset park every other week scares me. I used to go along to some Troon Juniors games when I was younger so I guess i would maybe do that again. Or I would just pick games to attend as a neutral.
    But in all honesty i would probably lose almost all interest if Ayr didn't exist.

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