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Posts posted by AUcal

  1. Most of the grief the steward was getting wasn't about the throwing the ball away from Harvie. He had earlier told a couple of the Ayr fans to "go f**k themselves" after some disagreement.
    All a big load of nothing.

    Queens deserved the win in the end imo. We had spells on top but we just never really got going and queens took their chances, Dobbie was very creative today I thought.

    With our current small squad size McCowan getting himself sent off in the way he did was ridiculous. Very stupid thing to do after having what I thought was a pretty good game.

  2. Good to see Ayr back flying again and Kerr hasn't disrupted you guys. Not the only team getting a pumping from you

    Unreal football at Gayfield made us look like an amateur outfit, by far best team we've played

    Think everyone else has been extremely ordinary
    Great result for you lot today. The expectation among the support still just to avoid relegation or thinking higher?
  3. McCall did well for us but was a deeply flawed manager during his time, long periods in all but one season of terrible form, constant injury crisis but always managed to sign well enough to counter his faults.  I think we can do better, is better available just now though? 
    Thats the problem I see. Is there better? If we got the right appointment then who knows where this squad could end up. But many of the names mentioned so far make me shudder
  4. Can't lie, that hurts. Pretty shite.

    At least for once we are an attractive proposition for a new manager. I just hope after the last couple of years that it doesn't go tits up. There is/was a very good feeling around the club and genuine belief that this team could achieve even more.

    Such a deflation after the performance we saw on saturday. Oh well, still joint top, still a very good team and still buzzing for Arbroath away on saturday.

  5. Pretty sure most of the alloa fans on here repeatedly said throughout last season that they didn't like the smaller pitch.


    Looking forward to this one. Always like a trip to alloa.

    No idea how it will go, we were excellent on saturday but this is Ayr we are talking about so can't predict it. And I'm sure as per usual alloa will be a decent hardworking side. We'll see.

  6. Not historically a racist remark M77, but I appreciate how it causes confusion in a modern context and have refrained from using it for years.
    Im the same and doesnt really matter if it didnt begin with racist intentions imo. Its pathetic and needs to go.
    Anytime you try to have a sensible dicussion about how using the word black in derogatory terms is completely unnaceptable you get hundreds of yir da's calling you a snowflake. Its madness.
    No wonder oppistion fans are stunned when they hear ayr/killie/junior fans using that term. Its embarrassing
  7. How similar will your line up be to the one that pumped us last season? Obviously the boy with the massive forehead is gone but you had a few lads who looked decent that day.
    Of the players who would have played against you lot I think, we have lost Shankland, Crawford, Rose, and Mcdaid(sub). The rest of the team will be relatively the same albeit jigged around slightly.
    I'd say that on the whole we are slightly weaker. But I have been very excited by the young players McCowan, McGuffie and Kelly recently who will likely all feature.

    We will also hopefully have Andy Murdoch in CM where he belongs and not out on the wing. Not that it mattered much in the cup game last year.
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