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Everything posted by AUcal

  1. Didn't see much of him at Hibs, not sure how much he played. I imagine he would still be a decent signing for this level? ETA. Didn't realise he was 37, few years older than I thought.
  2. I've heard a wild Aiden McGeady to Ayr rumour. I'm taking it with a big pinch of salt.
  3. Aye one of the major myths around this is that it was "fine" at Clyde. It may not have been picked up as much by news agencies, but there was undoubtedly a reaction. Clyde became pariahs amongst supporters of other lower league clubs and even had some of their own supporters refusing to attend. There's still a stain attached to that club in the minds of a lot of folk. Signing him and singing his praises consistently didn't go unnoticed by others.
  4. Same with the "no one made a big deal about it for the 5 years at Clyde, why is it such a big thing now?" type of nonsense. Anyone who uses the defence of - I didn't hear anyone mention it before, so I don't see what the problem is - is an idiot. Their view probably goes as far as "I used to watch him score goals and now he's not allowed to score goals so I don't like that and want to see him score goals"
  5. Aye exactly all of this. When you read all the court transcripts and witness statements of the condition each party was in, and then combine it with the fact that Goodwillie has never denied having sex with her, then it's fucking clear he has raped her. It's worrying to me how many people still don't understand the basic concept of consent and being in a fit state to give it. And yeah it's very frustrating continually hearing the argument "that he's allowed to earn a living". Yes, of course he is, no one is saying he can't. But there are certain professions and positions within society where it is rightly deemed inappropriate for someone with that history to be employed. Again, I don't understand why folk can't understand that.
  6. From seeing the online reaction to the interview there seems to be a notable crossover between those who support Goodwillie and those pathetic loser types that worship at the feet of the professional wankstain Andrew Tate. Imagine knowing that's the type of folk in your corner.
  7. A total wrongun. Give up on football already David, you cretin.
  8. Very similar for me. The great memories are few and far between. I missed the high 2nd tier finished and cup runs that came in the early 2000's by a couple of seasons. When I started going to games the club was clearly in a dire place. I wasn't really aware because I was so young - I just loved walking around the terraces following the action hoping we might win for once. In hindsight, absolute shite was the norm. The season where we were going for the title with Raith (2008/2009 I think) was my first experience of an actually 'successful' season. We would win most weeks and it was a strange feeling. I remember being gutted when we lost the title but can still vividly remember going onto the pitch at full time with my Dad after we beat Airdrie in the play offs. Obviously we ended up yo-yoing for a number of years but I remember that day so well, it was very special. That day in Brechin was also incredible. But like yourself, nothing comes close to the 17/18 title winning season and the electric start we had to the championship the season after. I remember that promotion and the following summer really feeling like, this is it, we're no a yo-yo team anymore, we're here to stay. Thankfully, that's just about still the case. Long may it continue.
  9. McKenzie has absolutely improved in the past couple of seasons imo. He still can't lead the line himself, I don't think he ever will because he just doesn't have those skills, but if he is utilised in the right set up he is perfectly capable asset at this level.
  10. Still amazes me that Robbie Crawford received the stick that he did from some of our support.
  11. Was delighted when Dunfermline appointed him in 2021 because Ayr were already starting to look very shite and the Hughes appointment had Raith 16/17 written all over it. Just couldn't see him being the one to turn it round for them. They then won the first 2 games with him in charge (including pumping us 3-0) and I started to worry he had somehow found some managerial ability from nowhere and they would propel themselves up the table. It wasn't to be. His biggest managerial masterstroke was to pay a fee for Joe "guid honest laddie" Chalmers, who was a key component in the downfall. Think he arrived in November, we gave the Pars 7 points in the 3 games between the sides that he was in charge for that season, and they still finished 4 points behind David Hopkin's squad of charlatans. Yogi eh, some manager. He also seems to be an egotistical, lying wee scrote.
  12. Aye it was a great time. Spending the summer seeing players like Shankland sign up again and also seeing the arrival of decent players to address problem / lack of depth areas (i.e. Andy Murdoch and Daniel Harvie). Was great. Hit the ground running for the first couple of months of the season too, battering teams for fun.
  13. This is already one of the more interesting groups, mostly on account of the top two seeds both being pretty useless and lacking in quality. That's not intended to take anything away from Steni and Stirling. By all accounts Steni completely deserved their victory, and Stirling certainly merited more than a point - which they almost definitely would have taken if it hadn't been for a bit of a howler from the keeper. They looked right up for it, we did not. Based on the opening performances across the group you've got to think that at least one of Alloa, Steni or Stirling might fancy winning this or at least slipping into a qualifying 2nd place. Meh. Disappointing to see us be so unprepared for the start of the League Cup, considering the shambles that we had in this competition a year ago. I imagine St Johnstone supporters feel pretty much the same.
  14. Glasgow. I don't drive, so a Tuesday night game in Cumnock is a bit of a chore. As was watching Ayr today, tbh.
  15. Fair play to ya. If I still lived in Ayr I'd maybe make an effort to get over to Cumnock, but nah . That was poor today, we need 4 or 5 starters tbh. Hopefully we have them by the start of the league campaign.
  16. Aye that might do for me until the Alloa game. Don't want to do Tuesday night treks to watch an incomplete squad toil for 85 minutes. Got quite lucky today I thought.
  17. Decided to look interested in the last 5 minutes and caused Stirling all sorts of problems.
  18. We haven't looked like a football team the entire second half.
  19. Was thinking that myself. If we have a game plan here it's not being actioned very well. Don't seem to have any particular approach. We can retain the ball well in the midfield with the likes of Murdoch and Smith, but we have no forward momentum to break down a defence, that's what we need.
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