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Everything posted by AUcal

  1. f**k sake. Hampden Boab. Fucking riddy. Does this guy ever take the fucking hint?
  2. Didn't think I'd be trawling through Aldershot fan forums on my Saturday morning.
  3. We can confirm after careful analysis that the debris found near the site of the Titanic, is from the Titanic. We have no clue where the sub is.
  4. Was also next to some other Ayr fans at Hampden. South Stand Upper West. Hello to you also, if you're on here. Sound folks.
  5. "The rescue efforts aren't working, we can't reach you" "You're going to need to re-route power into the remains of the titanic to sail to safety" "We have your mate here who was supposed to join you in the submersible but couldn't at the last minute due to some daft reason, he'll talk you through the process"
  6. Was hoping to see some other billionaires like Branson and Musk get together to try and find it. Except this time they go down in an even smaller, more shoddy submersible which uses a Nintendo WII remote to navigate. Missed opportunity imo.
  7. Support boat was probably redirected to the Titanic site to find these daft b*****ds
  8. What a daft thing to do. Find the general response to this to be ridiculous and OTT. Migrant boat sinks in the Med with literally hundreds of lives lost and you're lucky if it stays in the news for 1 day and hardly anyone questions the lack of support or help for the vessel. Some mad billionaire c**t and his mates jump in a submersible operated by a playstation controller, it all goes tits up, and it dominates the news cycle for days, with countless resources out to try and find it.
  9. Youth keeper Ollie Ecrepont. 16 I think, so not far off.
  10. Well. That was a mad few hours. Just about made my connecting train. f**k Georgia. f**k the rain. What a team this is. Credit to the wee guys wi the brushes on the pitch, they did their country proud.
  11. Just win. Don't care how, just get it done. I have full faith they will. What's it like in the upper tier of the main stand? Got a ticket off a friend for up there, never been there for a game. I assume the view is decent (better than behind the goals no doubt, not that it would be difficult). My assumption is that folk tend to stay sat down up there?
  12. XRecorder_Edited_18122022_115210.mp4.657efefc78adfb7d1a278669d32bb5b5.mp4
  13. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the meeting where the club were asked for one of our signing announcement videos to take place inside a branch of Jewson
  14. 'Somerset Boab' is the shite that just won't flush. A total riddy.
  15. As Killie b*****ds go, they don't come much better than Stevie Clarke. Kenny McLean is a hero.
  16. Hope the Norwegians are crying into their £10 pints.
  17. Noticed that too. I don't blame the club too much as prices for all sorts of things are on the rise across the board, but it's not great. Last season was the most home games I had made it down to for a while and I found 20 to be steep, although I know it tends to be consistent with the rest of the league.
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