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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Oh there are some absolute horror stories, I know of evangelical christian GP’s who have tried to prescribe jesus to sick people etc. Then there are ones who earn the 100k but do so by working 5 0800-1900 days mon-fri with out of hours shifts say 1900-0000hrs then work both days at the weekend before repeating, that surely can’t be safe, but the NHS is so stretched that its tolerated. Some of the more old school gp’s had great tie ins with drug reps and would get the ‘conference in Orlando’ paid for but nowadays (and quite rightly) they aren’t allowed such perks, the most they may get is a free lunch (an M&Ssandwich usually, but given that involves sitting through a business pitch from a drug rep not many bother with it). Unfortunately these people seem to have ruined it for everyone.
  2. Im not really sure you know what you’re trying to say here. Dont get me wrong its nice you’re trying but its not clear. Just fyi, my wife only take a half hour lunch break, which she normally fills with a sandwich at her desk. If you fancy giving it a go and seeing for yourself id suggest you go and spend 6 years at uni (she intercalated a degree in pharmacology) and another 6 years training when you’ve qualified working 100 hour weeks and 18 hour nightshifts (of which you’re only being paid for 10hours). Im not saying that GP’s aren’t well paid but your assertion that they are somehow lazy and spend their days dancing with unicorns and eating scones on a 5 hour lunch break is madness. In fact even during her maternity leave she has been required to continue studying to ensure her knowledge is up to date, many of these courses she has to pay for herself and doesnt get the money back for. I’d wager that the half hour you spent googling GP’s salaries then punching your fists off the keyboard on P&B could have been better spent googling ‘how to not be an ignorant c**t’.
  3. Thats 10k short of the 100k you suggested earlier. However that sort of money you have to be a partner in a larger surgery. Id argue that those ‘super gp’s’ are likely to be in the south east of England as I know some there who do earn larger sums. However for your average GP in Scotland the salary is closer to £60k per year, which isnt rubbish money. Yes the 90/100k does happen but to achieve that you’ve got to do a lot of additional work. Its not just turn up mon-fri 9-5, you have to work additional hours (the high earners I know tend to do 0730-1830/1900 and out of hours shifts like nightshifts at weekends), extra responsibilities (some take on ward duties at cottage hospitals or psychiatric wards, old folks homes etc) taking the strain off hospital doctors. So yes its achievable but its not just the same as getting 100k for turning up at the surgery 9-5 5 days a week. Regardless they do make a decent wage but there is quite lazy assumptions that they somehow get overpaid or don’t do very much when thats certainly not the case.
  4. Its not just the NHS, care sector greatly relies on jobs filled by foreign workers, care homes will close, social care in the community will fail. Its going to be an absolute cluster.
  5. Im not saying exclusively in the house of commons or towards an MP, but imagine in that respect he shouted that to Mohammed Sarwar when he was an MP?
  6. Imagine the outcry is Soames told someone to go back to Pakistan. Disgraceful but not surprising from a relative of Churchill.
  7. May now actively planning for a no deal scenario and looking at everything on the table i’d say its now quite likely.
  8. Corbyn snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in spectacular fashion. He’s not even hibsed it, its so much more.
  9. Well if they’ve security cleared a floor it would suggest that there is a protected person involved and given Donny Snr would need to be impeached to be forced to attend its likely to be either Jr, Ivanka, Jared or Pence.
  10. They’d probably fancy their chances with Diane Abbot’s sloppy second lentil munching friend.
  11. Yes the economy is in a fine state. Those food banks are bursting with investment.
  12. Yes, but the key consideration is we were a party to it and did nothing to force change despite being able to do so, the UK has held considerable influence in the EU at many levels and stages of its progress. It had ample opportunity to help shift direction and indeed a veto to block it. Instead the crayon munchers shout ‘Eubaaad’ and fail to realise that we are every bit as bad. Complain about CFP- Nigel Farage the self styled champion of the fisherman was on the CFP board and didnt attend meetings, did he expect them to think about ‘what would Nigel do’ and take those steps in his absence? Its a perfect illustration of how people complain about something within the EU but have done nothing to force change. We have a veto, we have power on committees, we have an interest as the 5th largest economy in the world, we have a significant number of MEP’s and have failed to undertake any meaningful change.
  13. The phrase ex-pat rips my knitting, these people are immigrants, but because they are white and mostly English they don’t want to label them as such.
  14. That’ll be why Glasgow voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU? Also largely vote in the SNP a pro-immigration party? I get that you’re trying to come across as semi-intelligent, it’s just that the only one you’re convincing is you.
  15. Shocking, he should be boycotted like the Pogues. ... not really hes been a fanny and no doubt regrets it.
  16. I wouldnt be allowed to do that and keep my job as I work in the public sector, I’d be happy to donate to a Palestinian aid charity? If I win £20 to dream flight?
  17. Why dont the Dundee/ Angus teams just join the HFL.
  18. No they have a Chairwoman. Hearing from reliable sources that it will happen, however im hoping for LL2 so we can apply for that and escape the junior shit show.
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