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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Yes. Plenty of countries have such arrangements.
  2. Ayrshire poster called isa goudie or something posted a comment relating to clubs leaving the juniors to nazi collaborators, duly he was binned. As he threw the toys out the pram he sent a service request with demands for all his posts to be deleted or he’d report p&b to the GDPR bodies. Not a pm. Rejoined and immediately lost the head again over privacy and was promptly booted simultaneously in the internet pie and off the forum in a spectacular fashion.
  3. Look im not saying the board havent delivered anything, thats certainly not the case, we have progress at Holm Park, however feel we’ve moved from a very forward thinking position this time last year to appearing to be one of the most cautious of the west region teams. It doesnt appear that there is any long term plan for licensing and that the club will probably be unable to achieve it for a good few years now anyway. The folks on the board work their arse off and at no time have I ever suggested otherwise, I just feel like so much has changed over the last year and officially supporters have heard nothing.
  4. Doesnt even need to be a meeting Benches, a newsletter/blog with regular updates would be fine, I dont think its a lot to ask for, just want them to be transparent. I’ve already resigned myself to the fact this is the route the board is taking the club down so fair enough, all im asking for is for it to be transparent and for the trust members to be kept up to date officially and not for the umpteenth time learning news about the club on unrelated media sources.
  5. Im not going to respond to that on a public forum but you know exactly why I dont trust TJ or the SJFA. Fact is the board are changing tact from the last egm and fans are being told nothing except what they read on here, club hasn’t even issued a statement and we’re only a few months from the end of the season. The lack of progress or news on any progress is shite.
  6. I dont think youre actually reading the posts you reply to anymore. Ive already said I dont think there will be a majority, however I dont need an egm, those wishing to stay junior do. You also know exactly why I feel so strongly about this. Fans are being told absolutely nothing about this and still some expect us to put our faith in a man who would have been happy to see us go out of business. Im finished arguing with you over this. Theres no need for the snide add ons.
  7. I couldnt give any less of a f**k about a border with England. A hard border with them and EU membership would be a price worth paying. We’ll just use that frictionless stuff that the tories say exists that doesnt actually exist.
  8. Some of us voted to leave the juniors for those reasons and also because of underhand tactics used by someone you now put your trust in and wanted the club to champion a breakaway from the sjfa to a wosl. Admittedly that now seems unlikely but to sum up the whole thing as you have is a more simplistic view.
  9. Bankies dont have an official stance as far as im aware. Also there are several different views on the next steps amongst the Clydebank support, most have decided that remaining in the west sjfa is for them and others want the club to leave. The board havent held an egm to propose a change to the stance of going to the eosl so that is where the club is going currently, however they require a majority vote of trust members to change that and may quite easily reach that majority. Hardly any of us know whats actually going on and are very much in the dark. Benches is from my experience a very decent guy despite my having very differing views on this particular matter.
  10. Im not asking him to calm it, im only suggesting we shouldnt be trading barbs about other organisations guy’s free to post what he wants. I think quite a few folks on either side of the debate could do with taking some form of chill pill on the subject. At the end of the day no fuckers gonna die over semi professional football so why get so worked up on any side. It looks like for the west its happening, thems the breaks.
  11. Just wondering what you hope to achieve alienating the eosl given until an egm that’s where we are going? I reluctantly believe you are right regarding the wrsjfa joining en masse but what does it achieve sniping with organisations we may need to work with in future?
  12. Is it Glencairn applying for a licence? If so great, cracking outfit, good youth system and exactly what is needed in the pyramid.
  13. Buy the tickets in advance via the yankees directly, if its midweek you should be able to get tickets for about £15, dont worry about being low down etc, i’ve sat in the gods at YS and its fine, better atmosphere more ‘real fans’ than the corporate arseholes. Its a really good night out, try to sit on the third base line at any level.
  14. That is absolutely exceptional. Frame that. Get that on a wall. Outstanding. Absolutely outstanding.
  15. Yeh I kinda agree! I know his ex modern studies teacher and she says he’s alright but theres just something really smug and arseholey about him that gets me raging. I really dislike the boy but he got the better of Morgan and said a few things that some would crap out of saying on his program, so fair play. The amount of mouth breathers on his twitter saying ‘ Piers beat you’ etc is staggering, breathtakingly staggering.
  16. I really really really dislike Ross Greer, he’s a wee fanny, but I hate Morgan more, lets see how this one plays out.
  17. Havent watched this series since that dark haired ex sbs boy outed himself as a brexit loving fanny, is it worth a second chance?
  18. I believe you are right, i’d heard of an ayrshire team making enquiries and chatting to other clubs but nothing in a while now.
  19. Old news and Clydebank aren’t involved in any WOSL talks afaik.
  20. Ffs i’m being accused of being a brit-nat on twitter because i’ve not got the tin foil hat on.
  21. Dont think and I may be wrong, that he is an advocate? Eta im aware he may hire him as a solicitor but I dont think AA has rights of audience to lead a defence. Be funny if it’s Findlay.
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