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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Thats the same creepy c**t who camped outside Kates hospital with the dolls.
  2. Id be absolutely delighted for Talbot to remain junior and hope they can add many many new stars. I wish Talbot nothing but increased success as a junior club! X
  3. Real impact of brexit, now harder to get a mortgage, mortgages now more expensive. Fucking great. Trying to remortgage just now and nearest quote is £100 more all because of brexit. Madness.
  4. One of the benefits for some clubs seems to be Tom Johnston doing his best to put you out of business if what i’ve heard is correct, hopefully be able to confirm the circumstances soon, but some very underhand tactics at play.
  5. Getting so upset about red dots you again call posters animals. Disgraceful behaviour. Can you not see the irony that your childish behaviour is apparent in all your posts with your wee digs but you actually seem to think that you’re the voice of reason or something here? The fact youre so wound up about a joke about stars above your badge is a bit mad, so is the concept of stars above the badge.
  6. See if they were engaged in some kind of terrorist activity i’d say too bad, but they were fucking protesting an illegal occupation. 0 israeli soldiers have been injured recently, 0, israels own figures. They have rubber bullets, water cannons and lots of less lethal options open to them against people armed with stones. Israel is a terrorist state, committing atrocities against the Palestinian people.
  7. Yes they tested the nerve gas on them. They also had organ grinders.
  8. Im pretty sure the Nazis paid the Jewish Ghetto police so the simile still works.
  9. You compared people looking to change Scottish football for the better to people who contributed to the Nazi regime and the holocaust. Stop trying to justify your actions its absolutely embarrassing. Perhaps you should become a wikipedia editor as you seem to spend enough time on it scouring for veiled references. Reading your posts is akin to someone who is a flat earther making smug digs at those who believe we live on a round planet, its a genuinely staggeringly breathtaking lack of self awareness. This is reflected by your absolute lack of understanding as to Godwins law, arguing that it wasn’t a breach of Godwins law because you believed you were right was a particular highlight of mine.
  10. Could just rename the junior forum the heads gone forum.
  11. Stop sticking the boot into Jimmy, the man was a saint.
  12. Isnt one of the people going ape on here about the pyramid = bad a BU fan?
  13. No, the castles do. Also the cost of policing the royals year in year out is actually in the hundreds of millions. Building a Disney theme park would bring in the same kind of money if we want to go down the ‘tourist revenue’ theme. If we had a royal family model like the Dutch i’d find it significantly less objectionable, where the drain on the populous is significantly less and they don’t have round the clock protection for the Dutch equivalents of Beatrice and Eugenie.
  14. Why pay for a lawyer when you can get trading standards involved?
  15. I think that was the difference in cost between the cladding that was used and the fireproof stuff that wasn’t as cheap. I seem to remember this figure coming out around the time also. The sheer opulence of these people having extravagant weddings whilst their ‘subjects’ starve or live in the era of austerity, theres kids who cant even get a lunch at school but we can pay for the wedding of millionaires.
  16. No sympathy for the industry in general, those voices of sanity let the xenophobic morons speak for the industry and did nothing to counter their argument until things started to look bad for fishing.
  17. 2 relegation spots, EOSL champs and a play off between the WOSL and SOSL champs will hopefully be the way it goes in time
  18. That he seems to discount the Godwins law reference because he perceives he is right just highlights his complete lack of self awareness.
  19. Because the pyramid isnt local, Talbot are a local team for local people. Tuesday nights in Elgin and milk and honey. I did find the motorway bit funny too.
  20. Uk entry to hold a palestine flag next year, its the only way surely?
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