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Inanimate Carbon Rod

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Everything posted by Inanimate Carbon Rod

  1. Quite a lot of the simpsons writers from when the show was good like Bill Oakley are very active on twitter, Oakley quite often posts scripts from the great bits like steamed hams etc, worth a follow. I’d have absolutely loved to have been a fly on the wall in writers room of the Simpsons in the late 80’s/90’s.
  2. I’d probably just move if I lived near someone like your neighbour.
  3. Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! -may give you an insight into my thoughts. Id then look forward to the disclosure of evidence and him in an orange jump suit. The ensuing twitter self destruction of his odious arsehole children would also please me. Melania finding a much younger nicer man and a good role model for Barron would also make me smile.
  4. Quick painless death with the neck snapping or burn to death... hmm.
  5. Jokes on you it was one of those ones where the square sausage is kept warm in the counter so it was within my view as it was placed on the crispy roll. Her hands were probably laden with all manner of disease however.
  6. I was in a roll shop in Greenock and asked them ‘do you do rolls and square sausage’? The monster behind the counter said ‘dae yeee meeeen sliiiiiice’ and i said no I think you mean square sausage, so that told her. Get these slice wankers told folks.
  7. Imagine Jackie Baillie in charge of things *shudders*.
  8. What im saying is it clearly says ‘the powers of the state are assumed’ at the start of the program but the speed at which they get information etc is highly doubtful, ie if the hunted ping up on any cctv and the hunters ask for it they are given it, the reality isnt so simple, security services etc just can’t hack into a closed loop system. I think it gives a skewed view as to the actual capability of the state, which has probably been oversimplified for tv, but that being the case they should highlight that its responses are idealised and not common. How hard could it be to find 10 people walking about being followed by a camera crew and production team?
  9. Its all for tv, the speed at which they get the ‘cctv’, the phone intercepts, all pish, would never happen that quick. The ‘questioning’ of family members getting free reign to search the house etc, would never happen.
  10. Just amazing what you see out of the conor of your eye eh?
  11. I know but to be fair its really hard to take a username (which was the boys actual name) find out where the comment was made from (ip address check) and knock his door.
  12. Her uncle literally wanted the fascists to win in ww2, in a proper country they’d have chucked the lot out.
  13. Why thank you. However my point was semi serious probably more with regards whether there should actually be a Scottish national team rather than where the stadium should be. As much as I love Scotland and voted yes, bottling out of an indy vote should see us compete as team GB with the rest of the home nations. I didnt agree with much of Mr Blatters points but its hard to disagree with that one. *Awaits onslaught from tartan army members*
  14. They voted for Hair? That should rule them out of ever voting again. That woman is a walking clusterfuck.
  15. Thanks, unfortunately having to stop in London for 3 hour transfer and it entirely reminds me why I want Scottish independence.
  16. Your pals parents sound like really well educated and entirely non ignorant people. I trust a boot in the pie was deployed?
  17. ‘Just sayin’ = unadulterated pish spouted by right wing ‘im not racist but’ types.
  18. Im in the states (well leaving tonight) so my newsfeed is sporadic with UK news, what’s it saying? Theresa May is a fucking moron, putting her own political career before the well being of 60 million people. I truly despise the tories. The only positive being it’ll strengthen the case for Scottish Indy, if we voted no now then we deserve absolutely everything they throw at us and take from us.
  19. Id be interested to see what the actual clubs say when it comes to passing it at any agm etc.
  20. A four way promotion play off for 1 relegation spot in the Lowland league? Madness. Would lowland league clubs be forced to join the backward SJFA if they were relegated say BSC or East Kilbride? I think we can safely say the Sfa will tell them to gtf.
  21. What bit? I’m only reporting what i’ve read. I also don’t think that the right minded members of the public will accept that and will protest.
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