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Posts posted by VictorOnopko

  1. 17 hours ago, peasy23 said:

    Next week will be the first time since 1985 there hasn't been a Scot in the Masters field. Quite a few times Sandy Lyle has been the only one.

    Yep, that's quite sad.  Talking of Sandy, this is lovely stuff - would have liked to see more of his shots and the reverse course:


  2. 2 hours ago, betting competition said:


    During Warnock’s eight games in charge, a fragile group of players shipped 14 goals. Five came in two home games against Motherwell and Hibernian, their only clean sheet a Scottish Cup win over non-league Bonnyrigg Rose.

    I used 12ft ladder to get passed the paywall. 

    "Weeks after his rapid departure from Aberdeen, Neil Warnock is already planning a return to the north east of Scotland.

    For £100 - and an extra £50 for those keen to take afternoon tea - Balmoral Castle will throw its doors open to members of the public over the summer months.

    For the first time, visitors will gain access to two dining rooms, the drawing room, the page’s lobby and the red corridor, where King Charles greeted Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Warnock spent Wednesday traversing the internet in a quest to get himself and wife Sharon to the front of the queue.

    ‘We saw they were letting people inside for the first time and we tried to get tickets online and couldn’t get any,’ he tells Mail Sport. ‘We tried all day on the website.

    ‘We wanted to try the afternoon tea for £150 and a look at some of the rooms.

    ‘I’d love to do that, because I’m a royalist me. It’s only 40 tickets a day and if you can get some tickets let me know. I might catch an Aberdeen game when I’m up.’



  3. On 31/03/2024 at 16:20, AyrshireTon said:

    2013 - Partick Thistle at Firhill in a top of the table clash. Lost 1-0 after a didn't-look-crossfield-pass from Tam O'Ware set up the only goal. None of our team played anything like the side that had put us top throughout the season. Still maintain that the turning point in that season was Partick being 2-1 down at Cowdenbeath and the game getting abandoned.


    My recollection (could be wrong) is that Morton were on top mid-season having played 2 or 3 games more than us and beaten us around Christmas at Firhill in a scrappy game.  We caught Morton once we played those games in hand, and played attractive attacking football most of the season with SOD and ATS as pacy wing backs and Erskine, Lawless and Doolan all on great form.  We doled out some pumpings scoring 5, 6, and 7 goals - and won the league by 11 points in the end. It's the only season I can remember where there was oodles of confidence around the club from quite early on that we were going to be champions.

    McNamara left us for Yinited midway through (a nervy moment) but that was a key turning point as we started to win away games under Archibald which we had struggled to do before.  Yes we were lucky with the fogged off game against Cowdenbeath - but the 1-0 win over Morton at a buzzing Firhill was just a very cagey and tense affair, with neither side playing their best.

  4. 14 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

    I think if anything it would be easier to police here.

    Like you've said, the issue with Man City is the scale of the cheating, the complexity of the cheating, and also the tactics of the exceptionally expensive legal team they have. You'd be unlikely to run into those factors here, for numerous reasons. If we did, then we deal with it.

    But I think the overall idea is sound. Clubs should broadly be spending in line with what they can afford. The idea of the sugar daddy investment is one everyone in Scottish football should be hugely suspicious of, as there is basically no gain in it for the investor.

    There should be a mechanism for someone to put money into a club. Why not? But only on a gift basis. If I've got £20m and I want to gift that to Albion Rovers with no ability to ever ask them for it back, then that's fair enough. If I am Albion Rovers' owner and I decide to loan them £20m and promise I'll never ask for it back, then they're fucked if I ever do and those fans lose their club.

    But none of the clubs want this, as they basically all want the ability to overspend if it suits them. Same as how, despite covid, they've still not got round to agreeing how we deal with any shortened seasons in future. The clubs will never do anything they might tie their hands in a situation where they want to act in self-interest.

    Long-term, the losers will be the fans. Hibs fans may have an interesting time ahead, for example.

    Perhaps, but I would guess that if either of the Old Firm were charged with something then they'd get better lawyers in to defend them than a diddy team could muster.  As with global finance/taxes, the biggest cheats tend to get away with everything, while small fry are hammered.

    Also, not sure who would propose to bring a FFP structure in, or pay for it - and while it may not be 100% the case, most Scottish clubs these days seem a lot better run than they were 10-20 years ago, so there is a question mark over whether this would be worth the hassle and inevitable ongoing controversies. 

  5. If we look down south, the FFP rules have so far been unable to pin anything on Man Citeh (who have been facing about a hundred charges for a long time now), while managing to do so quite quickly at Forest and Everton (but changing their minds on points deductions for the latter, so the league table has had an asterisk against it while they decide what to do).  That's probably due to the complexity of the financial dodginess going on, but also maybe because Citeh have the best legal team oil money can buy.  It does seem likely that the main effect up here would be to hammer smaller clubs with oversized investors, but that kind of thing is out of fashion now anyway.

    If it did get brought into Scotland I have little doubt it would be botched, and I shudder at the thought of the endless Sportsound discussions on the matter.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

    Got the same shirt. :lol: 

    Haha - good taste 😄 One day I think Scotland should go full Saltire on an official kit. The away 06-07 sort of did it (an inverted version anyway), and it was great.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

    Happy to see that no da's have been bemoaning the fact that 7th can end up with more points than 6th, while forgetting that the two sections are essentially separate leagues. 👍

    They are indeed, and every media outlet and official source should start showing them as two separate league tables, which would be much more logical.

    I would say the uneven home/away balance is the main point against the split but in general it does liven up the tail end of the season.

  8. 9 hours ago, Super Staggie said:

    Well maybe the advert wasn't a minter, Plymouth have binned their manager, and Del Boy has previous to a very good level with the Pilgrims. Watch this space and Yogi don't sent your CV to Plymouth, although I'm sure the local pundits will be touting him for the job🤣

    Whether he oozes back into his old job is irrelevant - the ad was 100% minterific from start to finish.

  9. On 31/03/2024 at 10:18, Jamie_M said:

    What on earth is a 'Falkirk'?

    They had 5 seasons in the top tier ending in 2010 mate.  Last time Greenock were in the top tier was in 1988 when you conceded 100 goals.

    They were in 3 Scottish cup finals between 1997-2015.  last time Greenock managed that was in 1948.

    Falkirk's 5 year stint in L1 has been funny obviously, but I'm still not sure you have the upper hand here tbh.

  10. 42 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    Michael Stewart reads a phrase and decides he’s going to use it constantly. “Reinventing the wheel” 7 times in the space of 5 minutes, all while getting inexplicably wound up by Aberdeen FC. MacIntyre hyperbolically crawing in the background deems it borderline unlistenable.

    He just said it again! 

    As we move past half past 3, we could maybe wrap up the still ongoing Aberdeen manager chat, fascinating though it is, and get more game updates from the grounds?  Just an idea...

  11. 16 hours ago, Ignoramus said:

    Looking at the schedule, I’d be looking to take most of April off if not all of it if I were Bob and his team. He shouldn’t play next week and then he won’t get into the Masters and Hilton Head as a signature event. He could possibly play with Laird at the Zurich as a nice palate cleanser, but otherwise clear the head, sort the problems out and get ready for the Byron Nelson in May.

    He did say he’d be playing a full US schedule to the Scottish, no reason to change that and panic too much but if the form continues, he’ll have to have some big discussions moving forward after the Open about what tour he finishes the season on.

    Think he has now confirmed he is not playing next week, so presumably he'll head home for a while.  The Masters was always going to be a big ask given his form.  I would be amazed if he's back playing the DPW tour before the end of the season though - much more money to be made and experience gained in the US while he still has a card and is making some cuts.  He'd really be chucking it if he didn't go back after the Open (I also have a funny feeling he might do well at Troon - but that is probably just wishful thinking as he is my favourite player and it's my favourite course in Scotland; cannae wait to spectate there in July).

  12. 4 hours ago, doulikefish said:

    Laird in at -1 Bob was going along nicely at -1 I went to bed and checked this morning and he had a bit of disaster the last few holes ended up +4 .Needs a decent one today to make the cut 

    I hope I'm wrong but I just don't see where a -4 round is coming from today from Bob.  There have been one or two tentative signs of progress in recent weeks (6th in Mexico and did OK at the Valspar) but it sounds like his iron/approach play is now misfiring badly; even at Valspar where he made the cut (just) he hit loads of wedges/short irons to distant 2-putt range or even missed the greens and short-sided himself a lot, so was forced to get up and down to many times. He also seems to get really annoyed really quickly and to be spending a lot of time seething, and playing the next hole after a mistake badly too. Psychologist badly needed before this season just slips away from him.

    That said, I'm intrigued by Tosti, the small angry Argentinian who is also in his debut PGA season.  Apparently his behaviour is extremely erratic and he is -4 so far this week, so maybe angry golf works for some folk.

  13. 23 hours ago, 2426255 said:

    I don't think you can read too much into these friendlies in terms of the team for the Germany game. My main takeaways are that:

    • Most players got time on the pitch, some more than others.
    • We didn't get a win and start 'positive momentum'.
    • We learned we have some capacity to go toe to toe with a top level nation ahead of the Euro's.

    First two points are very dull takes indeed, well done. On the last one - Northern Ireland are 74th in the world m8.

  14. 3 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

    Clubs I support: Morton

    Clubs that I would gladly see suffer not only an administration, but a financial crisis of such devastating severity that it eternally eliminated the appetite of the local community to ever house a professional football club ever again: Ayr, Partick, Queen's Park, Airdire, Falkirk, Clyde, Dundee, Celtic, Rangers

    This bait reminded me of your eye-bleeding Partick Thistle Liquidation / Gravedancing thread which brought quite a few of your fellow roasters crawling out of the woodwork.

    I hope you enjoyed your team's multiple beatings from the still very much operational and unliquidated Jags this season.


  15. "Alexander Graham Bell: 'Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.'

    "Let that sink in. The key to finding success in your career requires a diverse skill set and intellect, emotional intelligence and functional or technical skills are all important."

    Man, that's deep stuff, thanks Derek. He's truly a great football philosopher of our times, is DA.  Definitely not just a guy who has a cringey quote to hand which he thinks makes him look clever. 

    If he gets another gig then I suggest "Live, Laugh, Love" after the inevitably rapid sacking. 


  16. On 26/03/2024 at 17:33, itzdrk said:

    It's no really the place for it but I have never understood why people want buildings to have old shitty windows where you normally have to install a second window inside to stop everyone freezing to death.  

    Indeed.  And I'd be willing to bet that the folk wringing their hands about a cheaper, modern alternative being used have no interest whatsoever in Thistle or our stadium (and probably no awareness of financial pressures in Scottish football) except to have a wee tut about historical accuracy when walking past.

    Regional List (lol) MSP Sweeney's apparent suggestion to try to get the building listed at a time when work is already underway - which could therefore presumably cost us quite a lot of money in the unlikely event he could make a retrospective listing happen - marks him out, quite frankly, as a busybody. He apparently cares about the appearance and fabric of our old stand, but he clearly hasn't considered the overall interests of the football club playing at the stadium and their staff.  The new windows look fine.

  17. 12 hours ago, Leith Green said:

    Wales are the fucking media darlings just now.

    I listen to 6 music and can barely turn it on these days without some leek munching sheep shagger presenting a show and introducing some obscure shite band "from my home town"  singing in a language 99% of the audience don't understand.

    Good to see them getting rammed tonight.


    This. The Welsh fans seem to be suffering from a terrible case of mass humblebragging - the media coverage from people like Elis James (who I don't mind on 5L with John Robins when he's not talking about the Welsh football team) is hugely self-congratulatory and seems to be under the delusion that non-Welsh people find them fascinating and likable. 

    "Look at us with our bucket hats, we're just a small country but boyo we've been through a lot, did we ever mention that Joe Jordan once handballed it and got a crucial pen otherwise we'd definitely been at the world cup finals - er, despite failing to score in that match and still having another to play, which we lost? We've never got over that - but we've been happy to cheer on Bale being a massive diving cheat for ten years.  The Euros will miss us this summer even though we completely stank out the World Cup with a team of Championship jabronis."

    A Wales-free Euros is a very pleasant scenario.  Hopefully they don't qualify for another major finals for 50 years.

  18. 5 minutes ago, kennie makevin said:

    Indeed...insanely optimistic, cheerfully deluded, and if you think that wriggling out of the group (which we won't do anyway) would make this Scotland team better than the 1928 Wembley Wizards or the 67 or 77 Scotland teams then that's an opinion alright..

    This team has fewer stars than past Scotland squads but can play just as effectively as a team.  It would quite obviously be our best ever team achievement to get to the knock out stages of a major tournament. 

    I think we might do it, you seem sure they won't. Fine.


  19. 2 minutes ago, kennie makevin said:

    On the basis of the last few performances we are the weakest in the tournament, by a distance.

    OK mate.  Never mind that we finished 9 points ahead of Georgia in our group, and were unlucky not to take something from Spain away having outclassed them at home.  We've had a few shit friendlies so we must be terrible now and by far the weakest team at the finals!

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