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Everything posted by RockMusic

  1. Airdrie? Guy at my work says both those. He also calls the 'Sleep' you get in your eyes "blearies". Vale of Leven. I can only remember the odd social climber mother calling it a heel. We called it"sleep". Sandwiches were"pieces", especially if you had them as a packed lunch. And lorne sausage was always "square slice".
  2. No! Just from an area that called them outsiders. Likewise, roasted cheese and not your toasted cheese nonsense. And sannies not gutties.
  3. Indeed, some of them in the bar before the match were three sheets to the wind but it added to a good busy bar. I chatted to two of their fans in the bar - thoroughly decent guys who, like me, enjoy the friendliness between opposing fans in the lower leagues.
  4. Night and day stuff with the early season performances, where we would've struggled versus a fat, alcoholic Sunday league side. We were well worth the victory even before their red card and the monsoon that prevented their goalkeeper kicking the ball more than 10 yards.
  5. What is it with us and losing goals in added time???
  6. No malt whisky behind the bar! That's what I get for not requesting it. Time to do it now.
  7. I lived in Haringey about 25 years ago. There were excellent Greek bakeries that sold pastries filled with spinach, ricotta and something sweet that I wasn't sure of. Still one of the best things I've ever eaten.
  8. I'm convinced that " come on now sons" and " no got a clue referee" will push us on to victory on Tuesday.
  9. To think that a number of us reckoned we wouldn't get a single point from the 5 game run that started 2 matches ago. And we've got 6 already!!
  10. Ah, the old perceived problem in Scotland. My problem in this country is the lack of Brian Jonestown Massacre songs being played on radio, tv etc... It utterly destroys me.
  11. Sorry gents - it's a Friday night, a few malt whiskies to the good, so it must be time mention the glorious brilliance of The Brian Jonestown Massacre...
  12. Aberfeldy on the subs bench.... now there's perhaps an omen; when we gubbed East Fife 4-0 I was actually in Aberfeldy and celebrated by drinking, er, Aberfeldy. Good stuff, chaps. Old Poultney is a cracker for the price and I'd love a Glengoyne in there but it's a bit on the expensive side. Even Aldi's own brand Glen Marnoch is decent enough as long as you avoid the Islay version ( our old pal, TCP). Tamnavoulin also good for a decent price. To tell you the truth, I'd be glad of anything other than Laphroaig.
  13. Highland Park please. Was my favourite for many years but prefer non- peaty whiskies these days. A middle-of-the-road like Glenlivet would suit most tastes surely? I'm going to email tonight, and ask for some decent cider too. Any requests from anyone and I'll pass them on.
  14. Apart from Laphroaig, of course, which is just disinfectant in a whisky bottle.
  15. I will, regarding the bar anyway. Malt whisky should always be available and they shouldn't even stock, bar less sell, Kopparberg "cider".
  16. Bourgie Bourgie. Can't be bothered looking them on YouTube.
  17. Yeah, often a sign of insecurity from those who have a degree but are not in a graduate profession or "degree type job". Still no excuse.
  18. Poor guy - you don't even get a long lie at the weekend..
  19. Anyone who adds to the abbreviated name of their educational qualifications after their name. Always weapons grade tossers. It's almost always people that only have ordinary degrees too.
  20. I've had the very same conversation on too many occasions to recall. All to no avail, of course.
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