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Posts posted by G_H

  1. 6 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

    Add in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire derbies, the top flight could have a derby every week.

    From a financial point of view it’d be.....interesting, great even for some.

    For most L1 clubs it’d be a step up but for Championship clubs it’d be a big drop in revenue and for any team unfortunate enough to be relegated into it then it would be devastating. 

    If it was to go ahead Airdrie (for example) would benefit by having only 1 visit from teams in the lower half of L 1 such as Stranraer and Peterhead and gain by having a visit from better supported teams like Dundee and Dunfermline. Conversely Championship sides would suffer due to the exact opposite.  A top flight team being relegated would suffer worse yet again with a visit from Stranraer aa opposed to two visits from one of the ugly sisters, a visit from 30 fans as opposed to 3000 is quite a stark change in fortunes, probably too much so.

    Conversely, it would be an experiment to see if a 20 team division would increase crowd numbers due to the reduction in monotony that would come with it.

  2. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bizarre-celtic-rangers-peace-plan-22017021

    Reading between the lines, the position seems to be: "this mess is all about squabbling between Rangers/Celtic, stick them in a corner and make them sort it out", and abstaining is a way to indicate being fed up with it.

    Personally I would probably still have voted yes though.

    Anyway, that's my quota used up for bullshit theories for the day.

  3. 1 hour ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:
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    14,18,12  with Cove and Brora in. You could argue Stranraer lose out, but you could also argue they were in the most perilous situation.

    nah, lets do 20,24 so that you lot can continue your disingenuous whining about "being relegated to the bottom division" under a restructure.

  4. 7 minutes ago, grumswall said:
    12 minutes ago, G_H said:
    Pish. Divisions of 10 are boring due to playing the same sides far too often.

    You will play the same teams too often unless it's leagues of 24. At least every team has something to play for, for longer in a season with leagues of 10.

    I'd rather variety than the "something to play for" factor, when the something to play for is the 6th-9th time in the same fucking season tbh.

  5. Gotta be honest, not really that interested in a 14-10-10-10 setup, 10 team divisions of the past few seasons are boring as f**k, considering you can end up playing the same opposition as much as what, 8 or 9 times in a season if you chuck in playoffs and cups? Not taking the opportunity to restructure the lower divisions would be a huge missed opportunity.

  6. 1 minute ago, Homer Sandoval said:

    Sadly the Glasgow axis is seen by all the important people as being pivotal to the league structure in Scotland. The evidence of 2012 firmly nails this to the wall. TV income which trickles down to the the other 40 clubs is wholly dependent on at least 4 x league matches between Celtic/Rangers. There's no box to put them back in.

    Completely understand that there's financial implications, but treating table scraps as golden handcuffs isn't going to help scottish football in the longer term. Sometimes it's better to just take the plunge and get on with it.

    Let the glasgow 2 scramble around and find a league to play in that will take them. Best case is they will get into England where they will discover that they are smaller fish than they like to think they are.

  7. 13 minutes ago, stevoraith said:

    This is the problem with the old firm- because they are glory-hunting arseholes they think that every other football fan is too and we must support one of them as our ‘big team’ and therefor if something doesn’t suit them it’s because we favour the other one.

    What we should do is award Celtic the league and 9-in-a-row.

    Then kick them both out of the league. Celtic don’t get the chance for 10-in-a-row so that keeps Rangers happy.
    They can compete in a bigots league and play each other 36 times a season.

    We’ll promote two teams from every league and carry on as normal.

    The problem we have in Scotland is Celgers being treated as more important than the entirety of the rest of the league. It's moments like this when they need to be put back into their box and told that they are not more important than 40 other clubs, but the governing bodies invariably fail at doing so.

  8. 56 minutes ago, AL-FFC said:

    See this is what f**ks me off clubs are trying to survive and you get these mutants with this sh*te thinking its a conspiracy to help the other arsecheek that is Celtic:


    Clubs are trying to survive and all they want to do if f**k everyone else over, should have just let these f*ckers go to the LL when they went tits up if they do this time no sympathy for them expel them from the league and let them start from the bottom.

    Would happily kick both teams out if it means everyone else can get on with things,  they're always the 2 clubs dragging their heels for their own interests at other clubs expense when they should, and generally do, have more resources than everyone else due to their fanbase numbers.

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