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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. The deep state could definitely improve their rep by planting child porn on Bolton's laptop.
  2. Jackson and Bush are being viewed in hindsight. Trump has plenty of gas still in the tank. The last week alone should give cause for serious concern. Last week was just another violent week in an incredibly violent nation founded on genocide.
  3. There's no way it's worse than GWB. Florida recount, 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, global financial crash. He'll have to let John Bolton nuke somewhere to top that.
  4. That's shocking. Glasgow should cite that.
  5. The Cross country train struggled with the Edinburgh Festival and Motherwell vs Hibs on the same day. There was no chance that train was stopping at Motherwell today. Shite for the Celtic fans there but predictable.
  6. Stander took out Gibbins so he couldn't support Bryce. Given the players on the pitch 2 points is decent.
  7. Munster went early. Naive from Horne to put the ball in.
  8. Lacey did a WWE style screw job on the Kings in the last ten minutes.
  9. If he's Cuban it could be relevant given that the CIA and the State Dept have spent decades legitimising right wing Cuban terror.
  10. They are less likely to vote Labour. 14% of Sun readers vs 26% of the population. But given that they are a right wing paper that's not really a surprise. The things to take from this is that (i) The Sun are shite at getting their readers to vote Tory (ii) Sun readers are a fairly insignificant voting bloc, 375,000 Sun readers voted Tory out of 13.5 million Tory votes. The BBC and their right wing editorial team are the big players in UK politics.
  11. 52% of Sun readers didn't vote so the propaganda effect isn't working. 28% of Sun readers voted Tory which is exactly the same figure as the UK electorate as a whole ie reading the Sun doesn't make someone more likely to vote Tory.
  12. No, I think they have been tricked into looking down on others. In my experience (low wage jobs and living in a scheme) that's not the case. In my experience it's people with middle class consumption who tend to be disdainful of the least well off.
  13. In terms of people who vote against their class interest I doubt it. Scotland and the UK are rife with pointless snobbery about council housing, benefits and types of consumption. Low income people are the ones who are living in council housing or shit private rents, claiming benefits, going on holiday to caravans or Blackpool and shopping at Iceland and Asda. Do you really think they are looking down on themselves?
  14. Stupid poor people..... Do you really think it's low income people who are the most likely to live near people on disability and have people reliant on benefits in their family who hold those views? Or is the types of people who think the they are a rung down from the Beckhams because they drive an Audi and go on holiday to Mexico? Also 28% of Sun readers voted Tory at the last election and 14% voted Labour.
  15. Matt Scott, Murray McCallum, Ben Toolis, Alex Allan and Jamie Ritchie are being rested as well. Blade Thompson isn't available for the Wales game. The Munster team is weaker than the one that got gubbed in Cardiff. I'd take Horne and Horne at 9 and 10 over Mathewson and Hanrahn.
  16. Edinburgh have two young locks starting but the rest of the team looks strong.
  17. So you think that while the Russians were hacking Podesta and the DNC they decided to tell the extremely sketchy Mifsud to start spreading it about London?
  18. My name isn't Anthony and i'm not HB. The fact that you not only believe that I am but follow me around posting daft emojis proves you are a thick wee troll.
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