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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Supporting Palestinian rights isn't a prejudice.
  2. 1967 borders and right of return. Sadly that's never going to happen. A one state solution with full civil rights is the only way forward.
  3. I don't see your attempt to equivocate away the Nabka as equivalent to Jewish migration into Israel being very succesful. In fact it's even stupider than your comparison with the Sudeten Germans.
  4. I presume that question was coherent in your mind but I have no idea what you are talking about.
  5. It's difficult to effectively smear someone with accusations of racism in a racist society. The Labour in crisis narrative is handy cover for the Tory Brexit shambles and going forward right wing Labour MPs defying the whip en masse.
  6. No one would blink an eye at shoot to kill now in the post De Menzes/Duggan UK. Police Scotland have been procastinating for four years on Sheku Bayoh and no one really gives a f**k.
  7. Podcats are probably hurting radio. Also the fact that social media provides access to much more nuance and detail than the generalist soundbytes the BBC provides.
  8. The apology was quite sleekit because he didn't say he rejected Meyer's views speficially just that he had shared platforms in the past with people who's views he rejected. He could be talking about anyone. He was bailed out by May calling the election as some of his support was being worn down by constant attacks and it would have been hard to keep going without the enthusiasm the election provided. He has taken an incredible level of abuse with dignity and should be able to keep going until the next GE.
  9. I agree that it would be more helpful to avoid Nazi comparisons but if people can call Trump, Bannon, Le Pen etc Nazid then surely the Palestinians have the right to compare their occupiers to Nazis. Just calling Israel imperialistic, apartheid, violent and racist is enough imo.
  10. It's not really about Israel, that's just the smear which has gotten some traction. It's about preventing Labour getting into government and fighting back against neoliberalism.
  11. When the cap fits. If the media decide to bury and distort the news that the Royal Navy extracted Abedi from Libya it definitely fits. If the media chose to they could make this a huge issue, they have chosen not to. As a result of that there will be no national debate about our security services colluding with jihadis and it's possible another event like the Manchester bombing could happen because of it.
  12. The fake news media have been blatantly distorting the information issued about Salman Abedi being extracted from Libya in 2014 by the Royal Navy. It was a humanitarian mission apparently an definitely not our government's own jihadis getting rescued from a tight spot. If you ever think we have a free press then ask yourself why there isn't greater interest in Abedi, his family, their terror group Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and their links to MI6.
  13. Twitter is going to be a total shitstorm during the midterms. They are obviously trying to figure out how to censor various groups but shadow banning and search manipulation just creates more outrage and partisan motivation.
  14. 'Goodies' and 'baddies'is a perspective worthy of a 10 year old. The men that carried out the Kingmill massacre or who murdered Jean McConville were not 'goodies'.
  15. The Norman conquest of Ireland goes back to the middle ages. Caused a lot of trouble those Normans.
  16. Imperialism should always be opposed but the protestant population in the north were long established so had/have to be part of any solution. If the UK state had simply pulled out in 1919 there would have bloodshed on the level of the partition of India. And probably an ethno protestant state in the north.
  17. Helmand Province alone is four times the size of Northern Ireland which helps the Taliban a lot. Between drones and GCHQ tricks the government can do constant surveillance on anyone they choose. It's also worth remembering that a wee fanny from National Action just got 23 years in jail for making a drunken claim to his mates about killing his MP. It's not the same world as pre 9/11.
  18. Another binary perpesctive from a poster with two braincells.
  19. I would say the civil rights improvements are the biggest factor in the current peace. The fact that there is a guaranteed political process that can unite Ireland is also vital. I don't think there will be passport checks but even if there are it won't lead to violence. The general population won't accept it and the security services are too strong for any groups to properly organise.
  20. Wilder is a nightmare match up for Fury even if his body isn't ruined. No chance this happens this year.
  21. The idea that we should consider whether or not the dissident cretins approve of political decisions is absurd. A hard border is nowhere near justification for returning to the bomb. I'd also say there's no chance of Sinn Fein returning to condoning violence, the post 9/11 world isn't very terrorist friendly.
  22. The Koch brothers are amongst the worst people in the world. The second amendment apparently only covers guns bought from corporations.
  23. Followed up by a playschool level presentation about aviation being suspended which actually ended with the words "this is not project fear".
  24. Project Fear moves up a gear. BBC 1 o'clock news suggesting you might not be able to go to Benidorm next year.
  25. He's basically saying Arkrush and Pollard are hard right arseholes who are stirring this up for political gain. He's not wrong.
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