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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas just asked the CEO of Twitter if he thinks America should be the dominant global power. It's nice to see a proud imperialist. He also complained about Google's unwillingness to help the US government create weaponised AI aka Skynet.
  2. According to the Guardian the main difference between the two candidates was that Capuano was against abolishing ICE and for a federal jobs guarantee and Pressley the opposite. So in that regard Pressley looks like the more conservative candidate.
  3. It's kind of beside the point the though. "Nazis burn own books to own the commies". The right loves the culture wars. Burning Nikes is great fun and conveniently doesn't involve discussing any substantial policy issue.
  4. The AWJ penalty against Edinburgh game was a joke as well. The Ospreys jackaler got cleared and AWJ just walked in and picked up the ball. Lacey doesn't actually know the rules.
  5. Apart from the small problem that Corbyn supporters hold all the important positions in the national party structure now.
  6. I'm not HB and i've never owned a share in my life. The idea that the SNP are completely centrist is an obvious observation. Who are the left wing people in the party? What are the left wing policies?
  7. The SNP are more to the left than any UK government since the mid 70's. What puts them to the left of New Labour? Even today they have indicated that they are going down the academy route with secondary schools.
  8. Well there has been a huge spike in nationalism. The SNP are a centrist party in the New Labour mould with a nationalist USP. There is nothing left about them.
  9. Has anyone asked Kaepernick if it's hypocritical for a man persuing a legal via his union to enter a partnership with a corporation that denies it workers the right to unionise?
  10. Not everything has to be viewed through the lens of nationalism.
  11. Most dreadful post of the day thread for this pish You just keep waiting mate. I'm sure another referendum will be along shortly.....
  12. England is more left wing than Scotland if you go by polling!
  13. Perhaps young people think that power resides at Westminster so it's probably a good idea to vote for a party that can actually use that power to make a better society? Stupid kids don't realise the best thing to do is vote SNP and spend years moaning on P&B waiting for a referendum that isn't coming.
  14. That is clearly what is going on. Part of the push for a second vote.
  15. He's pretty much guaranteed to get on when Willsman is eventually hounded out.
  16. Which conspiracy? And it's not a presumption. I've been to the midlands, there's loads of houses, hospitals and low paid jobs. It's possible people might choose insecure accommodation, dying in hospital corridors and poverty due to Corbyn not being keen on illegal settlements but I doubt it.
  17. Lol at Eddie Izzard missing out by 500 votes. Presumably people in the midlands need homes, services and decent paying jobs so I imagine they will use that angle.
  18. I'm not saying the content should be regulated but the editorial process employed by the platforms which is where the real danger lies. You also have to bear in mind that these are public companies that can be bought by anyone. So they might not always be as benign as they have been until now.
  19. Do you think print and TV media should be regulated in the UK? If you do then why not digital platforms? The issue isn't what people are saying it's the ability of Twitter, Google and Facebook to amplify some views, suppress others and completely censor at will and without users having any idea that the content they are being provided has been edited.
  20. Facebook and Twitter need to be regulated. They have far too much control over political discourse.
  21. Just turned it off. A Clermont player gets his hands on the ball in a ruck, is rolled forward but grabs the ball and hands it to a team mate while landing on his back and Clermont break out and score. Raynal (international ref) thinks it's fine! The sub scrum half for Racing passed the ball to Russell once in about 10 minutes as well.
  22. I don't know. Bad weather is part of the game. Clermont destroying Racing here. Penalties at every scrum but the Clermont aren't releasing their tackles at all which is making it impossible for Racing.
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