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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. None of the articles reporting this story explain why it may be illegal for the government to put money into a bank account.
  2. He's pointing out some fairly basic problems with market logic though. It makes sense for a corporation to outsource to get the cheapest deal but it makes no sense for a government. The benefits of investment go well beyond the actual purchase of passports, ships, trains or whatever. Gaining greater control over capital flows is one of the most necessary steps to breaking out of the debt/austerity we find ourselves in.
  3. The point is that (for example) teachers get a wage increase but it comes out of the existing education budget meaning something else being cut to pay for it.
  4. Are you sure it isn't the employees who pat the income tax? Amazon are tax dodging arseholes.
  5. I can't think of any other situation where a group would be able to consider criticism of the actions of a sovereign state as an offence against themselves. Should the same courtesy be extended to Saudis, Chinese or Americans? Why not let little Englanders take offence if someone says the UK is racist. The absolutely absurd thing is that Israel is racist. It's undeniable and it has been constant from it's inception until today. From yesterday's Guardian in an article by the Israeli and Jewish composer Daniel Barenboim "Instead, we have a law that confirms the Arab population as second-class citizens. It follows that this is a very clear form of apartheid. I don’t think the Jewish people lived for 20 centuries, mostly through persecution and enduring endless cruelties, in order to become the oppressors, inflicting cruelty on others. This new law does exactly that. Therefore, I am ashamed of being an Israeli today. " From a 1948 letter condemning the first version of Likud by Hannah Arendt, Albert Einstein and other prominent Jewish intellectuals "Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine." "The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism. " http://www.thehypertexts.com/Albert Einstein 1948 Letter New York Times Nakba.htm
  6. Killing muslims is obviously a flagship Tory policy but Dianne Abbott opposing it will really get the gammons fired up.
  7. Luckily for the poverty stricken Land Rover drivers Gove has guaranteed their free money right through this Parliament.
  8. The UK is a net exporter of milk. There's milk for everyone.
  9. The Tories are really going all out on sending the two IS guys to the USA to get executed. Obviously need to win those fash votes back from UKIP.
  10. As long as those goods aren't covered by the Human Rights Act no one on QT will care.
  11. Libya has been airbrushed from history already. All the grandstanding interventionist p***ks act like it still isn't an ongoing disaster. We also hear very little about how a member of a UK backed terror group carried out the Manchester bombing.
  12. We illegally invaded Iraq and participate in torture and rendition. Rules shmules. I don't think the government are going to let a food shortage which would definitely bring them down happen just to abide by WTO rules that China and Trump piss on. Also they obviously don't check everything that comes in.
  13. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-44915099 Noted humanitarians Israel evacuate jihadi logistic specialists from Syria.
  14. The functioning ports we have already. If the government need to avoid an administration issue becoming societal chaos they can easily wave cargo through.
  15. There's not exactly a shortage of bananas despite the fact that they all come from outside Europe. The no planes and empty shelves scare stories are daft, it's not going to happen. Regardless of Brexit consumption has to become more sustainable anyway or we'll be growing our own bananas before the century is out.
  16. They still need to turn up and swear in to get a proxy. And proxy voting would presumably come with conditions eg maternity, bereavement, illness. Otherwise you would have arseholes using it so they can concentrate on their legal practice or attend a conference in Tahiti.
  17. Collective punishment for pensioners. Who doesn't hate their grandparents?
  18. Any examples of this? Her, Abramson and Garner are complete numpties.
  19. The EU make the rules and the EU can bend the rules.
  20. They aren't going to support anything May puts forward.
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/19/northern-ireland-close-recession-cbi-warns-may-visits-region About halfway down that story it says the EU will allow Ireland to waive physical checks in the event of No Deal.
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