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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. https://jacobinmag.com/2018/09/financialization-capitalism-debt-globalization-crisis An excellent (and very clearly written) analysis of the economic structures that are fucking everything up.
  2. It was all over the guys hotel room so i'm guessing it's a bit like poppers.
  3. March 2008 he is fighting JMM in a classic at super featherweight. May 2009 he destroyed Hatton at light welter. November 2009 he brutalises Cotto at welter. November 2010 breaks Margaritos face into pieces at light middleweight. He got his just desserts in JMM 4.
  4. Edinburgh really need the win here. Good to see Bradbury back, hopefully we will see a good spell of him Ritchie and Watson. Looking at other teams Ospreys have basically named a second XV to play away to Munster. It's not great for the league if teams are just going to give up on games away to rivals and be confident that wins at home and against diddies will see them into the playoffs/champions cup.
  5. Aye they want to leave cause because they think they will be richer plus historic grievances. And unlike us there isn't any risk around the currency due to being in the Eurozone. If we had no currency issue then there would probably be more Murrayfield types on board. Also Alt-Left
  6. Bouji Catalans are only for independence because they think being in the Eurozone will protect their wealth.
  7. Aye Peterhead is awash in Krug, Bolly and Moet..... Let's look at Angus Robertson 2010 SNP 16kTory 10k Labour 7k Lib Dem 6k 2015 SNP 24K Tory 15k Labour 5k 2017 Tory 22k SNP 18k Labour 5K It's not possible to identify the exact shifts but it's fairly obvious that Labour>Tory wasn't a significant one.
  8. https://www.voterstudygroup.org/publications/2016-elections/executive-summary "Despite all the talk of change, the overwhelming message is one of continuity. Nearly 90 percent of voters for either Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump also voted for the same party’s nominee in 2012. This is similar to the long-term trend of partisan loyalty in presidential races over the last four decades. Supermajorities of both candidates’ voters were merely partisans, preferring their party’s nominee to the other party’s nominee for normal partisan reasons; " "Democracy Fund found a fairly ordinary crossover vote in 2016: 9.2 percent of Obama voters supported Trump and 5.4 percent of Mitt Romney voters supported Clinton. That was a “typical” and unsurprising degree of partisan loyalty. “The 2016 election did not create more instability, in the aggregate, than others,” it reported. "
  9. From what i've seen 9% of Obama voters went to Trump but those were largely people who also voted for Bush so not solid Dems.
  10. I mean regular as in there was no significant Dem>GOP shift from 2012 to 2016.
  11. Not voting for Clinton was enough. Everything i've seen suggests it was just a regular election and the decisive factor was people who voted for Obama (whites and blacks) but didn't vote for HRC.
  12. Voters that voted for Obama but not HRC decided the election.
  13. Obama 2008 - 43% of white voters. Obama 2012 - 39% of white voters. Clinton 2016 - 37% of white voters. If the Democrats can't arrest the decline in their share of white voters in Presidential elections they are fucked. The majority are beginning to act like a minority.
  14. Lol at Peterhead, Angus and Ardrossan being full of Champagne Socialists! It's incredible how little some Scottish nationalists know about Scotland.
  15. Revolutions are all about bunnets. Lenin, bunnet. Mao, bunnet. Fidel, bunnet.
  16. This sort of attitude is dependent on the delusion that Scotland is some kind of monolith where a single mother in Saltcoats and a banker in Edinburgh have the same interests. If there is hypothetically a Labour government in the spring then the SNP would have more to spend at Holyrood after the first budget.
  17. https://thinkprogress.org/facebook-weekly-standard-fact-check-thinkprogress-6176df1d5749/ Big Tech companies acting as censors is going well.
  18. His wee clone son was on a Financial Times podcast recently so Rees Mogg can hardly claiming to be keeping them out the public eye. This is obviously out of order but seeing MPs greeting about this when not one of them asked a question about JoJo Dixon being murdered by drone makes me think f**k them. Iraqi kids are targets, people on benefits kids are targets. They are a bunch of hypocrites.
  19. Trump's main donor is Netenyahu's main donor. Kushner has extensive financial interests in Israel. Papadopulous was given 10 thousand dollars by the state of Israel. Flynn was prosecuted for lying to the FBI about lobbying for Israel against the Obama administration. Trump recognised Jerusalem as Israel's "undivided and eternal capital". Trump ended support for Palestinian refugees and wants to deny right to return. Trump is kicking the Palestinian Authority out of Washington DC. If those links were Trump/Russia rather than Trump/Israel there would be genuine uproar. I haven't said Israel controls Trump but there is clearly collusion (which is not a crime) in the manner of the UK and Saudi Arabia. The story about Muslims is fake. This actually happened. They were arrested, kept in solitary. Failed lie detectors and judged to be Mossad agents. Their boss immediately fled the USA. No one shouldn't jump to conclusion based on events like this but it's extremely disingenuous to deny corroborated facts on the basis of the existence of conspiracy theories. Saying it didn't happen when it's documented that it did is absurd.
  20. The USA seems to fire tariffs onto things no bother despite WTO rules?
  21. https://forward.com/news/national/325698/spy-rumors-fly-on-gusts-of-truth/ A report from a Jewish New York Newspaper.
  22. These are actual things that happened! No disputes any of that.
  23. They took photos of themselves with the towers in the background. Eyewitnesses describe them as being happy. They were arrested and failed lie detector tests. The guy who owned the removal company fled to Israel never to be seen again. The FBI concluded they were Mossad agents. There is clearly more going on here than is in the public domain and the issue isn't whether or not anyone was dancing
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