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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/16735745.police-scotland-accused-of-trying-to-turn-young-football-fans-into-paid-informant/ Police Scotland need reigned in.
  2. Realistically making the Champions Cup quarter finals means two wins over Cardiff with at least one bonus so it's good they are regressing. It's great to see the Italians stepping up a level. A few years ago I thought they would have been better off joining the French leagues and possibly settling in D2 but the conference format seems to suit them. Treviso also stayed competitive in Llanelli despite a red card. Edit - Lyon put 55 points on Montpelier so the CC is going to be extremely tough!
  3. That smirking blonde woman on Marr had a genuine Nazi look to her. She could barely stop herself laughing when Rachel Shabi said £800 was a lot of money to many people.
  4. Khan will be gutted. You underestimate Amir Khan! He'll be talking about fighting the winner before the end of the week.
  5. I watched it. It was very even and Canelo won most of the early fight. Apparently the BT commentators were fanboying GGG which seems to have coloured some people's perception. I'd like to see Golovkin vs BJS and Canelo vs Charlo.
  6. It's not the defining moment of Canelo's career though. He's got 6-7 years of big fights left in him and he's been in big fights before.
  7. He should fight BJS. He looked old though He was breathing hard after one round and didn't have the power to walk Canelo down like last year.
  8. There's definitely 8 rounds that could have been Canelo's. It was a close fight and GGG has went 24 rounds in the defining point of his career without really unloading.
  9. He was winning all the early rounds. Were you watching with BT commentary? HBO thought it was very close.
  10. Aye a good result in the end. However i'm not sure that there's any sign that the bad decision making that killed Glasgow in the big games last season has been cured. Dunbar trying a Harlem Globetrotters pass early on, Horne running into contact, stupid penalty from Price. They need to tighten up.
  11. First time i've ever seen a scum for not using it!
  12. Glasgow need Gibbins. Hamish Watson has 7 covered for the foreseeable future and Jamie Ritchie is getting better with every game. I can see a Scotland 6-7-8 of Ritchie, Watson and Bradbury for the World Cup.
  13. That was a cheap hit on Zander's knee.
  14. Not the best finish when you have a sore back! Class play from Tommy. Cut the errors and we'll run away with it.
  15. Much worse than last year. They've lost all their decent players from last year.
  16. The Cheetahs look like a Tier 2 team in contact.
  17. This is a farce! Glasgow are making ground on every single phase but Dunbar tried a behind the back pass and Horne has been stripped twice in the tackle.
  18. Today's smear is on Michael Foot in the Times. A paid Soviet spy apparently I'm looking forward to hearing that Keir Hardie felt up Suffragettes and that mill workers were seen stealing from the pockets of the dead at Peterloo.
  19. It's obviously difficult for them but it's as if they are trying to turn fans off. No Australian team is likely to win Super Rugby and more than half the time a team is either getting horsed by a NZ side or playing in a different time zone. The ARU also decided to bin the Force rather than try and grow Rugby in Perth. It surely can't be beyond them to put a 8 team domestic competition together.
  20. Rugby Union is dying in Australia because of the shitty Super Rugby set up. They need to bin it and set up a domestic comp that people care about and can easily follow. BB bottled the kicks but the Boks were excellent and the ABs got a few favours from Nige. The scrum decision near the end was baffling, not sure who he fucked over on that one. New Zealand haven't replaced Kaino and McCaw, Cane and Squire aren't on the same level.
  21. Edinburgh completely dominant but only 10-0 up at HT. They passed up too many kicks at goal, keeping the scoreline close kept Connacht motivated. WP totally destroyed their starting loosehead even though the ref didn't give a pen for the first 15 minutes. The replacement LH is on and looks no better. Hamish Watson and Kinghorn have been good, Van Der Welt hasn't been great. Munster have the bonus before HT against Ospreys.
  22. Sounds like a good night. Marxism. Berliner beer. Street drugs. KB'd from Tresor. Bed.
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