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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Is that not a common thing in criminal cases? This is a bit different and the Mario Kart, Hillary Clinton and Shark Week details are all obviously designed to go viral/trend.
  2. I was buckled at work today when I read the Mario Kart comment. It's a new low for political discourse though and it's almost inevitable that Fox News will report that a female Democrat has a smelly pie before the midterms are over.
  3. Big Brian apparently about to join Toulon. A strange one considering he hasn't played in over a year. I was counting on him adding carrying to an underpowered pack. Glasgow don't seem to have much ambition this year.
  4. It's only a net gain if you believe that the work they engage in wouldn't be done if they didn't come here. You also need to consider remittances and other money leaving the country.
  5. It's a load of shite though. They are comparing EU workers with all British adults. The correct comparison would be EU full time workers vs British full time workers corrected for age and gender. They also seem to have only counted benefits/services personally consumed when the reality is we all benefit from the NHS, education, infrastructure etc regardless of whether we personally use it.
  6. Does average citizen include pensioners, children, students and people not well enough to work?
  7. The Guardian have changed the headline from 'shot down' to 'loses contact'. The Foreign Office must have had a word.
  8. GGG's jab looked weak and he was scared to go to the body again. The cards all look good to me. Anyway BJS is easily the dumbest sportsman the UK has ever produced.
  9. If you watched debates in Parliament you'd know the majority of Tory backbenchers are in fact gammons. It's actually scary seeing loads of them sitting there then thinking about the fact that for every single one of them there are another 20,000 idiots who voted for them.
  10. FBPE going down in a blaze of meltglory.
  11. Hopefully all the robbery chat will die down.
  12. There is nothing there to suggest Putin has a particular grudge against Skripal other than he was asked a question about the prisoner swap and unsurprisingly wasn't a big of the people who committed treason. There are plenty of facts but none of them back up the central claim of personal animosity. The tendency to believe that Putin micromanages every single thing which happens in Russia is ridiculous. The NYT lost any credibility it had in the run up to the Iraq War.
  13. I think there is obviously some forward planning with who plays when. There are also a lot of injuries. Lee Jones, Big Brian, the Nuke, Kiran McDonald, Swinson and Sam Johnston. Plus Rory Hughes and Matt Smith have both to come back into the squad and Adam Nicol will probably get an opportunity. Beyond that I don't expect much from Tagive, Masaga and Thomson. And obviously we need to wait and see with Tameliau. It would be handy if a couple more academy players stepped up. Edit - Robbie Nairn is flying out to SA so he looks to be ahead of Rory Hughes.
  14. Maybe not clever but he as soon as he started blogging about the Jacobites it was a sure thing that the begging bowl was about to come out.
  15. Their movements in the morning still haven't been confirmed. The evidence will never be examined so it's unlikely to ever be cleared up. Skripal didn't defect he was part of a prisoner swap. If he was targeted for assassination it was presumably for something he has done since then as his family have been able to come and go from Russia with no problems. Why do you think he's a psychopath? He definitely takes advantage of the easily led but he's fairly consistent in attacking the FO and he seems to have a lot of responsibilty away from blogging.
  16. There are still things which don't add up about the full thing. Poisoning the door knob at Sunday lunch time in bad weather is bizarre. Spraying Novichock in the hotel room. Putting the bottle in a charity bin. Why Skripal? Litvinenko was being paid 10 grand a month by MI6 to spread rumours that Putin is a paedo and ordered the apartment bombing as a false flag. Fly with the crows..... Craig Murray (justifiably) hates the foreign office and MI6 so has obviously taken upon itself to play Devil's Advocate with this. He can be a bit of a chancer some times but he also does a good job highlighting MSM hypocrisies. He also completely fleeced crazy Nats to pay his legal bills so he's not daft.
  17. He'll be a big loss for the Euro games. Glasgow really need the Nuke and Big Brian back fit and in the 23.
  18. Rod Liddle is a horrible fascist. Osaka's hair was dyed blonde during the US Open. Serena's skin is a lot lighter in the cartoon as well.
  19. With a full squad to pick from it i'd say it's an even game. However there's not much depth in this Glasgow squad and Jonny Gray gets injured they might as well not bother as we saw in the QF. Saracens have serious squad depth and quality. A back five of Itoje, Kruis, Burger, Rhodes and Billy V is gigantic.
  20. There are definitely 7 rounds you can score to Canelo. I'm struggling to remember the exact rounds but he could have been up 4-2 up after 6 and you can make a case for him in 7,8,9 and 12. With no knockdowns it basically comes down to how you score the first round where not much happened and the other very even rounds. Early in the fight Canelo looked a lot more comfortable than GGG who was blowing out his arse early and looked like he was struggling making 160.
  21. Beating Sarries once never mind twice is a tall order.
  22. Gove just outlined the right's Brexit plan. Push Chequers through then chip away at the bits they don't like in the years after.
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