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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Perhaps young people think that power resides at Westminster so it's probably a good idea to vote for a party that can actually use that power to make a better society? Stupid kids don't realise the best thing to do is vote SNP and spend years moaning on P&B waiting for a referendum that isn't coming.
  2. That is clearly what is going on. Part of the push for a second vote.
  3. He's pretty much guaranteed to get on when Willsman is eventually hounded out.
  4. Which conspiracy? And it's not a presumption. I've been to the midlands, there's loads of houses, hospitals and low paid jobs. It's possible people might choose insecure accommodation, dying in hospital corridors and poverty due to Corbyn not being keen on illegal settlements but I doubt it.
  5. Lol at Eddie Izzard missing out by 500 votes. Presumably people in the midlands need homes, services and decent paying jobs so I imagine they will use that angle.
  6. I'm not saying the content should be regulated but the editorial process employed by the platforms which is where the real danger lies. You also have to bear in mind that these are public companies that can be bought by anyone. So they might not always be as benign as they have been until now.
  7. Do you think print and TV media should be regulated in the UK? If you do then why not digital platforms? The issue isn't what people are saying it's the ability of Twitter, Google and Facebook to amplify some views, suppress others and completely censor at will and without users having any idea that the content they are being provided has been edited.
  8. Facebook and Twitter need to be regulated. They have far too much control over political discourse.
  9. Just turned it off. A Clermont player gets his hands on the ball in a ruck, is rolled forward but grabs the ball and hands it to a team mate while landing on his back and Clermont break out and score. Raynal (international ref) thinks it's fine! The sub scrum half for Racing passed the ball to Russell once in about 10 minutes as well.
  10. I don't know. Bad weather is part of the game. Clermont destroying Racing here. Penalties at every scrum but the Clermont aren't releasing their tackles at all which is making it impossible for Racing.
  11. Laidlaw vs Russell about to start on Sky. The other 28 players are no bad as well. Should be a cracking game. On the topic of the Cheetahs the Pro14 have been sold a pup. The Cheetahs have lost all their good players and the Kings are still pish. Get them to f**k.
  12. Jamie Ritchie making an impact. Should have been on earlier as Hamilton offered next to nothing.
  13. Cardiff tonking Leinster (reserves). The Blues will be a challenge for Glasgow in the conference and in Europe.
  14. 3-3 HT. Ospreys should be well ahead given the penalty count. Edinburgh need to get down in the 22.
  15. Not supporting your own weight, no hands on the ball. Have a penalty anyway.
  16. £9.99 for the first two months of the web player (which is good quality). Surely worth it not to have watch Cian Healy?
  17. Lacey asking Tipruic and Jones for some advice.
  18. Good defence though. Two tries saved by Henry on his debut. Ospreys are playing League without a tackle count.
  19. Oswald had quite the life though. He knew lots of interesting people who had links to the CIA, high society etc. Why not Ted Cruz's Da? Obama's Maw had a kid with a guy studying in America on a CIA scholarship and then married an Indonesian government official while the CIA were helping them murder hundreds of thousands of leftists. It's a small world.
  20. The thing about Ted Cruz's Da might not actually be that mental. Oswald hung about with a lot of Cuban nutters from both sides in the months leading up to the shooting.
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/aug/31/dozens-of-secondary-schools-exclude-at-least-20-of-pupils An unbelievable article about schools which exclude 20% of pupils. Unsurprisingly they are all academies. These vultures also have their eyes set on Scotland and must be opposed.
  22. Tony B is going to take his belts, his curly wurly trophy, his couch, his hub caps and that daft bit of hair if he's still got it. Do it for the casuals Bellew!
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