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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. Better start training nurses then. And doctors but the BMA would never agree to that...
  2. There is definitely a change in media coverage but there's not much evidence of opinion changing. My opinion is that a second referendum won't happen as rank and file Tory MPs won't go for it. They know that the people they rely on to elect them voted leave and would again.
  3. Any objections to ID cards are fairly redundant now that we live under total digital surveillance anyway.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jul/29/rightwing-thinktank-ministerial-access-potential-us-donors-insitute-of-economic-affairs-brexit Our favourite think tank is even more corrupt than you thought.
  5. The best part of the DCMS report is the declaration that they don't like the term fake news. They suggest two categories... 1. Misinformation ie good fake news eg WMD in Iraq, Nerve Agents in Ghouta etc 2. Disinformation ie bad fake news eg Westminster paedo rings
  6. There will be some kind of customs union voted through by loyal Tories and the Blairites. The narrative is already taking shape with scare stories, "country before party" and new attacks on Corbyn.
  7. I meant that will be the order of AJ's fights. Povetkin in September. Whyte in March. Wilder next September. Fury in 2020.
  8. Looks like it but the WBC are capable of anything to maximise their cut. I think it will be Povetkin-Whyte-Wilder-Fury.
  9. Delighted for Del Boy. KO win in front of a sold out O2 chanting his name. He's earned it.
  10. I don't like Trump. I do like the division and chaos in the American ruling class. The thing to remember about Trump is that the vast majority of his policies are regular GOP/Tory or even Dem policies. On the environment and tax he's just following the regular GOP line. On education, worker's rights and health he's in line with Cameron/Osborne/May/Hammond. His foreign policy is basically the same as Obama and Bush's with extra weapons for Ukraine. His attitude to Israel perfectly matches that of Congress. Borders had walls and children were locked up before 2017. The only major difference between Trump and the pre2017 elite is on trade. The good thing about Trump is that he has opened the door for the Dems to become a party who represent the interests of ordinary people rather than corporations. The Obama/Clinton axis aren't going to do anything to solve climate change or growing inequality so it's better that they are swept away.
  11. Putin said he wanted Trump to win. It isn't unusual for a state to prefer the candidate who is most friendly/least hostile to them. I believe the USA might have done it once or twice.
  12. Flynn was set up and his only charge concerns his FBI interview. No one knows what is going on with Cohen. Manafort is a long time crook and considering his links to the Bushs his trial should be very interesting. None of this comes close to impeachment and other than some zealots it's not having much impact on voters. How you take all this probably depends on how you view Comey, Brennan and Mueller. If you think they are hard working, honest, publics servants then you will probably believe what they say. If you think Mueller is a war criminal who promoted lies about WMD in Iraq, that Comey repeatedly framed vulnerable people for terror offences while FBI director and that Brennan has been involved in torture then you might not be so willing to believe them.
  13. The Russia stuff isn't about actually bringing Trump down it's just meant to create a barrage of noise to delegitimise him. It's a more sophisticated version of the Obama being born in Kenya/Obama shite (with Mensch and co also making it just as dumb for remedials). The benefit of this for the corporate Dems is that they can avoid talking about policy as much as possible.
  14. The meeting with the Russians isn't illegal even if they were getting information directly from the Kremlin. Hillary was doing the exact same thing via Orbis. The only way this can cause him problems is if he does a Flynn and lies to the FBI but that won't happen since he obviously won't answer any questions.
  15. The TTIP deal was negotiated in total secrecy until Greenpeace leaked hundreds of pages of it which showed that the EU was going to allow American firms to circumvent EU standards. Any trade deals in the future will depend on who is in government and will need to pass through the HoC and Lords.
  16. British households spent more than they earned last year with households in the bottom decile of income worst hit. Total consumer debt also surpassed 2007 levels. Basically this is what has paid for Hammond's celebrated budget surplus. The Tories (with Lib Dem help) have overseen a huge transfer of wealth from poorest to richest.
  17. The EU was ready to pull it's pants down for American corporations with TTIP. You don't hear much about that from remainers though.
  18. So why are we getting threatened with the chlorinated chicken? We weren't before? We are getting threatened with chlorinated chicken because Tory politicians who are in American pockets such as Fox want a free trade deal between the UK and the USA. Cholrinated chicken was on the agenda when TTIP was on the table so we were being threatened with it then but the media didn't bother to report on it.
  19. But does the EU not have a trade deal or negotiating one. If so, why does the EU not have to take the shite food/dodgy chicken but the UK would have to? That's the point. A tarrif free trade deal between the EU and the USA isn't going to happen. The EU is in too weak a position to start any TTIP pish again.
  20. A trade deal with the USA means taking their shite food, getting rid of country of origin labelling and opening up publicly owned services to competition. I do not see the EU going for that with Trump. TTIP died for a reason.
  21. Aren't those teams more likely to have close to full teams though whereas the Welsh ones will be torn up like our sides are? Cardiff and Ospreys will have less players away than Glasgow. The Kings and Cheetahs will be cannon fodder this season. Cheetahs have lost most of their best players.
  22. Looking at the fixtures I was thinking Glasgow get a rough deal with all four games against the two welsh teams in the conference during international release periods. To not have one game versus Bennneton, Zebre, Kings, Cheetahs or Dragons during the windows is a joke.
  23. I wasn't comparing him to Horner I was just saying that he is the only person who has made a similar jump. GIven all the scandals around Team Sky surely everyone has to be sceptical about these continual miracle transformations?
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