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Everything posted by Detournement

  1. It's a fairly flaccid amendment though. If the common goods area isn't agreed by 19th of January then the government has to TRY and negotiate a customs union.....
  2. Very few (if any) of the countries that went communist were democracies immiedately before.
  3. Treason is apparently commiting treason by not accussing another world leader of multiple crimes in front of the world's press with zero evidence to back it up. It's been two years since the DNC leak and the "intelligence community" still has't presented one bit of evidence. The indictment on Friday is based on Crowdstrike's assement rather than the NSA which tells you all you neex to know.
  4. No. One side was the government, loyal Tory backbenchers, Mogg's ERG, the DUP and 4 Labour Brexitters. Other side was 11 Tory remainers and Labour/SNP/LD/Plaid/Green/Hermon. Frank Field, Kate Hoey and Graham Stringer broke the Labour whip. Kelvin Hopkins also voted with the government but he's suspended for being a creep. Soubry, Morgan, Clarke, Grieve, Lee, Grieve, Wollaston, Allen, Lee, Sandbach and Stephen Hammond are the Tory rebels. We don't know how many votes Mogg has which is no doubt why May went along with these amendments. If 30-40 ERG rebelled she would be in big trouble. Now they can continue to try and sort it out behind closed doors. Edit 14 Tory remainers. Benyon, Bebb, Djangoly and Pawson.
  5. Kneussberg dishing out the fake news. Apparently the government were facing defeat on the ERG amendments despite their being no chance Labour would support Mogg.
  6. May showing a rare bit of nous here. Rather than going into battle with the Brexiteers she is taking their side knowing that the Grieve Fake Rebel Alliance will join with the the other parties to vote it down.
  7. Brennan lied to Congress about the CIA spying on Senate staffers investigating torture ordered by him. Anyone who genuinely believes that he cares about upholding the law is deluded.
  8. Trump aiming to succeed where Napoleon, Woodrow Wilson, Winston Churchill and Hitler failed.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/15/israel-turmoil-bill-allowing-jews-arabs-segregated https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-a-law-that-tells-the-truth-about-israel-1.6267705 Israel is obviously feeling emboldened by Trump and are brining in a Jim Crow/Nuremberg law. It's going to be interesting to see how the hundreds of "Friends" of Israel in Parliament spin this.
  10. If that happens unionists will boycott it the same as Catalonia.
  11. I suspect that compared to 2015 there is a huge difference between the two main parties so Labour aren't as likely to suffer an exodus of protest votes to UKIP.
  12. If the media reported accurately and as regularly about the effects of austerity or the UK role in Yemen as it does on Trump then they would attract as much protest as Trump. It would also help if the media actually reported on large protests in the tens of thousands. During the election last year Corbyn was drawing five figure crowds all over England which were barely covered while the supposedly impartial media were covering May's stage managed appearances from approved camera positions.
  13. Sturgeon has said she will "consider it in the autumn". Not exactly fighting talk.
  14. It's obviously easier to make daft accusations of me being someone else rather than face up to the fact that Sturgeon has no intention of calling another referendum.
  15. Why? Because the SNP aren't even discussing it. Because the Growth Commision was an intentional wet blanket thrown on the issue. Because Catalonia has proven that governments can ignore civic nationalism.
  16. There is zero chance of a referendum being called this parliament.
  17. Cruise ships are hardly a broad cross section of society...... As for the poll there is so much tactical voting in Scotland now it's difficult to see how they can make these predictions.
  18. Apparently British business doesn't want a trade deal with the US as they will get undercut on costs. I'd also wager that Tory strategists aren't keen on fighting an election on a platform of chlorinated chicken, US factory farms and getting rid of country of origin labelling.
  19. FBPE'rs are their own special breed. The Iraq War, the Libya catastrophe and mass homocide via austerity is fine but you better not touch their Erasmus program.
  20. Farmers providing wages and conditions that are acceptable to British workers never seems to be mentioned as a solution to the fruit picking problem.
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