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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Spartans apparently weren't bothering to apply (at least this was the story reported by the Sunday Herald a few weeks back). Presumably they believed the newco's entry was a fait accompli. They should take legal action, though. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd been paid off, TBH.
  2. Come on mate, you've been saying all along that you don't believe that they'll try this. I reckon they'll try, but fail, to manufacture a desperate, tawdry, 11th hour reprieve for the newco next week. It will be the most igniminious, pitiful, and, ultimately, contemptible, act of betrayal that has been perpetrated during this whole sorry episode. What I do believe, though, is that it will take place in smoke-filled rooms, with doors firmly closed to any public scrutiny. Who are the they, who will drive this ignoble agenda? It will be Regan and Doncaster, and, I'd say at a guess, at least half a dozen SPL clubs. Will our club be one of them? Sadly, I suspect it might well be. As you know, I have made my position very clear to Stewart Gilmour and the other directors at St Mirren - by email, phone, and directly, in person, at the meeting where you sat alongside me. Walking away from SMP that evening, I had lingering concerns about whether our club would do the right thing when the SPL clubs met the next day to vote on the newco being afforded entry to their league. These doubts as to SG's position have never really left me, but I've been willing to accept that he ultimately did the right thing on the day, and little more could be asked of him and his colleagues at that time. Since then, I've emailed the club to congratulate the BoD on their stance, and to pledge that I will do all I can to support the club during what is likely to be challenging financial circumstanes. As you know, 2 funds have been set up (by SMiSA and 10000Hours) to enable supporters to financially support the club if required, and I have already stated my intention to contribute and discussed this with my missus etc. I don't buy a ST, as you know, and I won't buy one this coming season either, but I will contribute the equivalent finances on top of the purchase of my match-day tickets. I know that many other people, including yourself, are committed to stumping up cash to support our club when many of us are having to tighten belts due to the general economic climate. If Gilmour et al have the audacity to throw that back in our faces, then they can anticipate the most vicious backlash for their troubles. If I stop attending St Mirren matches, they will have made reaching what would otherwise have been a very painful decision very straightforward indeed. As I say, if our club are involved in any form whatsoever, in an attempt to either create an SPL2 or even shoehorn the newco into the SPL after all, then I'll regard this as the ultimate betrayal. Put simply, I will no longer support St Mirren, and I don't merely mean I will stop going to matches. I think something is afoot, but I think it will fail miserably, as it deserves to, and I'll be surprised if we ever find out who colluded with the despicable plan. I'll always have my suspicions, though.... Edit for typos
  3. The SFL saw a level of unity and unselfishness that owes significant credit to the first division clubs who stated their intention to seek a 42 club solution and not to take part in a divisive alternative. This kind of unity if maintained will help deliver the change that the game so badly needs and the first division clubs in particular will merit. ie: take your SPL2 and shove it up your dung-chutes! Good stuff.
  4. More likely to concern the registration of newco with the SFA, I'd have thought.
  5. The only helpful thing Regan can do now is get himself to fuck. Right now, preferably
  6. FWIW, I don't believe it will happen, but while the very fact that it seems attempts will be made almost beggars belief, this is the least surprising development thus far. Thank Christ I'm away on holiday on Monday. This is just getting silly now.
  7. Cockwomble obviously read their initial statement and got on the blower pronto to Charlie to tell him to amend it.
  8. Hope so. Depending on how things pan out, I might be spending more time down the road than in Paisley next season....
  9. Did someone say the newco are appealing? Seriously? Appealing against what, FFS? This must be a wind-up, surely? [and YES, I will keep calling you Shirley! ]
  10. Is anyone in a position to post the leaked email(s) referrred to in the Thomson blog, and/or the basic substance of what it is all about, as I can't access social media/blog sites due to firewall. Ta much
  11. The clubs receive an email at the close of business the day before what could well be one of the most significant votes in Scottish football history, the outcome of which is likely to have a massive impact on every club. Said clubs would wish to consider their position on the basis of having met at board level, and undertaking all other enquiries they deem relevant and necessary. They are not afforded sufficient opportunity to make arrangments in respect of the above, and thus are left with little option but to request an adjournment of proceedings. Nothing far-fetched about the above scenario, IMO. Regardless of whether they would have formed a view in any event, it is an entirely different ball-game when they are suddenly required to formally vote after all. This smacks of desperate 11th hour manipulation.
  12. Anyone else smelling a rat here? Is it just possible that this 11th hour development has been introduced in order to lend a degree of legitimacy to a proposal to delay the vote? Dundee could reasonably claim that they haven't been afforded sufficient opportunity to consider the resolutions prior to the vote. Perhaps I'm getting carried away on a wave of cynicism, but I wouldn't put anything past these characters.
  13. Funnily enough, I just want Regan and Doncaster to be drawn....and hung and quartered at either side. We are now largely sharing a collective disgust at the position to which our game has been allowed to fall. This has gone way beyond the misdeeds of David Murray and Craig Whyte. The lack of leadership and personal and professional integrity demonstrated by the people who head up the governing bodies in this country in recent months is utterly shameful. I can't remember the last time anyone on here referred to Duff & Phelps. These guys now seem like bit players. Christ, even Charles Green has been getting an easy ride of late, such is the extent to which Doncaster and Regan (in particular, but not exclusively) have taken centre stage in what has become the most ignominious chapter in the history of football in Scotland.
  14. D-Day has arrived. Diddy Day. At the end of the day, many supporters of SFL clubs will be immensely proud to support their clubs. Others, considerably less so. I support a diddy club, but it seems that I'll have to wait a bit longer before I will know how my club will ultimately have conducted itself in this tawdry affair. I hope for the best, but fear the worst.
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