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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. There is most certainly an element of self-interest in the position of the majority of the St Mirren BoD. To think otherwise would be laughably naive. No surprise there, but it somewhat detracts from their vocal pronouncements that anything they decide, and any action they take, will be in the interests of the club. IMHO.
  2. I'm heterosexual, can father a child, and have a job. Phew....thank Christ we've cleared that up, I can take his opinions seriously now!
  3. I stuck the bike on the workstand this afternoon, and found that my chain was devoid of any lubrication, and really suffered from getting a soaking during the week. I had used a dry lube for the first time a few weeks ago, and this was obviously washed away without leaving a trace, and it really started grinding things up. So much so that I had to split it, soak it in degreaser, stick it back on and lube each link carefully. I'll leave it a day or so to penetrate fully (fnar, fnar). FFS, that dry lube might be okay in certain conditions, but it doesn't do hellish much to protect your bike's components. To be used with caution, I'd suggest.
  4. Just get out as often as you can, and don't hide from the hills (or a bit of shite weather, as you can't legislate for what it will be like on the day and it is worth getting used to it beforehand, if possible). If you can get a couple of 35 - 40 mile rides in before the event itself, you should be fine. Energy gels and bars provide a much-needed boost if you're flagging, particularly if you have to cycle into a head wind on the day as this can be murderous.
  5. I've not been getting out as much as I should in the last couple of weeks. The bike is riding like a bag of shite at the moment, so I'm going to spend some time tinkering with it this afternoon. Hopefully catching a few stages of Le Tour will give me some inspiration to get back out again more regularly. Wiggins showed up well in the Prologue yesterday, particularly the second half of the route. Evans done well to only lose 10 seconds or so on him, though. Should be an interesting stage today on mixed terrain.
  6. No, he got that one wrong. There is no rangers, ergo, there is no punishment.
  7. This Wilson character has form. His piece in the Sunday Herald a couple of weeks ago was desperate pro-Rangers posturing of cringeworthy proportions. His writing style is piss-poor, too, and he is one of those hacks who think that because they write in a broad-sheet, their preposterous dribblings hold authority. More to be scorned than pitied.
  8. He didn't specify that he should be strung up by the neck. A wee half hour or so strung up by the feet might give him time to consider the errors of his ways, and wouldn't seem unduly disproportionate.
  9. When Gilmour et al tar and feather that cunt Doncaster and roll him out of Hampden in a fucking shit-stained barrell, then I might have a bit of faith in anything he says.
  10. Fuck that! The baw's burst. This comes in, and I'm finished with Scottish football.
  11. I was smelling a rat when I read our Chairman's comments in the PDE yesterday. In much the same way that an entire sewer full of stinking rodents was apparent when news broke a couple of weeks back concerning league reconstruction. I'm trying to keep my powder dry with this one in the event that the story has limited substance, but it is increasingly difficult as the day progresses. I'm tired of pointing out that football supporters are treated like mugs due to our perceived blind loyalty to our respective clubs. I have no confidence that this will have changed significantly. I suspect they reckon we've been thrown a bone, and while we're distracted, they'll royally shaft us up the shitter. It is now up to us as to whether we bend over, apply the lube, and comply.
  12. We're a footballing backwater. I don't think they'll give two shites, to be honest.
  13. Time for cool heads on this latest twist, IMHO. As noted above, we have nothing substantiating this plan, and, while I suspect that there is more than a grain of truth in the press stories, we shouldn't jump the gun in launching an all-out assualt on our clubs and the governing bodies until something more concrete has emerged. Otherwise, we run the risk of bringing ourselves down to the level of the typical paranoid Ranger Media regular.
  14. Did you see Stewart Gilmour's comments in the interview with the local rag that was posted on here yesterday? I'm afraid the word 'duped' is all too apt once again.
  15. I'm starting to shift a little uneasily in my seat (at work, of course) with each passing day, as I read this thread and witness the death throes of the mighty Gers. It might be, in large part, attributable to the diet of jelly, ice cream and popcorn that has done nothing for my piles, but it is also a sense of the end game appraoching, and there being a bit less point and laugh scope as we reach this. I think we might have reached the stage where tuning into this is becoming akin to slowing down to have a shifty at a road traffic accident. Or perhaps staring at the patient in a psychiatric ward who is squatting in the corridor, rocking back and forth mumbling, we are the people....the big hoose must stay open....in a monotonous loop. I'm just not sure how much I'm enjoying watching that old dog whose back legs have chucked it, dragging his arse across the floor (analogy overload, I know). It just isn't very dignified, now that it is clearly past the stage where this old mutt should have been put out of its misery. There will, of course, be the occasional laugh out loud episode, and, by Christ, I feel I've earned the right as a diddy supporter to milk these, but, increasingly, I just find myself feeling aggrieved about the extent to which this pitiful chapter in the history of the Scottish game is dragging us all into the mire. It looks as though they've been hunted out of the top division, and this will hopefully be the case in respect of the other leagues too, so some good has certainly come of this almighty mess. I really would rather it ended now. I'm looking forward to a Rangers-free season starting in a few weeks, and I reckon they've hogged the limelight for long enough. I'm also getting tired of this diddy-club supporter love-in, and want to get back to us gratuitously putting the boot into each other. That's how it should be, after all.
  16. Given your height, you could wait forever before picking up a second-hand bike that fits you perfectly. My advice would be to set a realistic budget and do some online research. Modern aluminium frames are extremely strong, so that shouldn't be an issue even if you're a big guy. You should be able to pick up a decent bike from 2011 or even 2010 ranges with significant discounts given that you'll be looking for a XL frame, and these won't sell as quickly as standard bikes. Check the likes of Evans, Chainreaction, Cycles and Wiggle (they have massive stock), but don't forget the other, smaller outlets. It's also worth dropping into a high street bike shop so you can suss out the size you need. Avoid BSOs (bike-shaped objects) from Argos etc., as they are a false economy. You should be able to get something pretty decent for around £300 - £350 (perhaps discounted from the original price by up to 40%, so it would have decent kit). Good luck, and let us know how you get on.
  17. Er....never. I do feel a wee bit embarrassement for some of the remotely decent ones, though. Anyway, spare your sympathy. They neither need nor want it, they are THE PEEPUL, FFS!
  18. I've never really grasped what the 'floating charge' thing is all about. Uttelry fucking bewildering at times, to be honest, but I take comfort from the fact that, despite my cluelessness, I still have more basic knowledge, virtue, and I'm also better looking that James Traynor and Chick Young. Edit for typo.
  19. Utter drivel. He shouldn't be taking issue with 1st Division/other SFL teams stance, though. Not his place, and he is clearly wrong in what he is suggesting.
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