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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Henry McLeish on Radio Shortbread dribbling apologist pish. It seems we've all got our priorities wrong. We should be big enough to put aside concerns about sporting integrity, and let the guys in charge, who know best, after all, to carry out their grand plans.
  2. Indeed, it is outstanding. With each day that passes, and with each statement the wee diddy clubs release, I become more and more embarrassed to be a St Mirren supporter, if I'm being brutally honest.
  3. This sums things up for me: We must remember we are here to manage and administer our National game and not to implement anyones narrow will against the avalanche of public and fan opinion, using the excuse of promises of changes which should be taking place anyway. Another laudable statement from a wee diddy club. Diddy clubs....putting those at the top table to shame since June 2012
  4. As it looks increasingly likely that the SFL clubs will vote to have the newco in SFL3, I wonder what impact this is having on the odds of the SPL performing the most ignominious volte-face in the history of football. I sense the odds are shortening with each SFL club announcement. Does anyone genuinely believe that the newco could still get a berth in the SPL for next season? I can scarcely contemplate that such a thing is remotely possible, but something continues to niggle, nevertheless. Don't get me wrong, my knickers aren't wringing over this. If the unthinkable does happen, then I'll have a wry grin to myself, and look forward to Saturday afternoons (and Tuesday evenings etc.) doing anything other than attending a football match. Such an abomination of an outcome would actually make my decision to chuck it for good very straightforward indeed, and relatively painless, as it happens. Could this yet be the outcome? Frankly, I wouldn't bet against it.
  5. Nah, its becoming embarrassing now. Nearly as embarrassing as Celtic fans trying to take the moral high ground, TBH.
  6. Was about to post to this effect. He looked an angry man (probably should be watching his blood pressure, though ).
  7. Though, for a reasonable sum from anyone that way inclined, we are open to negotiation (tough times and all that....)
  8. Let's hope that this is one he gets right. What about Longjobbie, though?
  9. Aye, its sickening. It should be enough for him to simply pull on a St Mirren jersey and get paid handsomely for doing a 'job' he fucking enjoys, without having to grease up for matches against the bigots. Guys lke Goodwin ought to shut the fuck up and realise what side their bread is buttered on. How out of touch with the ordinary football following punters are these characters?
  10. 4.A working party will be formed, including three representatives from both the SPL and SFL, to devise a new structure for the senior professional game in Scotland. Ooh....yes please! FFS, this has to be the most ironic development yet. Yes, yes, we'll vote for a proposal that forms a working party consisting of the corrupt bawbags who've been attempting to screw us for the last couple of months. Genuis! Why didn't I think of that...?
  11. I agree with this, but do not believe for one moment that we will ever discover which clubs, if any, were colluding with this tawdry arrangement.
  12. I would sell my wife, children, and even my Tom Waits collection to pay for the privilege of delivering the coup de grace on Doncaster. For me, this odious turd epitomises everything that stinks about this whole affair. Edit for didgy spalling
  13. I was going to suggest Spit the Dog, then remembered that he is a terrier....
  14. One has to wonder if the 'financial carrots' that are being offered are being dreamed up on the basis that Sevco 5088 are in the position to complete (start?) a season in any league. Last week at St Mirren Park, this was the very point I raised with Stewart Gilmour et al. There is all this talk about the alleged financial hit being less painful with the newco in the 1st Division, but does anyone involved actually have even a modicum of confidence that this operation will be able to function as a viable football club within the next 3 weeks or so? Needless to say, they weren't brimming with confidence, and you could sense their anxiety in this regard - upon which I pointed out just how much of a gamble it would be basing any restructuring of the game etc. on such flimsy pretence. Indeed, one of our directors spoke briefly with me afterwards, and highlighted my point again, pretty much confirming that no-one has any confidence that Green will pull it off (fnar, fnar).
  15. This is a really good point. These guys are clearly incompetent and not 'fit for purpose'. Surely that, in itself, is grounds to bag them?
  16. Add that to the twenty quid each have lost in national income to the Rangers outrage, and we have one very popular former football club.
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