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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. This really is becoming more farcical by the day. Apart from anything else, they won't be bidding for FUCKING RANGERS, AS THERE IS NO FUCKING RANGERS!
  2. Indeed. This is the long-game, though. In the meantime, we've got a new season to think about, and what is urgently required is some strong leadership from the perma-flacid administrative bodies ruining (oops!) running our game. There is no place for continuing prevarication and procrastination on the part of the SPL, SFA (and, to a lesser extent, the SFL). The newco(rpse) should simply be told to do what any other new club would have to do in the circumstances, and apply for a place in the SFL. As they are unlikely to be in a position to get their act together any time soon, Secvo should keep the heid doon and continue their asset stripping exercise as they see fit. Hopefully Green will chuck it and the b*****dised corpse of Rangers will continue to decompose in the most exposed and undignified manner for our ongoing entertainment. The SFA should then proceed with their plan to flush the SPL down the U-bend, in time for the start of season 2013/14 (attempting to make the radical changes required by August will result in utter chaos). The appeasement of the collective bigot hordes must end, and the other clubs must sieze the day. Don't hold your breath people....
  3. I read his piece in the Sunday Herald with a burgeoning contempt for the man. It was replete wth subjective, unsubstantiated drivel, and was devoid of any analytical value, or even the remotest evidence of research. More cock than womble, IMHO.
  4. They've already said they won't be bothering as they cannot see any circumstances whereby the newcorpse wouldn't get in (reported in the Sunday Herald yesterday).
  5. I've got to the stage when I can't even remember whether I actually posted something previously, or just thought of something and intended to post but never got round to it - such is the impact of the glorious BRALT. Anyway, what I might have posted echoes exactly what someone else has said above - this mob simply cannot have their cake and eat it. Bearwithme was somewhat smugly claming that the club remains in place, and it is simply the company that administers the club that has changed. Hmm....I wonder if he is still ploughing that particular furrow. If they want to preserve their history, with that comes responsibiilty for the tawdry, ignominious chapters of that history. That accountability cannot be shaken off. If, however, they hold their hands up and willingly surrender that history (and not just the less than illustrious bits that effectively make up the last 10 - 15 years or so), then they start from scratch. That means they have no history, and, as an entirely new entity, look to work their way up from the bottom of the ladder - one rung at a time. Edit for typos (and probably didn't get them all).
  6. One word now perfectly sums up how things are currently shaping up.... APPEASEMENT.
  7. I thought Duff & Phelps hold them according to the hacks on the wireless yesterday.
  8. The SPL is certainly a sham of an organisation, but I sense a monumental stitch-up on the cards. I don't think any of them will emerge from this with any credit.
  9. If the SFA's grand scheme can be pushed through, there might be no vote to cast. I find it difficult not to be a bit cynical regarding the timing of this latest development. Why I even entertained the notion that the various authorities would do the right thing is a beyond me.
  10. Hmm.... I suspect the more cynical interpretation is closer to the mark, TBH.
  11. So the SFA are now becoming anxious about the prospect of the SPL chairmen growing sets and hunting the newco after all. Thus leaving them (SFA) with a tricky decision. Hence the 11th hour attempt to take the SPL out of the equation. This new structure would pave the way for Sevco2012 to enter the 2nd tier, with it being billed as a radical restructuring of the game for the benefit of all. Oh dear....
  12. If it won't, it is likely to be specified in the instructions. Should be fine, I reckon.
  13. If you fancy venturing a wee bit further, the Old Largs Road is great.
  14. A poll currently running on Black & White Army has the 'no' camp at 99.08%
  15. Now, let's just say that spineless tits such as Michael Johnston vote yes to the newco swanning straight into the SPL on the grounds that 'Rangers have been punished enough', would you still make this distinction and reel at the fact that they were remaining in the top division? FWIW, I get the distinction you are making, and posted to this effect at lunchtime. All this shite about punishment is merely obscuring the main issue - ie: that a new club should be afforded direct access to the top division, as this simply renders the entire competitive system a risable embarrassment. It isn't really about punishment any longer. This is a smokescreen to try and deflect from the fundamental wrong that could be perpetrated on our game in a few days time.
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