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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. I'd like to dedicate my post on page 1690 to a former colleague/occasional friend who sent me the text, that's why we're champions, just after St Mirren capitulated to a 9-man Rangers team at Hampden. Know what, the reason you were champions was because you cheated. Ain't feeling so smug now, are you?
  2. Traynor suggested that Rangers would have 'taken the moral high ground' and went to the 3rd Division, leaving the SPL to toil in their absence. This guy is a fucking halfwit.
  3. Indeed. I have to say that I thought the bastards might get away with it up to the point that: 1) they challenged the SFA appeal decision at the Court of Session, and; 2) D&P and Green drew up their fucking laughable CVA proposal. The tipping point was reached somewhere in between these developments, and what makes the fact that they all but toppled into the abyss as a result all the more delicious, is that they applied the final nudge themselves. Wonderful stuff. I genuinely believe they are now completely fucked.
  4. I am of the view that Rangers 2012 will NOT be permitted direct entry to the SPL. This is a massive volte-face for me, and I'm a bitter, cynical bastard at the best of times, but the tide has turned, and I reckon we're about to receive a very pleasant surprise when the time comes for the SPL clubs to vote on this.
  5. As others have already said, this thread must end on page 1690. I would make a plea to the moderators to ensure that this happens, and if not, I would urge everyone not to post beyond page 1690. A new liquidation thread should then open, and all posts be made on there. We will hit 1690 this evening, and woe betide anyone who makes the first post on page 1691....
  6. I hold you personally responsible for my premature hair-loss and THAT cup final
  7. Talking about antagonising.... All the arrogance and bluster from Green and D&P of late has only served to very much antagonise the other SPL clubs. If you'd have asked me three weeks ago what the vote would be in respect of permitting a newco direct entry to the SPL, I would have said that the lube had already been applied, but I believe that this is no longer the case. Clubs are preparing for life without the mighty Gers. There is a way to go on this one yet This truly is the gift that does not stop giving.
  8. It is worth remembering that Duff and Phelps will not be the official liquiditors. HMRC have sorted that out
  9. I think we have been failing in our duty to report the current RM mood in respect of recent developments.... I don't want in the SPL next season, tell them to f**k off. Start from the bottom, and see when we eventually do work our way up, tell them to f**k off again and stay in the first division. Watch the country die, watch St Johnstone, Hearts, Dundee Utd, struggle to pay their players, fall and slowly die. I'll fucken love it. BTW, correct me if I'm wrong but there is no rule in the SFL in regards TV deals and the club can actually aquire their own...correct? *sniggers*
  10. I opted to support St Mirren despite a family convention of supporting Rangers (albeit largely from their armchairs). I chose to support St Mirren after a mate took me to a couple of matches, and I enjoyed the atmosphere and banter. Oh, and they were my local senior team and all that.... I attended one match at Ibrox in 1994/95. Rangers versus Dundee Utd. It was a truly hideous experience, characterised by vile and venomous bile, and I've never been back, and never will be (will anyone?). So, in summary, I opted not to support Rangers, and this is perhaps one of the decisions I have made in my life of which I'm most proud. You can take your analysis and blow it our your arse Oh, and on the HMRC decision. No surprise there (I'd described the CVA proposal on the day of publication as laughable), but I punched the air in celebration in any event. GIRFUY!
  11. I've got a Monza - paid about 40 quid for it. Very good helmet with a top notch Roc Loc 5 fitting sytem (also used on their higher end lids). Highly recommended.
  12. Pish This Shifted Get! ETA: this was in reponse to a spurious new thread that was started then subsequently merged, so no longer relevant on here (so similar to No8 in that respect ).
  13. "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" So said Benjamin Franklin. They might reckon they can dodge one, but in trying to do so, they've only hastened the arrival of the other. Patience people. It will come.
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