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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. Interesting point. I wonder if any SPL chairmen were watching that through their fingers.
  2. Within the next day or so, we can anticipate the D&P exit strategy, accompanied with a statement to the effect that the are: "....withdrawing on the basis that the unsubstantiated allegations made against us in a BBC documentary have undermined our ability to continue to effectively discharge the duties associated with the role of adminstrator. The allegations are an unwarranted distraction, and we must prioritise the interest of the creditors, and, as such, the future sustainability of Rangers Football Club. It is with considerable regret, therefore, that we have opted to withdraw our services at this time. Notwithstanding this, we can confirm that we will be seeking legal redress in the most strenuous manner....." *slither, slither....*
  3. Yes, he did - he accessed them via a source from within HMRC (allegedly )
  4. It doesn't need to be. The source of the information was from inside HMRC. They'll have plenty more where that came from
  5. Indeed. I'm surprised at how many people on here seem to be downplaying the significance of what we've just watched. Even on a prima facie basis, it is pretty damning. If the authorities can access the emails Daly referred to, we're talking serious consequences for a good few characters in this tale. Meanwhile, Rangers are teetering at the edge of the abyss.
  6. I think that was pretty explosive, TBH. Duff and Phelps are in an untenable situation right now, and I anticipate they will chuck it before the week is out. Where does that leave the Mighty Gers? They're fucked unless Green comes up with serious money within the week. *Edit - typo
  7. They will. You can bookmark this if you feel the urge. There is absolutely no question that they'll circle the wagons as I suggested the other day.
  8. 1. So that would be every SPL match. 2. And that would be no SPL matches. ETA: Can we just be clear about something. Every SPL chairman will vote to permit direct entry to a newco. Each and every one of them. At best (and it ain't much), we can hope for a very modest sanction. If Rangers MkII are in the SPL next season and are toiling, it will not be attributable to anything the SPL have done. It will be a combination of the transfer embargo, and general financial constraints based on their enduring shambolic situation - ie: the SFA sanctions, and their own misdeeds. Shameful? Yes. Surprising? What do you reckon...?
  9. In other news.... I was just checking out the website for the Skye Mor at the weekend. It seems only 83 people have signed up so far, so the pressure is on not to come last!
  10. I'm fucked if I can stomach the other lot's smug attitude to this debacle. Two foul pieces of shit in the same U-bend if you ask me. ETA: FTOF!
  11. Hmm, I'm not sure about that. My fear would be that it would inflate if I coughed
  12. Exceptional post, GD. With your permission, I intend copying and pasting it onto the St Mirren site I frequent and where I have been 'debating' this issue for a few weeks now, as your post sums up my feeling remarkably well, but is presented in a far more elequent and succinct manner than I could hope to achieve.
  13. I have to say that this.... We are heading for a newco of some description. The key point, Mr. Doncaster, is whether Craig Whyte’s floating charge is still meaningful. If it is (and people with more advanced legal training than me cannot find a consensus on whether it will be) Whyte will be content to let this drama unfold. His friends at Duff & Phelps will continue to potter about while reality continues to sink in with the wider Rangers support. In the end, Whyte will play his trump card and call in a receiver who will sell all of Rangers’ assets to a newco for a sum that will go entirely to Whyte- stuffing all of the other creditors. A plan to achieve this outcome would explain a lot of Duff & Phelps’ actions over the last few months ....is almost exactly the scenario I laid out about 400 pages ago. At the time, I thought it seemed a bit overtly conspiracy theorist in nature, but, as time has worn on, I've been more inclined to buy into it.
  14. Did they not also have an o/n stay when playing in Edinburgh (Hearts match IIRC)?
  15. Meanwhile over on RM: You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me! This, erm, article, is concluded with the following sentence.... The ‘crimes’ of Rangers are nothing new. We’re not the first to find ourselves in administration at the hands of a HMRC petition for tax debt, nor will we be the last. Our punishment however, is cruel, and couldn’t contrast greater to that of the last SPL side to go into administration with huge tax debt, and a playing squad decimated by redundancies. Rather than fine & punish Gretna further however, the SPL paid salaries for them. Now, I've highlighted one section merely in order to summarise how out there this entire fairy tale is, but read in full, it constitutes one of the most finely crafted pieces of denialism since the slabberings of Harry Elmer Barnes.
  16. FFS, if ever there was a blatant admisssion of their asset stripping intentions, then this is it. Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but did this guy just say that he was walking away (oh yes, that one again) on the basis that he wouldn't be able to make any money from players sold? He would have achieved this by loaning the club money, ergo they would immediately be in debt yet again, in order to buy players who would later be sold with the 'investor(s)' getting a cut of the proceeds - hence leaving the club in debt and also losing out on essential revenue. Now there's a surprise
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