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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. FFS, can we have a mod specifically for this thread who will ethnically cleanse all the bigots for the rest of us? Get yourselves to fuck already!
  2. Cheers guys. I'm actually pretty gubbed still, probably down to dehydration. I was stocked up with electrolyte drink tabs and powders, and energy gels galore, but they were making me feel physically sick because they were getting hot given the temperature. These things can be pretty hard to stomach at the best of times, but they were giving me the boak. I had to settle with straight water eventually, and top up at every opportunity. ETA: I'm up for another Team P&B ride in the next few weeks. Anyone have any suggestions as to dates? I'm okay up to the middle of July, when I'm likely to be offski on the family holiday if we can get something cheap and cheerful booked up.
  3. I agree. The bigoted, hate-laced bile spouted by a sizeable proportion of the mouth-breathing followers of your tawdry club, and by your equally culpable single-celled brethren across Glasgow, is the most shameful thing. Your cheating runs it pretty close, though.
  4. Christ, I've been away for three days and now don't have the first clue what is happening. From what little I'm picking up form the various media outlets, it seems to me that most retailers must be running very low on vaseline and other lubricants, as numerous entities prepare to bend over and permit a gross miscarriage of justice to take place. No?
  5. Aye, I'd thoroughly recommend either Skye sportive event. It seems the two previous events were beset with terrible weather conditions, and the long route in particular would be murderous on such conditions. Indeed, I was talking to a guy who signed up for the Mor on both occasions but had to bail out and do the shorter route due to the conditions. As for winds, it's amazing how what seems like a fairly gentle breeze when you're not riding can actually be a real energy sapper on the bike. For large sections of the route on Saturday, I reckon the headwind must have put paid to my MPH rate (albeit I wasn't fussed with this on the day given the heat, climbs, and some dodgy road surfaces in parts).
  6. CTO is the acronym for compulsory treatment order. This is a provision under the terms of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. A CTO allows for the detention of a person (subject to them meeting a number of criteria) in hospital for a period of up to six months (and further periods of 6 then 12 months thereafter as considered appropriate) , or, alternatively, confers powers to treat someone on a compulsory basis in the community. Seems apt somehow....
  7. Well, that was quite something! With the thermometers topping out at around 29 celcius, that was one hell of a ride. Addding in the 4 mile cycle from the B&B to the start at Portree high School, it was pretty much 100 all in, and did it feel like it! The first 40 miles or so were spectacular as we hugged the northern coastline of the island. Breath-taking scenery, and more than a few breath-taking climbs (and descents!) thrown in, but every mile worth the effort just to be there in such sensational conditions. We then turned back towards Portree where the Beag riders finished up, while the Mor hardcore (geddit?) headed down to Dunvegin and onwards in the increasing middle of the day heat. The leg from Uig back towards Portree had been a battle against a pretty strong headwind, but this didn't come close to preparing me for the road to Dunvegin, and then, tougher still, the ride through to Sligachan. By this time, (80 miles or thereabouts), it was becoming harder with every turn of the cranks to appreciate the sight of the Cuillin looming ahead. Keeping the head up was a challenge in itself, and with a few more tough climbs - including a 'bastard' as so aptly termed by a guy who honked up it at my back - we weren't benefitting from any respite from the blistering heat. Landing in Sligachan with 9 miles to go, and topping up on fluids and a banana for good measure, we were reliably informed that aside from an initial climb away from the hotel, it was pretty much downhill to Portree, with the added bonus of a tail-wind thrown in. Quite where that tail-wind went is something I still haven't worked out, but regardless of whatever direction the breeze was blowing, that final leg was just a case of gritting the teeth and grinding it out to the finish. I presented my 'dib' timer chip and learned that I'd completed the ride in 6 hrs and 58 minutes. Not bad considering the conditions, and the requirement to take a pause at every feed station to replenish fluids. Total riding time was probably about 6 hrs 40, but yesterday was all about taking part and completing the ride. I'll probably never experience Skye in better weather conditions, so to have cycled a fair portion of it while it basked in glorious sunshine is something I won't forget. Would I do it again? Hmm....maybe the Beag next time, then off to the pub
  8. Aplogies if already posted, but I couldn't find it with a quick scan.... 'Well Hedging Their Bets
  9. Why is Neil Doncaster not in that picture, and what does Neil Doncaster have to say about that?
  10. Who is this Neil Doncaster of whom you all speak? Is he, perchance, the very same Neil Doncaster, of Neil Doncaster infamy? I think we, and, indeed, Neil Doncaster should be told!
  11. The former is apprently being charged with perverting the course of justice.
  12. Cheers b-l The route is longer but probably less challenging (climbs-wise) than the recent Scottish Bike Show 65 mile sportive which included the Duke's Pass and a few other choice ascents, and definitely looks a bit less onerous than the Glasgow 100 I did last year. 3000 metres climbing in total apparently. Sounds a lot, but spread over 95 miles, it should be okay. The max height gained is 190 metres or so, whereas some of the others have bigger and sharper climbs. I won't be underestimating it, though. I want to enjoy the day so will be taking it easy - averaging around 15 mph will do me fine. The heat will put paid to any ambitions I might have had to better that (not that I'm bothered, TBH, this is one to enjoy the scenery!). Keeping hydrated will be the key!
  13. All set for the Skye Mor on Saturday, with the forecast suggesting temperatures reaching 24C I'd better arrange for a crash team to be on standby! The route for this ride looks breathtaking, so my intention is not to kill myself but enjoy the day. Undulating is probably the best way to describe the route, though in such temperatures, the hills will be a challenge (though a sea breeze should bring some relief). I've lost some fitness having had the Small Man Flu (worse than regular as it is more concentrated ), in the past couple of weeks. I did consider dropping to the 65 mile route but I'll most likely regret this afterwards, so will stick with the original plan and tackle the full 95. The conditions look spot-on (if a tad hot), and the scenery will be spectacular. No worrying about average mph or times on the day. This is one to savour
  14. Aye, he was bagged at a recent EGM. ETA: still has a fair amount of shares, though.
  15. I passed a couple of Rangers supporting colleagues in the corridor earlier. They were strolling nonchalantly, and one was heard to comment the other that he didn't watch it, to which the other confirmed that nor did he. On spotting me passing, one quipped that they would no doubt hear all about it from a St Mirren supporter's perspective. I continued on my way without breaking my stride, but did offer them a couple of four letter words to ponder.... TICK, and TOCK.
  16. Carrera bikes are generally well reviewed, to be fair. Halfords service and after-sales is pretty shite, but the bike is probably decent for that money.
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