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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. That's odd - a hell of a lot of people have been celebrating over the last couple of days, but I didn't expect you to be one of them
  2. I'd proceed with some caution on these sites. Gumtree in particular is worth a watching (as my old Grandma used to say), as it is the favoured outlet for stolen steeds.
  3. Presumably undertaken by the adminstrators? I take it these guys are being given carte blanche to drag this out yet further? FFS, these shysters really take the biscuit (and just about everything else on the cake trolley it would seem).
  4. Meeting closed to boos and whistles from shareholders. "How do you sleep at night?" shouted To which Clark and Whitehouse replied: "Well, after consuming two bottles of 1995 Chateau Margaux, and eating truffles and foie gras from the belly button of a Scandanavian super-model, very well, thanks."
  5. Is your avatar a shot of Ally leaving the creditors meeting this morning?
  6. I'm doing my expenses claim at the moment, and have just completed an entry for 14th February. I instantly recalled that this was the day that Rangers (as distinct from The Rangers), went into administration. So distracted by this was I, that I only just remembered to get my missus a Valentines Day empire biscuit from Greggs on the road home. From now on, Valentines Day will always be know to me as Valediction Day
  7. Sky won't bail out if the newco are told to GTF. Re-negotiated reduced terms, yes, but they will not bin the deal altogether. My guess would be that St Mirren would lose something in the region of £200K p/a if the newco are hunted - nothing even resembling £500K as the 10000Hours people are apparently claiming - I'm not impressed with this intervention on their part. I spoke with Stewart Gilmour within a fortnight of the original publication of the SPL's proposed financial fair play rules. It seemed to me that his stance was largely based on the having access to the detail of Sky's position. On the basis that Sky are most likely to stick around, I believe SG will vote to deny the newco direct entry to the SPL. If he doesn't, I'll be disgusted, frankly, and as I told him at the time, I will not be back at St Mirren Park. With Aberdeen seemingly showing their cards, I now believe the others should take courage from this and follow suit. If they don't, our game is all but dead. This would be the legacy of Ranger's cheating, but culpability would be shared with others beyond the gates of Ibrox.
  8. Could people please stop responding to this trolling abomination. The aesthetic qualities of this thread are being undermined. Thanks.
  9. I went out for a ride with a colleague who is doing an Iron Man event in Germany in three weeks. He was 'tapering down' tonight. FFS, this guy is a machine, and he was clearly riding within himself to cater for my diddiness. 3 and a half hours with only a break (fucking midge-fest ) to repair a puncture to my front tyre. I don't even have the energy to blow out my arse tonight!
  10. Well, in a manner of speaking, yes. But it should be deep-cleaned at the very least, as the homeless disenfranchised and destitute have some rights (not to mention standards), after all.
  11. They could develop it into a homeless hostel for the disenfrachised and destitute. That would be quite apt, really.
  12. This Green character is an utter buffoon. He really ought to be investing in the services of some smarmy Max Clifford type to manage his PR and vet his dribblings before they hit the air. He could just about be forgiven for spouting such utter drivel if he were a football man, as the latter are not generally renowned for erudite and well-formed utterings, but at least they generally have some experience and passion, and hence understanding of how the game operates. This guy is showing himself up as a clueless blowhard, who knows the square-root of hee haw about pretty much anything he chooses to ramble on about. He evidently has way too much time on his hands. Surely he has a hedge that needs trimming, and a golf putt that needs perfecting
  13. Well folks, it has been a landmark day. I'm feeling a bit emotionally spent now, and feel it is time to retire and sleep the sleep of the just. I'd like to thank you all for sharing this truly joyous day with me. It has been a blast, and I look forward to the next instalment, and the one after that....and the one after that.... Celtic next, please.
  14. I heard comment today (from some insolvency expert woman) that HMRC had pretty much approved certain element of the proposals, but I'm not convinced either. I'm not entirely sure if it is up to HMRC alone to sanction this. The clause in the CVA document whereby Green automatically assumed the right - and responsiblity - to buy the assets for £5.5M always seemed a bit fanciful, thought some reckon it is the only way of getting anything for the creditors. Seems unlikely given that Duff & Phelps will be smacking their invoice on the table first, and after they've cleaned up, the other creditors are likely to get washers. Who knows, really?
  15. While we had heard such tales, this is certainly worth highlighting once more if only for its point and snigger potential: The new owner will also require working capital to keep the club ticking over, and to invest and grow it. Charles Green hasn't detailed how much he's planning to make available, or where it's coming from. But I'm told the new management is already sounding out small-scale investors through Independent Financial Advisers in Glasgow. Source
  16. By hitting the wee red minus sign at the bottom right of the post - as I've just demsontrated for you
  17. They should have to apply to get into the SFL like any other new club should.
  18. Congrats - I trust you've called her pozbairn in honour of our illustrious OP?
  19. I suspect that is his boy telling him to calm down and stop being so animated as the DWP might be watching and raising an eyebrow at that crutch as they pull his DLA claim form out of his file.
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