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Everything posted by Drooper

  1. From the procrastinators statement.... "That brings with it risks in terms of the level of European activity in the coming years and also sanctions from domestic football which would need to be subject to negotiation. Negotiation between whom? FFS, these guys genuinely seem to believe that the regulatory bodies should negotiate with Rangers as to what sanctions might be imposed. The fact that the spineless bastards will do just that doesn't detract from the brazen audacity of suggesting it in a public statement
  2. Interesting it might be, but I can scarcely believe that these trumpets are actually being quite so blatant as to broadcast this scenario. It clearly indicates why they've been doing the square root of fuck all since their appointment. Very cynical.
  3. Can a private citizen raise an action at the Court of Session against incompetent adminstrators, and would spite and contempt be permissible grounds on which to raise this?
  4. I thought it was quite amusing, to be fair (the point deduction suggestion, as opposed to the statement....). Anyway, are they dead yet?
  5. From BBC live feed: 1503: Robin Barbour on Twitter: "Mess at Rangers, for such an esteemed institution, the directors are behaving appalingly,and the top players should walk away"
  6. IIRC, HMRC made an application to the court to have their choice of adminstrator appointed. This was rejected. Surely it is safe to assume that they might have cause to raise an action with the Court of Session in respect of the halfwits who are currently undertaking (pun intended) the role? The fact that HMRC haven't steamed in gives me some cause for anxiety. Is it just possible that the courage of their convictions is wavering? Even so, they are still a major creditor on the basis of the £9M PAYE etc. scenario. You'd have thought that they would be scrutinising the actions of Stan and Ollie very intensely indeed. It is time for HMRC to grow a set.
  7. From the BBC: There is a statement by administrator David Whitehouse on the Rangers website: "Today has been a very frustrating day. Earlier in the day, we believed we had agreed in principle a basis of cost-cutting measures with the players accepting substantial pay cuts and we are very grateful for their efforts in reaching that point. "Sadly this evening we have been unable to reach agreement on the personal conditions sought by the advisors to the players in respect of those wage cuts. "There is still some hope these issues can be resolved first thing in the morning but it is extremely disappointing we haven't been able to get there tonight." Oh deal with it you inadequate fuckwits! Take control of the situation and stop fannying about. Pitiful stuff, it really is. I can't imagine a less effective team of adminstrators.
  8. That may be so, but he is a clueless buffoon nonetheless. At the very least, he ought to have the self-awareness and common decency not to come across as supercilious and smug as he does.
  9. Latest from the BBC live feed: 2111: And we hear that those two or three players still in discussions at Murray Park are the higher earners. Honest to Christ, this is a farce.
  10. The melodrama comes from emotional exhaustion following the anticipation then deflation of the day. This situation is messing with my head and turning me into a fucking luvvie
  11. Aye, was pretty grim over here, too. in saying that, after my maiden club ride on Saturday morning in truly hellish conditions, I reckon I was a bit more conditioned to endure it than I would have been otherwise. There is something to be said for having to get out in the most attrocious conditions (eg: on the commute), though. It hardens you up, is good for the soul, and makes the sunny day rides all the better
  12. Way back when this saga (for that is surely what it is) started to unfold, I stated my belief that there is no natural justice. It seems to me that those who feed off our game, as opposed to those who simply follow our teams and hope for some form of fair and just competition to enjoy, will win the day. This is the climate we live in. The parasites who contribute least - dried up hacks with their tittle-tattle in the red-tops; fawning buttock-parters such as Doncaster; semi-literate former players as 'pundits' etc. - will lobby tirelessly to ensure that the cash-cow lives on. We are reaching a critical tipping-point in Scottish football now. I had deluded myself into almost believing that the situation at Rangers would serve as a wake-up call, and while the rest might take a short term hit, the overall outcome would be positive. Rangers fall would be the galvanising factor for other clubs to get their act together. Sadly, however, I now cannot shake off the sense that things will tip the other way. Like many others, if things pan out as I fear they will, I will be thoroughly scunnered, and if my club contribute to this with a whimpering aquiescence, then I'll be as close to walking away as I've ever been. Closer than after suffering horror defeats, or enduring abject performance after abject performance. Diddy club supporters expect and accept that as part of the deal. I didn't sign up to witness a cheats charter being written, however. That isn't sport. Well, not for me it isn't.
  13. FFS, this is laughable. Someone has to take a long hard look at the credentials of these characters. More procrastinators than adminstrators at the very best.
  14. FFS, my popcorn is going stale here! After an initial flurry, it seems that normal service has resumed
  15. Oh come on! That really isn't a pleasant image Just when we were all enjoying ourselves A cafflick?!?!
  16. Bartley? Where he stands is in the queue outside the administrators' office with the rest of them. I hope their bunions aren't playing up too much
  17. And I raise you that he hasn't seen his Fun Sized Mars Bar in an even longer while.
  18. Absolutely. It certainly makes the reading of Rangers Media more satisfying
  19. Spookily enough, it is 25 years to the day since the Zeebrugge ferry disaster
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