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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. What age range do you class an ‘auld duffer’?
  2. Refusing to wear one round the pool. No problem. Need to wear one in restaurant apart from at table. Refusal would mean ejection. If I had realised just how bad the situation here was, I’d have cancelled. Virtually 100% compliance, I’m sorry to say. Only had 2 confrontation, one from fellow guest and one from staff member. Trying to keep things calm now for Mrs DPB. Back to the land of the free (not) on Tuesday.
  3. Yes If someone wants to wear a mask, okay. If someone fears me without a mask, then stay far away from me.
  4. It’s not a small price to pay. Its a very large price. The human face is a vital part of our humanity. The ability to express emotions is critical to how we interact with our fellow humans. Take that ability away and we degrade ourselves into something akin to a robot. To me,mask wearing is completely wrong even if it were proved that it could reduce Covid by 50%
  5. Yep. Agreed. I know Morrison has lots of faults but I just find him exciting to watch.
  6. Very true. Funny how players become superstars after they’ve been out for a while?
  7. This is just so appalling. Who would have thought that Australia would have descended into such authoritarianism? Almost reminiscent of the Nazis. Slightly like that where I am in Tenerife. To access the restaurant, you can either show your vaccine certificate and receive a wrist band to avoid replicating the process or go through the process every time. No way the Mrs and myself are going about with a wristband. The girl on the door is getting fed up processing us every time. Stuff them.
  8. Impressed with MR interview. They are obviously looking at the longer term regarding players which is good to hear. Pleased that Mutch is back in the mix.
  9. Why do universities need such large social distancing? Football stadia don’t seem to need to do this. Am I missing something or is it the unions are just being awkward?
  10. Desperate stuff to put Telfer out for interview presumably to assuage the fans hunger for news.
  11. Just read a story on BBC about a headmaster complaining about the lack of warning regarding kids binning face masks. Apparently, he needs time to organise this. Am I missing something? Surely the kids just bin the masks! Immediate.
  12. I’ve still got a set of WW2 gas masks which my parents had in case of attack. Fantastic looking things!
  13. You should have received a refund. I did very quickly.
  14. Don’t think so? But who knows. Depends on the context.
  15. As a conservative unionist who thinks that Boris”s time is up, I think he won’t be viewed as badly as some people think. He got Brexit done, he won a huge majority and his instincts regarding binning the pandemic regulations are spot on. Unfortunately, he got Covid quite badly which put him out of action for a while and he had a poor bunch of people advising him. For a ‘big picture ‘ person to succeed you need some great detail people in the background. May was great on detail but had no vision and Cameron was just useless. Anyway, the story isn’t quite over yet so time will tell.
  16. Certainly, Jet2 don’t accept NHS exemption certificates.
  17. Renters plural certainly doesn't restrict a let to being a short term Airbnb set up. An HMO has renters plural as would a student flat but both are let on a longer term basis. You are being pedantic in the extreme if you are actually saying that by saying renters it indicated it was an Airbnb property It’s classed as a short term holiday let and you need to prove that you advertise it as such. Lets shut this down as it’s boring for other posters but I would appreciate it if you would stop your false insinuations about the efficacy of my posts.
  18. No, you didn’t know that. I made it clear that we had ‘renters’, plural, I.e. short term lets. You are supposed to know something about LA finance. If you would just read what I say you might learn something..
  19. At last, someone who knows what they’re talking about. Thank you very much.
  20. So many holes in that story it's clearly shite, he obviously hasn't a clue what he is talking about. You are the ones talking ‘shite’.
  21. Rates on a flat, a domestic property ? It’s not a domestic property when you rent it out for around 140 days, I think, per annum. It then becomes a business asset on which rates are payable, albeit mitigated by 100% if the RV is below around 10000. The downside is that you have to pay water rates separately. HMRC accepts this as a trading business which then attracts entrepreneurs relief CGT on the sale (10% rather than 20%) Look into it.
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