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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. That’s exactly what wife and I did. Its a wonderful release.
  2. Okay, I had a flat in East Lothian which was owned by my wife and myself. We rented it out, claimed 100% rates relief but paid water rates. During the pandemic we lost renters but, rightly or wrongly just thought it was immoral to claim grants on a property on which we had no mortgage and minimal expenses. You obviously are knowledgeable on. these matters but we were quite happy to just not bother claiming.
  3. Yep Laura Craig works in the office. Very pleasant lady
  4. A 25% fraud recovery rate is actually pretty good. It's the level of fraudulent claims paid that's the issue there but given the haste of the scheme it should surprise no one. There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of people out there looking to exploit situations like this. Like a sweetie shop for large OCGs A loophole they allowed was in the case of small rental property owners who were set up as a business, claimed 100% rates relief, quite correctly, but could then claim grants from the council if they were so inclined. Absolutely wrong morally to claim grants.
  5. Correct. Dust today although warm and good for sunbathing but rain scheduled for tomorrow. Not good!
  6. Was in Turkey, Dalaman, in October and they were fairly relaxed. Russians were okay and didn’t bother a toss about masks.
  7. Not as such but as there appears to be 100% adherence I have succumbed with regards to going into restaurants but NOT around the pool. Don't want to ruin our holiday with anymore stress than necessary but happy to continue the fight on return to Scotland. I know people come here in January/February and they are currently on tier 4 . Just be aware.
  8. Believe what you like but I’m just telling folks who may be thinking of coming here shortly to be aware of the situation. Its very authoritarian more so from European visitors than Spanish hotel staff.
  9. Arrived inTenerife yesterday to find that their restrictions are even worse than Scotland. Even to enter the hotel restaurants, proof of vaccination is required. Moving about the grounds and pool area, masks are required. The only exception seems to be sunbathing. Determined to keep calm and enjoy things but a bit of a downer. Was going to the pool and was shouted at by another guest (Western European) - MASK!! Ignored him and pointed to the pool which seemed to calm him down. Just shows how this has got to some people. Terribly sad and gives total credence to Oaksoft’s views. Anyway, noticed that this guy and his wife are both heavy smokers. You couldn’t make it up!
  10. Yes, it’s pretty obvious that these people have absolutely no influence over NS. Just voting fodder!
  11. I think you’ll find that what he probably meant was that, for years Ireland had one of the worlds lowest CT rates which they used very successfully to attract lots of tech companies which used Ireland as part of their worldwide tax avoidance and, for Ireland, created lots of hi-tec jobs. In recent years I think Ireland has been forced by the EU to increase the rate up to 15%. and the jury’s out as to what the effect will be. Probably ‘tax haven ‘ is a bit excessive but he does have a point.
  12. Agreed. I know a member of one of the teams who are going to be doing a fair bit of work behind the scenes. These people are putting in lots of effort for no reward. We should b grateful.
  13. You were the one who didn’t even know that CT referred to Corporation Tax?
  14. Clarithromycin 500mg - twice a day for a week. Worked a treat.
  15. Because you keep bringing her up as a very independent lady. Good on her.
  16. My wife has just recovered from a seriously bad respiratory infection (old fashioned flu). After eliminating Covid her GP prescribed antibiotics and proceeded to tell her that she has never seen so many similar cases for years. Non Covid flu is making a return big time!
  17. Thing is, I have absolutely no problems with all those parties but why did they let themselves get bullied about by all those SAGE types into bringing out totally over the top draconian rules and regs. Boris’s instincts were right but if you legislate then everyone has to abide by the rules. Personally, as I’ve said many times, my self and my family just ignored them.
  18. As a conservative unionist, unfortunately I must agree with JRM. Never really thought he was up to the job.
  19. Great move by Javid to reduce isolation down to 5days to bring UK into line with US. What is SG going to do? Just heard the usual waffle from NS.
  20. Just like Nicola regarding lifting needless restrictions.
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