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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Correct. I actually spoke at a Freedom Rally held locally last Spring but was disappointed to find that most of the folks there (not many) were anti Vaxers and anarchist types. Never again.
  2. But are those people actually sick rather than having been in contact with someone with Covid?
  3. I’d guess the ones in academia are probably ‘failed scientists’. Appears every Tom ,dick and Harry is a professor.
  4. Saw him last week having lunch with the players after training and seemed to getting along well with everyone.
  5. So you’re so thick you can’t make your own decisions? Thats what he’s saying
  6. Heneghan is the only sensible one out of the lot. Regularly appears on JHB and GB News but tends to be ignored by the MSM.
  7. That's fair enough it's the only part of any lockdown that imparts a choice though. I'd be much angrier at not being allowed to attend football than limiting my household contacts but everyone has their own weighting of importance to such things. They know they have to allow a reasonable level of household mixing for that very reason ie folk would ignore it but no such option for areas of society ordered to close. Jeepers, when you use such terms as ‘allowing a certain amount of mixing’ do you realise how authoritarian that sounds. No way is a government of any stripe ALLOWING me to mix with anyone I want to.
  8. Chairman of Sage has admitted to Fraser Nelson that they only do worst case scenario modelling as they assume that someone in Government does modelling regards the downside economic and social effects of lockdown policies. Only problem is - they don’t?
  9. That’s just typical of the media with a headline like that but Nicola, who brought it on? She can’t have it both ways.
  10. I haven’t looked it up but I thought Trident was about £5bn per annum
  11. There’s also a suggestion that climate change science is based on this kind of logic. I see the WEF at work here.
  12. These exchanges between Nelson and Medley are unbelievable. For SAGE to say that they only model worst case scenarios as they are the only scenarios that will need Government action is beyond belief. Worse still that governments don’t seem to realise what’s going on is just mind blowing. I need a scientific view on this. Oaksoft, where are you?
  13. Bob, at this present time I despise Johnston more than Sturgeon as he is the leader of the UK and must set the pace and is making a hash of it Sturgeon is merely a peripheral player who follows in a junior capacity, albeit 3 weeks behind and is ‘more caring’.
  14. Interestingly, Andrew Neil is now on to these recent revelations about ‘worst case scenarios’. Expect fireworks coming soon.
  15. That’s 2 years money. Nothing was given last year. They have around 160 members.
  16. Have been taking a few steps back regarding this ‘pandemic’ and trying to look at it through a new perspective. Eventually, Alpha, Delta and Omnicron will blow themselves out but, as sure as night follows day a new variant of Covid will come along and we’ll be back to square one. Maybe a better policy would be to ditch all restrictions, masks, etc. and just let it rip and put all our resources into the hospital sector. We could construct military style field hospitals (Louisa Jordan)to house the badly affected, equipped with ventilators, drugs, everything necessary to support Covid patients where they would be kept well away from the regular hospitals. As time goes on, with more and more people fully vaccinated the need for these facilities should decrease and rather than continually pushing the endgame further away down the road, we confront it full on. Okay, there will be deaths, as there are at present, but who’s to say that this may not be a bad plan. Already, I’ve heard Carl Heneghan and Karl Sikora suggesting that we move along these lines. To continue as at present is madness as the public are increasingly just ignoring the ‘rules’ and realising that life is a lot more than mere survival but the joyous interaction of one human spirit with another and that being controlled by politicians and scientists is no way to live. Im not bothered about myself as I’ve had a wonderful life but I am bothered about the young and middle aged who are being denied the fulfilment and happiness that should be there for them but is being wrongly withheld from them for no good reason.
  17. Contact Gordon Wright at the club. He is the Company Registrar and will send you the necessary form. The minimum purchase is 1000 shares at 40p.
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