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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. And whose fault is that? Our political leaders and the media, I’m afraid.
  2. Probably correct. The sooner the better and then we can all move on. Whats your problem?
  3. All this stuff about investigation, whether by Sue Gray or Miss Marple is totally irrelevant. Boris is a goner. He got Brexit done, he’s done well with the vaccines but he’s turned the Conservative party into New Labour. High taxes, cost of living increases, illiberal restrictions, big state government - not conservative. The Party will ditch him fairly soon.
  4. They’re correct. We shouldn’t have ANY restrictions.
  5. At least BJ will soon be gone. How long till NS gets binned?
  6. Our face to face bridge at the club has been stopped since beginning of January. Back to online bridge on BBO which is actually not bad.
  7. The thing is that I have no problem with folk having parties back then. Personally, I never bothered with any of the stupid rules. However, if you make the rules, you need to abide by the rules. Don't think Boris will last much longer. The sooner he’s gone the better.
  8. That’s hospital admissions which relate to cases a few weeks earlier. Cases at 9th January so Scotland higher than England and that’s with our restrictions.
  9. Yes, but why not this Saturday? Absolutely no reason for those moronic restrictions. Just look at the Man U game last night. Complete waste of time especially as England has better case rates than Scotland.
  10. Completely agree. For those who like to stay within the law it is easy to get a self certified exemption certificate. They also make it plain that you don’t need to wear a lanyard which they recognise is discriminatory. So, really no problems in ditching the masks. Get to it, everyone.
  11. Further to my previous post, I appreciate that, unlike myself, the vast majority on here are separatists and therefore have some sympathy towards the SNP. However, be aware, that the only thing that might help us here is BJ and the UK Tory awkward squad. If England ditches all legal restrictions, then that will put pressure on the SG but you can’t count on it especially with such a maniac in charge up here.
  12. I think it’s getting time for civil disobedience. Was in Morrison’s today and the wife and I were the only unmasked humanoids. They've completely brainwashed the Scottish population into total subjugation. We have to start somewhere. Please, please dump your masks otherwise where will things end?
  13. Let’s be clear. Commentators AND pundits. In my experience, most men can relate to the Harry and Paul characters with sympathy. Anyway, changed days.
  14. Not at all. There are lots of women directors, executives, physios, officials etc. in football. The point is just one of personal preference regarding the punditry side of it. I hadn’t really thought much about it until my wife stated that she much preferred listening to the views of top ex pros who are obviously male. Each to his own preferences. The Harry Enfield sketch put up by Kincardine was hilarious. Hadn’t seen that one before.
  15. Firstly, I don’t think I even mentioned Tommy Robinson who I dislike intensely.Secondly, I stated that we hated women commentating on ‘men’s football’, a game they don’t participate in. The word hate was not against women but against ‘commentating’. You may not agree but that’s your prerogative. Tell me what stories I’ve made up?
  16. I, for one, was being abused mercilessly on the football and politics forums until I found this place which has become an oasis of sanity amidst all the crap.
  17. Yes, Boris’s personality and traits is a big turn off but, at the moment, the big thing is policy differences. A large minority of the party don’t want green taxes, disagree with the NI increases, disagree with the nannyish Covid policy and want a harder line on the NI protocol. These are clear matters of policy difference and not just down to Boris.
  18. In principle, I agree with what you are saying but, in practice at Holyrood, there is never any dissentient voices to be heard within the SNP. They all just vote dependent on what NS says. In WM it’s totally different where you constantly hear MP’s of independent opinions and not just towing the party line. However, you do make a decent point.
  19. Wow!! Devestating stuff. Love to hear the response from GD and the SNP cultists.
  20. That is correct. Rules were changed a few years ago when small employers were granted an annual allowance to deduct from NI contributions. On the other hand SSP cannot now be deducted from monthly payments. Quid pro quo.
  21. Wife has been very poorly for the last five days with a severe respiratory infection (not Covid) and is now on antibiotics. GP tells her that they are seeing a huge increase in this type of disease in comparison to the last 2 years when there was very little. Because of that, the GP surmises that the annual flu jab is much less effective this year against non- Covid flu. Interesting! Maybe, at the start we should just have let things rip and over the 2 year period the outcome wouldn’t have been much different but, we could have lived (or died) much more ‘normal’ lives.
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