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Posts posted by WattersIsGod

  1. 1 minute ago, DiegoDiego said:

    Whilst Young is doing a good job and it seems like you'll achieve your aims for this season, if you're looking over a longer time frame then a part-time team from a place the size of Stirling should have survival in League 1 as a minimum acceptable placing.

    100% agree with this.


    there was a thread recently on here about where you see your club and their ambitions. i said pretty much what you said, that the short term ambition this season has to be to stay up but longer term this is the minimum level we should be at. Comfortably staying in League One next season with the ambition of getting towards being the best part time side. 

    it's frustrated me for years how much we underachieved in division 2 even when we had seemingly half decent squads. Darren Young has been our only decent managerial appointment in ages and it's made a huge difference.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Beepee67 said:

    Saturday will take care of itself for us, it won't define our final league position.. but we need to put in maximum effort... we just have to concentrate on ourselves, last quarter of the league...we have done ok so far, not bad for a wee part time team from Stirling.... yes we have had some poor performances, notably away at  Grangemouth & NDP... 

    We need to play with no fear, intensity & desire..help each other, defend as a unit...

    I think Kelty have also been dragged into this battle down the bottom half..it's going to be an interesting finish to the campaign... without being disrespectful i think ECFC have gone... our last 4 games are Kelty...QOS...ECFC...Annan....that's our direct opponents for the remainder of the season...

    A team effort on Saturday & self belief can go a long way.... proud of my wee part time team...I'd be delighted if we can take a point from it...but we need to believe it in the dressing room 

    C'mon the bino's 🇵🇪


    Proud of them this season as well. especially given that it was only half way through the season we started to get towards a squad fit for the division.

    out of the home games, only the Alloa and Montrose defeats were ones where i really felt down about the performance.  i thought we gave a decent account of ourselves against Falkirk at home last time. 

    a couple of the home draws felt like ones we should have won but that's tempered slightly by Hamilton failing to beat us in either game. 

    i'm cautiously optimistic of finishing at least 8th.

    i wish that Stirling being a decent sized one club town made a difference but it doesn't......

    we are where we are.......

    as for tomorrow, it's going to be hard work for sure but if they play like they did against Hamilton then a point isn't out of the question. 

  3. i would hazard a guess that poster wasn't serious. 

    i think you'll find that most of the regular posters on here have a pretty realistic view of where we sit.

    was interesting looking back at the thread though.  props to CoveRangers72 whose prediction that there really wouldn't be much between 4th and 8th seeming to be the truest prediction of all. 

    nobody predicted just how bad QOS would be. 


  4. 1 hour ago, SA45 said:

    Not much change in tactics but have been looking at the RB position the past few games and think they both haven't been at their best going forward with a lot of passes going out. I'd like to try Banner in the RB role - is that madness?  Anyway Marvin might park the bus so could be a tricky one but think we can do it.

    Thanks to our roving reporter and man behind the scenes Beepee.


    If I'm not mistaken Banner started one game at right back this season and did OK.. 

    A home.game early ish in the season which I'm pretty sure we won. Kelty maybe....

  5. i think Miller is a decent player but probably not the right one for this team. 

    As the two above have said, he's a controlling type player, good at keeping possession, decent technically but not exactly dynamic. He'd suit a team that wants to keep the ball and play a slow patient build up.

    i thought he might have been some use away from home in tougher games but DY usually only plays one nominally defensive midfielder.


  6. 10 minutes ago, SA45 said:

    Thought BC's kicking and distribution was well off last night. Still too many goal kick hoofs for my liking but maybe that's what he's being told but we're better with the ball on the deck instead of midfield tennis.

    100% this.

    When we built out from the back last night we were usually decent.


  7. Short term ambition is to stay in this league without need of the playoffs. Medium term I'd say is to stabilise in this division and be a comfortably mid table league one team.

    Longer term ambition has to be becoming the best part time side.

    I don't see the path to us being a viable full time side sadly.

    I'd love the support to grow a bit, at least enough to be filling most of the stand and one of the terraces but this season has shown we aren't there yet.

    Be good to see the academy producing some first teamers

    Where we are now is where I think we should be. Lower mid table in league 1.

    We've got a good set up stadium and pitch wise. Finally I feel we have a squad and manager good enough to go with it.



    22 minutes ago, unitedbino said:

    This is true. Scouse also loudly shouted 'f**k off' at a home fan who suggested he shouldn't have played a risky pass back to Blair Currie...

    Tbf.... Scouse absolutely hammered that backpass at Currie and it wasn't the best.

    It wasn't me btw.... I was too far away for him to hear me.


  9. 40 minutes ago, Flybhoy said:

    As goalless draws go it was actually pretty decent, Albion could have nicked it in the last ten minutes, Hamilton are fucking dugmeat, their fans were shouting Rankine Rankine get tae f**k after 5 minutes 🤣🤣

    Can't disagree. A very entertaining 0 0 draw.

    Very little between the sides and you certainly would have struggled to pick out the part time team.

    Passed the Hamilton supporters bus on the motorway and got to see all the sad faces. I cam see why they want Rankin out right enough...

    Pleased with the point and going above QOS a bonus too.

    Hard to say which fanbase is more dissatisfied with their manager between Hamilton and QOS


  10. 17 minutes ago, SA45 said:

    I'm not sure how DY will go on the right side and there could be a few injury concerns after EC on Saturday, but looks like the coaching staff are reading this after last week's changes. 😁 1 or 3 points please.


    Injuries may certainly dictate the exact lineup.

    Really did seem that DYwas reading here last week between your team selection and BPs desire to get lewis Milne benched.

    I'd  personally be willing to sacrifice a striker for a midfielder but unlikely DY does that at home

  11. I don't like Scouse at right back. He's neither good enough in possession or with his distribution to play there. He looks like a centre half playing full back.......unsurprisingly.

    I'd start same 4 in midfield but would definitely consider starting cooper off Carrick rather than hilson or spence.

    This will be a very different game to Saturday where we won't have as much of the ball and an extra midfielder might help.

    Hamiltons form should give us some confidence. A draw and an increase of the gap to Annan and going above QOS would be a great result.

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