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Bairn Necessities

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Everything posted by Bairn Necessities

  1. Oh this one is w**k. Don't get me wrong. We are an absolute horror show of a side. Brutally pish.
  2. The Hartley defence was poorer. Hard to believe but true.
  3. Airdrie Utd is a shit name. Can you not change it back to Airdrieonians at some point?
  4. I'm not going to Airdrie unless Danny Dyer is coming...
  5. Pretty depressing if a decrepit Lee miller is the January answer. And he probably is.
  6. Is that in the same way that Chelsea couldn't be wrong about Sammut?
  7. One of the great mysteries. Looked an absolutely dreadful player. Could be completely reinvented at Liverpool but I doubt it.
  8. Not buying this context pish. As others have said having a pop at the fans is absolutely standard for these cretinous c***s. You aren't obligated to call your fans' behaviour unacceptable. Ironically some Falkirk fans' behaviour was unacceptable - the happy clappy COYB "Can you tell us any more Mark? Guid tae see ye at the game Mark" types. Certainly wasn't anyone at Dumbarton though.
  9. The main thing that has to be remembered here is the contempt factor. These people hate ordinary fans. At least Sandy Alexander was fairly open last time about his seethe at the temerity of the individual fan to question him or his pals. Don't we know who he is? I don't understand how anyone can volunteer their time at the club now. Fair enough if you have paid employment there - a jobs a job - but to be part of this shitshow voluntarily is bonkers. Even if you are a shareholder you mean nothing to them. They have the club by the balls.
  10. Oh that's good, we have some guy called Gary Deans involved. He must be a step up on the previous Lang and Campbell typ..... Oh, nope. f**k you Gary Deans.
  11. Beattie's son is scathing about Kieran Koszary, as well as Miller and Thomson. Presumably saying things his old man would, but can't. Always dangerous with "he said, he said" versions of events to pick a side. But there are questions to be answered here.
  12. Spot on. It does sum it up that everyone knew who the bullying allegation would be about, without any clues. I really really wish none of the MSG were involved with the club anymore. They can buy a season ticket if they want - and I'm grudging them that. We needed Kenny Jamieson and David Whyte (who I do know is a decent individual) to clean house. That ship has sailed though sadly due to our board's scumbaggery. . Shows a total lack of any governance , effective HR procedures and culture that all companies from Joe's chip van to BT must have. Bet we won't have any smug, self satisfied and accusatory press releases about bullying in the workplace from the board, will we? Funny how keeping quiet and letting the case play through will be the mantra now they are on the hook, not the fans. I fucking hate our board.
  13. Is it? Sorry, I just heard they had it permanently. Oops.
  14. Absolutely mental decision. After that East Fife debacle as well. We're rancid and I've seen nothing to suggest McCracken and Miller are the guys to sort that (or that they aren't to be fair - they are completely untried). Should have been interim until the end of the season, or until something noticeably changed on the field. They might win the league, but so might have McKinnon. We really are a clown shoe organisation.
  15. Would absolutely love Jo Swinson to lose her seat to the SNP. Make it so.
  16. These accounts are an utter disgrace. The true cost of the utter shambles Campbell and Lang presided over. I'm past the point of bailing out any of the MSG. They can wallow in this mess.
  17. Why? He has a successful managerial record at a far higher level than is. Of course he's had failures too, otherwise he wouldn't be in the frame. We're in League One FFS. Who do people think we're going to get? Jack Ross?
  18. Would be delighted with Owen Coyle. I know it's been a blessing in the end, as it got us rid of clownshoes in the dugout, but that goal we lost to Dumbarton yesterday. f**k me.
  19. Are there any further humiliations this c**t can lead us to?
  20. Is there any actual day to day governance at the club now? I mean that genuinely. We have a board that's given up, doesn't care about the fans and doesn't care about this season. We have a manager that can't believe he hasn't been sacked and is waiting for that inevitability. A disgruntled fanbase who I have to say shot ourselves in the foot by stupidly buying season tickets ( can't believe people did that still) and now are having to accept being fucked over having ponied up a year's cash anyway. Absolutely fucking grim. No end in sight either
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