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Everything posted by Ayr23

  1. From where I was standing it looked like the ball was in the air for ages for the 1st, very similar to last week where he should have done better (the official highlights don’t show the angle well, but Mattman’s vlog shows that he was basically on the ground before the ball had even hit the net). The second today looked like it it went through his hands? I’m not saying he should be dropped, but I’m interested to see the 2nd back. Overall I’d say it’s a frustrating point. Bullen’s substitutes were dreadful and for whatever reason he started playing for the draw. I can totally understand McAllister’s annoyance at being taken off. Ashford should have been taken off. And McKenzie should have went off before he did. The first half and the start of the second we carved them open playing the ball on the deck through the middle, why we started pumping it up to a lone Dipo I’ll never know. We should have been well clear by HT. Looking forward to a great away trip up to Cove next week! I think we’ll get 3 points up there.
  2. Let’s just say my mate has overheard Somerset Boab this morning rehearsing in his garage…
  3. I’ve seen a setlist for tomorrow… let’s just say you better get the Hampden Anthem lyrics looked out.
  4. Bangala tweeted earlier on about the win last night, and alluded to the fact that he might be here for the Hamilton game…
  5. In other words… “Mon then”. Hilarious response from him.
  6. Awwww is someone a wee bit upset? Was just a question.
  7. Why are “Ayr United” hardly ever given that name in the media and on betting websites? Always just “Ayr”… A random question I’ve always had.
  8. I thought the atmosphere on Saturday against Arbroath was okay considering our League Cup results. When the team got forward in the second half we backed them. Really looking forward to Accies at home next week now, and hopefully a similar crowd if not more than last week.
  9. COME ON AYR!!!! Had to watch on Bet365 and be updated from mates. Unbelievable result. How did we score 3 goals? And a big thank you to Mr Bet365! COYA!
  10. I tried this for St Johnstone away but because St Johnstone weren’t streaming it, it wasn’t available.
  11. Apart from that dreadful game where Ayr lost on pens in 2018 at Hampden, Queens Park haven’t beaten Ayr United since 2007… that will probably change tonight.
  12. My Grandpa gave me hundreds of programmes too in a few polly bags, all pre 90s. Love occasionally going through them. Mixture of Scotland, Ayr, and some dead random matches.
  13. I thought the programme was an excellent read! Would buy again if it was up to the same quality. Great sitting in the hub and buying some HT draw tickets and a programme with my card.
  14. Aye he’s definitely past it. It would remind me of when we signed Craig Beattie and Kevin Kyle, both were absolutely rotten for us.
  15. Griffiths is still without a club and has been linked with Morton today from some people on Twitter. Nothing more has been said about his move to Australia. I’d be surprised if we haven’t spoken to him at this stage.
  16. Do we reckon we’ll see a new face(s) in this week? I’m sceptical, but yesterday’s performance and comments by Dick Campbell may go in our favour if a player was on the fence about joining us? We’re maybe not as bad as the league cup results suggest.
  17. No chips cheese curry or Capree Sons? I also see they do proper stone oven pizza, would be class to get a slice of that
  18. The email would have been written yesterday and scheduled to go out this morning at 8 am. Probably a good time of day to email everyone and perhaps encourage people sitting on the fence to come along. For all the years our previous Commercial Manager was in charge, I don’t recall ever getting a pre-match email which is ridiculous if you think about it. Such a simple and cost effective way to advertise to and inform your punters! As for the food van on the North Terracing closing… Thanks for the memories.
  19. There must have been dozens of players suggested, maybe they spotted one on here they missed! Maybe they’ll announce someone in the morning, “ We are pleased to announce the signing of Player X who goes straight into the match day squad for today’s game against Arbroath #weareunited”.
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