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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Come on ! Whatever your views it's an event not seen for 70 years. Surely merits a jobby !!!!
  2. What about the words of 'GSTK' to the tune of 'The Fields of Athenry' or vice versa ?
  3. Me neither. The only people I knew when I was of school age who used the word 'chapel' to refer to a Catholic church were non-catholics . They generally weren't particularly pleasant about it. Hence I've never liked the word. 'Crying In The Chapel' by Elvis Presley excepted, of course.
  4. When I went to Catholic school in the 60s & 70s I never knew anyone who referred to Church as Chapel.... when did this change and why ?
  5. Because Rangers are not a Protestant institution....they are a secterian institution. They have no interest in, understanding of , or affiliation with, any Protestant religion that I am aware of.
  6. Indeed....if there's one thing your average Scouser cannot abide it's over the top displays of mawkish sentimentality and mourning !
  7. If he can sign a royal decree putting an immediate end to "Get It On With Bryan Burnett" I'd be willing to give him a chance !
  8. UEFA should tell them, " fulfill the fixture or be removed from all European competition for this and the following two seasons ". And the SFA should have a quiet word as to whether they're representing Scotland or the Queen.
  9. You learn to live with it . How do you do that meme thing ? I'm impressed. The guys just constantly yawning !!! And in this week of all weeks . New Prime Minister, Scots crushed on Europe to the tune of 13-0, Queen dead, new King.....it will be the everlasting image . The Yawning Man ! I see it a lot. Folk yawning in my presence .
  10. Not odd at all. I was living in England at the time and the Diana hysteria was actually frightening. Felt like if I mentioned that she was just a mere and rather talentless mortal I would have been lynched.
  11. Admittedly I'm annoyed and upset that I wasn't reading a statement from the Queen offering condolences for the death of Glasgow Celtic football club, which may have coloured my post. But sir, you really can't accuse someone who stopped supporting Celtic around 1977 as being a 'boring, small minded idiot' I was and I saw the light. Join us !
  12. As taught to you by the 'Celtic family' And if they want you to have other views they'll throw you a biscuit.
  13. You can be anti the institution of monarchy as I am but still be decently respectful of the death of an old lady . Unless of course you're a half-witted 'tic man.
  14. FTK if you don't mind......and, no, they are not allowed to have views of their own. As with their bedfellows at Ibrox toxic cretinism is the default position.
  15. Would be nervous if I was the Pope considering that the Rangers or Celtic never do anything in isolation.... "A 9 in a row for you, a 9 in a row for me, a humiliating CL gubbing for you, a humiliating CL gubbing for me....."
  16. Och that's harsh. Would happily extend the felicitations of that or any other season to the good Jinkster. I'd even include a couple of my old 'Playing For Celtic' annuals from my boyhood where he can read about Celtic when they actually were a genuine European force. Now where's that old copy of 'The Holy Ground of Glasgow Celtic' of my dad's. ? I fancy a wee singalong to Dublin in the Green & the Green.
  17. No, a dislike of football clubs whose very existence promotes & promulgates religious tribalism and secterian division. You support such an institution. Fine. But you won't mind if I ridicule, disparage, laugh at and generally do down at every opportunity, your beloved bastion of bigotry.
  18. Real Madrid are 14 times European champions you nonsense merchant.......as if they'd allow themselves to be beaten by a diddy little secterian outfit whose days of European relevance ended at the boots of Athletico in 1974. Yes they've done it before but decades ago and they sure aren't going to do it again. Get back into bed with your Bigotry pals from Ibrox and leave the big stage to the big boys.
  19. I'm sure they will but they will have to play with a lot more intensity to do it. They will not have another three nil where they put in so little effort.
  20. Stop deluding yourself...It's pathetic. Celtic had no chance of taking anything from that game. Real toyed with them.
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