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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Compare the awfulness of that strip with the perfect simplicity of the Broomfield photo circa 70/71 above. I realise it's a method of extracting money from long suffering fans but 'new kits' really are a sad thing.
  2. And you're a foul mouthed cretin but live and let live, eh...
  3. The 'arrest video' seems to be a thing now. "Huv ye' seen wee Kylie's arrest video ?"
  4. You hate every single one of them ? Even Ant & Dec ? Keith Richards ? The guy who does the weather on BBC Scotland ? Pretty pathological is one way of putting it.. pathetically petty is another, straying into the hinterland between xenophobia and racism is another. Hope they lose by all means and get utterly pissed off by the 'come on England' from all corners of the 'British' media but don't let it turn you stupid.
  5. But it isn't....it really isn't. Historically it was. But calling it a football rivalry now is like calling Celtic - Queens Park a football rivalry. I don't any longer understand it but I can't let it go. I'm even telling myself i only want Spanish to win because they play the best football .
  6. Now I know we are all a bit numb, shell-shocked, hacked-off, pissed off and experiencing a stress nightmare come true but if you think that Scotland getting to the final would only have merited 10 minutes coverage before kick-off then you're just trying too hard to be bitter......and there really is no need, there's enough to be bitter about from this car crash of a tournament from a Scottish perspective without inventing stuff. 'How bad could It get ?' a voice in the wilderness cried out many weeks ago.....
  7. No, England being taken apart by the Dutch, while unlikely, would be far better. If England get to the final they might win it, Kane dives in the box - pen ? Unlikely Spanish implosion ? Never mind the increasingly hysterical, cringe inducing 'build-up' between now and Sunday. I want to relax and enjoy the Final. Come on Holland (and indeed the rest of the Netherlands) !!
  8. Wembley was good to Cruyff. First European Cup as a player for Ajax in 1971 and masterminding a 2-0 demolition of England by The Netherlands in 1977.
  9. I've never been to Elland Road but I have been to Elland.
  10. Wonderful photo from the last truly great World Cup.
  11. I agree on getting them sent home but I've detected absolutely no smugness from either English players, coaches, media or fans this time round. If anything their media and supporters are as baffled as we are that they're still in this. And that, I fear, means they're going to win it.
  12. Only if we can insist they save a seat for the utterly predictable tedium that is the domestic Scottish top flight.
  13. Andy should concentrate his efforts on getting fit for a final bow at the US Open which, despite what the Wimbledon obsessed British media tell us, was the scene of his greatest triumph in 2012.
  14. Your definition of 'absolute nonsense' is .....'absolute nonsense'. Our top flight is utter rubbish and hinders player development. Surely that's obvious ? All the mentality in the world won't right the wrongs that a 10/12 team league has imposed on the game..it has no redeeming features whatsoever. Or has it ?
  15. Back to the tediously predictable, mind numbingly dull sectarian shite stuff you mean ? International football is the real deal. The only deal.
  16. Who's this 'Yogi' imposter people keep referring to ? John 'Yogi Bear' Hughes played for Celtic in the 60's, on form was an unstoppable winger. He never managed or exposed his penis on national television, to my knowledge. Sadly he is no longer with us.
  17. Correct...all those who wail 'but we will have meaningless games' whenever an expanded league is brought up need to own the shite state of affairs that have come to pass. Clubs, players need to have room to breath, develop and grow. f**k what the likes of Tam Cowan, who has zero interest in the game of football, think. 18 team top flight now !!!!
  18. Would you rather they react to defeat by trying to decapitate police officers ?
  19. Substitute 'English' media' with 'Tartan Army' in your post and you've a word perfect description of Scotland.
  20. No , no, no !!!! Scotland at major tournaments is a hard enough watch without Alan Preston, 'Packie' Bonner, Willie Miller and all the rest whose names escape me because they're such appalling pundits, mumbling and dismantling the English language...
  21. We stink the place out and quite rightly finish last and slink home. They stink the place out and win their group. Without getting too McGlashan about it the amount of luck England carry in major tournaments is truly a thing of wonder.
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