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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. I'm sure he is but unfortunately like almost all ex-professional footballers employed by Radio Scotland as 'pundits' , he lacks the qualities of insight, erudition, marshalling of basic facts (and indeed basic grammar) required to perform what is essentially a journalistic role. To paraphrase, just because someone used to drive a Taxi doesn't make them an expert on the workings of the internal combustion engine..(or whatever it is you call it).
  2. Return of The Giant Hogweed Carpet Crawlers Watcher of the Skies Firth of Fifth Harold the Barrel
  3. Alarmingly Richard Gordon falling over himself to assure 'Doddsie' that his sportsound seat would be left open. Wish BBC Scotland would use this opportunity to permanently clear out their sad array of semi-literate ex pros and replace them proper coherent sports j journalists.
  4. For the purposes of sectarian balance may I put on record my opinion that the character of 'Mackenzie ' in Emmerdale is very much a "Scottish arsehole" Other nationalities of arsenals are, of, course , available in the foyer.
  5. The young Shaw clearly thick as pigshit if he thinks the Green Secterians are 'one of the most famous and prestigious clubs in the world ' Almost Bonneresque levels of stupidity .
  6. What could possibly be more interesting than "I don't like Bonner, Boyd, Uncle Tom English an' aw" ? Say who you don't like and, if the mood takes you, why . Simple yet effective. Hours of harmless invective.
  7. Steven Gerrard . If he seriously wants a crack at the Liverpool job then making Aberdeen title challengers will mean far more on his CV than winning a bugguns turn championship for one of the Bigot Brothers.
  8. I think a comedy panel show entitled "Along Came Bonner" should be pitched to BBC Scotland. Just various statements followed by the shows title. eg: "After years of struggle to finally eradicate the vile racist 'thick Irishman' trope from Scottish society .....Along Came Bonner."
  9. Afrikaaner who would do well to remember that his only proper title of merit was won for Dundee United.
  10. The Old Firm won it today and will always win it until the rest of Scottish football remove them like the cancer they are.....
  11. 'Holy Haircut ' issues "come and get me" plea to low level sectarian football club - Daily Everybodyelse
  12. Considering he played for neither of the Old Bigots what chance of a decent appreciation of Ian St John on Sportsound this evening ?
  13. Will always remember Ian St John from the footage of him as a World Cup panellist becoming increasingly demented as a clod hopping Scotland tried and failed to score against a Uruquay team which played with 10 men for 89 minutes. A true, true Scot !
  14. Actually Frank Harvey was a decent keeper (Johnstone Burgh 1924-32 , 68 goals cocedect, 3 clean sheets). It is of course Frank Hapless from Wembley 1961.
  15. Were you right Greavsie, yes you were ! Try watching clowns like Alan Rough and Stewart Kennedy in the 70's, never mind Frank Harvey and whichever cat like genius was in goal for us at Wmbley in 1955. Two things Jimmy Greaves was top notch at: goalscoring and his opinion of Scottish keepers .
  16. Could the 'Holy Haircut' be the man to ensure we continue to laugh at Celtic ?
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