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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. And the Rangers 'manager figure' in their little montage is all suited , booted and necktied while the Celtic 'manager figure' is dressed in casual leisure attire clearly designed to place him 'downstairs among the lower orders'. This kind of endemic anti-Irish racism tells you exactly why Celtic have been so disgracefully held back by the football authorities for decades !
  2. Scottish football without the two Glasgow secterian clubs the way forward..
  3. The Old Firm are vermin and sadly very much still with us. When one of Rangers or Celtic put forward proposals for a more equitable distribution of wealth in the SPLF resulting in Celtic & Rangers voting against each other I will revise my opinion. Until such time that happens their is still an 'Old Firm' however much pissing on the wind people like you indulge in.
  4. So this cretinous secterian duopoly that is killing Scottish football just our fevered imaginings then ? It's the 'Old Firm' , poisonous capitalist cartel. You may have heard.
  5. Scottish football is dead as a serious competitive sport in that case. If that's what we're happy with, fine.
  6. Don't for god's sake blame the schools..... you'll wake up the segregationists..
  7. So why in the name of Bob Crampsey is he on TV talking about it ? Get moronic ex-pros off of my television & radio sets and do it now !!
  8. You could substitute the word 'Celtic' for the word 'Rangers' in that post and not change its meaning or truthfulness in any way. These two really are joined at the head, hip and arse !
  9. Brenden Rogers & Martin O'Neill Celtic management wise, certainly.
  10. Give me the ones from the foothills of the Pyrenees any day.
  11. Such classy winners these Old Firm types.....that's the bullet you dodged, Eddie ! Howay ....
  12. Would oor Alistair really say ' ya shitbag' ? Didn't learn that at Maxellton Primary & Hunter High, surely ? I sense an imposter.
  13. I suggest Dundee United as a club to now turn towards in that case. Others are available of course but just so glad you seen the light - joy in heaven over one sinner repenting and all that. Might want to change your profile pic if you're serious about wanting no part of the Old Firm, mind you.
  14. Of no relevance in the real world, young Mr Ball.....where 'Old Firm' means "satirical term used to highlight how two, supposedly bitter rivals, have merged into one entity for the purpose of corrupting Scottish football for their own financial benefit". Now if Celtic have trademarked that.......fair play to them !
  15. Bizarrely he looks older in that photo than he did when he was Scotland manager. The bracing Blackburn air and the ageing effect of a no frills crewcut I suppose.
  16. It doesn't upset me....I'm correct and whoever 'clicky' is is not. I've been using the term 'Old Firm' with varying degrees of 'affection' for over 50 years and doubtless will continue to do so as it's the most apt description of the seedy cartel and unholy alliance that has moulded Scottish football to its own whims for over a century.
  17. The phrase 'Old Firm' really isn't 'yours' to trademark and certainly it is not for Celtic and Rangers to decide who can or can't use it any more than Celtic and Rangers can decide who does or who does not use the term 'Bigotry Brothers' , for example. These are examples of terms coined down the years by others about Celtic & Rangers not terms coined by Celtic & Rangers about themselves. In short, the term 'Old Firm' is ours, the outsiders looking in; and it is what we call you......you (Celtic & Rangers) do not get a say in the matter.
  18. That's what I like to hear ! Maybe it'll need a couple of jaunty musical numbers like "On Robert Kelly's Doorstep" & "You've Gotta Willie Waddell Or Two", to keep it family friendly ? Hard to tell with Hollywood these days.
  19. Only two more sleeps until BigotFest when Santa stumbles down the chimney worse the wear for drink and lamps his wife/partner because s football team he is no influence on or control over, loses a game. Isn't it grand . . . .
  20. In the football world there's a challenge hurled and it says.....?
  21. What's the best entertainment wise ? Derby Day in Glasgow(©Ian Crocker) or Glasgow Day in Derby (©Bonnie Prince Charlie) ? Or should I put this in the Travel Forum ?
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