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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Nope, can't agree... Celtic being utterly annihilated by Feyenoord on 1970 is fact not utter nonsense. Celtic being comfortably beaten by Porto in 2003 is also fact. The utter nonsense is the post that prompted my reply. A predictable and slightly tedious howl of hate from a Celtic fan who must know that their team will in all likelihood never again reach a European final.
  2. What it means is that Celtic's European final defeats in 1970 & 2003 were far more comprehensive than anything Rangers suffered on Wednesday night so really nothing for Celtic fans to crow about. There, that wasn't too difficult, was it.
  3. Yes we couldn't dare have any of the above because everything always has to be about Celtic. Is Feyenoord your favourite Dutch team by a country mile ? Porto your favourite Portuguese ? Glass houses and stone throwers come to mind here.
  4. Yes don't you dare blame the schools bad man...... don't you understand that tolerance, understanding and respect for others can only come about through segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever ? Have you learned nothing from history ?
  5. Rangers being desperately unlucky last night is very debatable. They won the toss for pens at their end and also to take the first one...that was lucky even though it didn't work. Celtic, before revisionism totally takes hold, were well beaten by Porto in 2003. They weren't unlucky in the slightest
  6. Neither Rangers, Hearts, Celtic, Aberdeen or anyone else deserve to win a trophy. Too much entitlement in Scottish football.
  7. No that's the Queen and she's an affront to all decent thinking people but it's this 'c**t queen' I'm concerned about ? If there's a c**t queen on the loose turning otherwise rational people into bubbling buckets of sweary invective over a football match then we should all be afraid, very afraid.
  8. Probably the most inept managerial display involving a Scottish club side in a European final since the Stein disaster class that was Milan 1970.
  9. I think that was an early Orange Juice postcard single ..
  10. No...... Ronnie Corbett sitcom reference found .....my big team is Newcastle United.....howay & goodnight !
  11. Agreed..like Tom & Jerry without Fred Quimby.
  12. Flag etiquette is no laughing matter... serious business.
  13. That Aberdeen's acheivement was greater than Celtics ? Debatable.
  14. I would suggest that not every sport has to be exciting. Interesting, relaxing, thoughtful, genteel, fascinating etc has its place. We place far too much emphasis on 'exciting' in Scotland for all the good it's done us.
  15. And you wish ill on the people and city of Seville for what reason, exactly ?
  16. Yes indeed, ask Asian Scots about abuse for their surname but racist vermin are racist vermin and they are indiscriminate in their attacks. That, I'm sure, we can agree on.
  17. What went on in George Square last year & Glasgow Cross this year was not people celebrating Irish heritage but people celebrating the football team they support becoming champions of Scotland. Which they are totally entitled to do in a free society. Certain folk get annoyed about the disturbance, vandalism, tribal aggression that goes along with these gatherings which can make going about your normal business in a public space uncomfortable and inconvenient. Again people are free to feel that way. I would suggest that if Scots Asians left the same kind of anti social litter strewn decay in their wake after Eid for example, I'm sure they would come under intense scrutiny. But they don't cause such disturbance so don't attract such scrutiny. The constant tarring of those who don't wish their city to act as some kind of proxy stand-in for the tragedy of the north of Ireland in the 1970's as being agents of anti-Irish racism just because Rangers or Celtic win the league, is becoming tedious.
  18. Only at the Olympics as far as I know. In terms of FIFA & UEFA , England, Scotland, Wales, Norn Ireland separate autonomous entities.
  19. Barcelona certainly, albeit that Catalonia is yet to gain its freedom.
  20. Yes. Happy to clear that up for you. One good clear up deserves another.
  21. When flown in the west of Scotland the symbolism of these flags is all that matters. It's all about secterian one-upmanship. If that's what turns people on then fine.
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