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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. You haven't been Scottish very long I take it ?
  2. Bonner...Bonnar...who cares ! Either way he's an Old Firm obsessed moron who should be nowhere near a supposed 'national' broadcaster.
  3. That's Glasgow for you....always been the same. Neds, Bigots & Litter. Which, incidentally, was a proposed but unused title for Hue & Cry's 2nd album.
  4. BBC Scotland Sport should sack with immediate affect and without compensation all ex-professional footballers currently on their payroll. We wouldn't expect a journalist to take a match winning penalty so why do so many in the media think ex-pros can do the job of journalists/reporters ?
  5. There what is ? What else would you consider desirable as a means to separate 5 year olds ? Hair colour ? Skin colour ? Parents political allegiances ?
  6. No, however if we were to start a new country from scratch would we consider it desirable from a social harmony standpoint to separate children at the age of 5 on the basis of their parents religion ?
  7. Souness must have really rattled him, they only put four past us !
  8. Technically correct about Elvis & The Attractions of course but I always think of 'This Years Model' as being Elvis Costello's 2nd LP and it's better than 'Armed Forces ' for me.
  9. Forrest totally out of his depth at this level .
  10. Ajax got to the European Cup final in 1969 and slaughtered Bill Shankley's Liverpool a few years before that.
  11. Paul McStay was not as good as the Old Firm sycophants in the Scottish media claimed he was. McStay knew this .
  12. Because, like 99% of people working for BBC Sport Scotland, he is rubbish at his job.
  13. Yer Celts are officially after tonight, Children of a lesser Vermin ...
  14. I defer to no one in my hatred of both halfs of the vile Old Firm but it is simple fact that Celtic fans, as annoyingly a bunch of deluded arseholes as they are undoubtedly are, do not and would not behave like Rangers fans have tonight. Tonight I must revise my theory of equilibrium...the two clubs are equally vile pieces of vermin..the two sets of fans are not.
  15. Andy Goram and Neil Lennon walk into a bar . Barman says, "Swally, swally, we will swally vodka, Andy ?" Andy nods. Barman turns to Neil. "Its a grand old team to drink for, Neil ?" . " It most certainly is !", replies Neil in an Oliver Hardy stylee.. It is then the story becomes hazy.....
  16. Yep, definitely not Airdrie as terracing too big and strip not 'diamond enough'. Also it's never the wrong time to remind everyone that the John Hughes of exposing himself fame is not deemed worthy enough to merit an original nickname.
  17. I've been to three Scottish Cup Finals, 1970, 1985 & 2005. In 1970 i was nine years old, stood with my dad on the section of terrace pictured in this thread with an attendance of around 109,000 and saw little or nothing of the game. I did however see plenty of men pishing in empty beer cans. Got a stand ticket for 1985 so obviously got to see the game but no great spectacle. By 2005 Hampden all seated and great spectacle but rubbish match. Certainly more sense of occasion brought to the day by the authorities as the years have gone by. However, nothing like the hype that use to accompany the FA Cup Final back in the day. For those too young to recall think coverage of Prince Phil's death transposed to a game of football.
  18. Works really well doing what exactly ? I realise it's probably only me but I can't see in what way Scottish football has improved since the splits inception. Or for that matter since the introduction of smaller leagues and playing each other four times a season.
  19. Has Cowan referred to his 'JFK moment ' on hearing old Edinburgh s passing yet ?
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