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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. Just ponder on the fact that the above example of slanderous spittle flecked invective was in response to the mere suggestion that in 2022 maybe, just maybe, we could educate our young people together regardless of their skin colour, their parents religious beliefs or non-beliefs. In response to the mere suggestion that parhaps, if Catholicism , Presbyterianism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism etc etc learned in the same classroom and played in the same playground then maybe the 'mutants' would have less of an audience for their vile hatred and ignorance. Idealistic nonsense I know but what is so wrong about discussing it ? Why does the mere suggestion unleash such anger in people ? I wish I got it but I don't and it really depresses me about our country.
  2. Well if you think segregating children into different schools based on the brand of Christianity their parents prefer and sticking 'proddy dogs' & 'cathy cats' labels on them is a force for harmony and general well being then of course the schools aren't to blame.
  3. Good Grief, how could I have got that so wrong for so many years ! When I was first subjected to that record as an impressionable youngster the fact that this guy called Sean was wandering about doing whatever it was he did but only south of this mythical place called Garryowen ( which Bill McLaren always assured me was a high up and under in rugby) almost made it almost palatable. Parhaps Michael was assigned north of Garryowen, Hector looked after west of Garryowen and so on. Now it's revealed as just another 3rd rate dirge with no lyrical quirkiness and I'm revealed as a someone who doesn't listen to records properly. Mind you the best bit of that LP was always the first few seconds of crowd noise...
  4. There was a corresponding Celtic LP "The Holy Ground of Glasgow Celtic" , also released on the orange Hallmark label and featuring such sub Glen Daly guff as 'The Merry Ploughboy', 'Sean, South of Garryowen' & 'We're All Off to Dublin'.
  5. Well good for him. He'll be the first Celtic manager to take such a magnanimous view since whoever it was that Willie Maley replaced so fair dinkums to Ange.
  6. Someone regarded as the best in his position in Europe, or f***k*** Europe if you prefer.
  7. This crazed obsession with eliminating 'meaningless' games baffles me. Is our game better, our players better, our 'product' better than it was in the old 18 team Division One that was in place when I first saw football ? Course it's not. It really is no coincidence that the last truly European class footballer we produced , Kenny Dalglish, came through gradually at Celtic with the benefit of these vile meaningless games to ease him in....and not to mention playing reserve team football with the likes of Bobby Murdoch etc but that's another bugbear !!!
  8. A worthy runner-up in the greatest ever "Love Will" song contest to the sublime 'Love Will Keep Us Together ' Better sentiment, better song. Though to be fair to the dour Mancunians, their 'Atmosphere ' does edge it over the Russ Abott 'Atmosphere '.
  9. Indeed, and that artifice should be put in place in August and then left alone to its own devices for the rest of the season.
  10. I just never get this 'split' business. What does it achieve ? Artificially created so called 'meaningful' games whose psuedo tension stifles creative football and the blooding of young players and another chance for one final lick at the Old Firm testicle ? Utter nonsense from the 'Richard Gordon fascinating set of fixtures' school of delusion.
  11. When are Rangers going to stop sending their keeper onto the pitch dressed like a children's entertainer at an Orange Lodge Christmas party ?
  12. Why is broadcasters & sponsors wanting 4 old firm games a problem. Either tell them sorry, no (as telt in those countries who would demand 4 Barca v Real or 4 Bayern v Dortmund or 4 Liverpool v Man Utd) or make sure the Old Bigots are paired together first opportunity in League & Scottish Cup......thus avoiding the societal mayhem that is a Celtic v Rangers cup final & giving 4 old firm games...win win all round.
  13. The seething cesspit of hatred, bile & paranoia that is the Green Brigade won't tolerate that kind of attitude for long.
  14. Not forgetting of course, the utter tedium of playing the same teams on such a regular basis . Factor in the stifling of young talent coming through when every game is 'vital', a healthy league requires a zone of mid-table safety come springtime. How did we get here ? By abondining two divisions, playing each other home an away only. That decision in 74/75 sealed Scottish footballs fate. A slow, steady and now rapidly accelerating decline every since.
  15. They wouldn't have him. There isn't the same market in England for a 'journalist ' to spend his entire career telling lies for the benefit of two teams as Keevins has done in Glasgow.
  16. Pundits yep, analysts ok, providing occasional interjections informed by experience as player absolutely. As reporters, describing what is or has gone on in the game, the teams, the scorers, the action.....No, no and as Frankie Howard would confirm, thrice no !!! They can't do it, they are not reporters, they don't have the required skill set.
  17. Caller on last night apropos Nathan Patterson transfer saying Rangers business model should be buying up and coming European talent and selling on at healthy profit. All well and sensible until the delusional stupidity that passes for Old Firm intellect bounded forth unchallenged...... "If Ajax can do it so can Rangers"........followed quickly by this slice of prime Old Firm cretinism......." cos no way are Ajax a bigger club than Rangers".
  18. You're not having a pop at the glorious Glasgow Celtic, the downtrodden ones, the banzai bigots, the we don't care what the animals say, the how come only 11 Lisbon Lions were capped for Scotland, are you ?
  19. When will the BBC get it into their heads that ex-professional footballers have no business as reporters.
  20. "And for those watching in black & white the referee is wearing a bright scarlet jumper"
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