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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. While saying, sadly, "....there you go, Gareth, well done, enjoy...."
  2. Are you ok ? Stay safe ! We must wrap you up in cotton wool. Your positivity is exactly what we need to make this country great .
  3. Step aside ladies and gentlemen, this pathetic wee insular underachieving excuse for a country which has failed time and time again due to a lack of belief that our footballers are better than Germany's footballers, is about to be hauled up by it's Nicky tams by nothing more than the power of positive thinking. I believe. Get right into them !!!!
  4. Several years before also watching Joe Jordan shoot against Wales in 1974.....(see above).
  5. "It says here one of us is going to grow up to be a potty mouthed bully"
  6. Who's 'obsessing about how we're going to fail' ? A simple opinion that I don't think Scotland will qualify from the group is not an obsession. Do you accuse those who say Scotland will qualify as 'obsessing' about success ? And I know it will be an enjoyable occasion.
  7. You may be right in which case fantastic, utterly brilliant. I may be right in which case, oh well, f**k it. Either way, we are there and it's wonderful to be back on the big stage. Nothing to be miserable, depressed or suicidal about.
  8. Yep, definitely...just not the 3rd/4th place play off lots of us expected
  9. You mistake realism for 'miserableness' , the common mistake of vacuous optimists throughout the ages. It's perfectly ok to be both excited and delighted that Scotland are at the finals while simultaneously being of the opinion that this injury affected Scotland team are not, at the minute, very good and may well lose all three matches and possibly take a pasting from Germany. It's the healthy way. Since first watching Scotland in major finals in 1974 the only time I've not felt like this was Argentina 78 and we all know how that turned out.
  10. We lose to Germany... thinking otherwise is , as you might phrase it, a fundamental lack of self-awareness. Therefore, what's the best method for making the knockout stage ? A. Going full pelt against Germany, getting beat 2 or 3 - 0 and losing MacTomimay, McGinn, Tierney for the next two games ? B. Playing sensibly, within our self, marshalling our slender resources to target two games we could possibly win ?
  11. That's why I'm trying to invoke a feeling of impending disaster in the hope that turns into the most memorable tournament in our history.
  12. With current form suggesting that Scotland may be on course for an unwelcome piece of Euro history against Germany by suffering the heaviest defeat in the tournaments history, the simple question is....just how bad could it get. ? I am, of course, desperately trying to invoking a reverse Argentina '78 scenario ...
  13. We can try all we like we won't beat Germany....we try with everything we have against Switzerland & Hungary.
  14. Oh dear..... unleash your inner McGlashan.
  15. Shankland to start...rest the 'quality' players. We will lose this game quite comfortably whatever the case , let's not risk injuries for the two games in which we stand a bit of a chance.
  16. I would imagine we will have a lot of Dutch cheering us on that night.
  17. Indeed, the nearest to a 'mini Bale' that this country will ever produce.
  18. You think Doak is 'a mini Bale' based on what exactly ? Hope you're right But considering that in our 150 odd year history Scotland has never had a player with the game changing properties of Bale at his peak I sense you may be wrong, sadly.
  19. Having been the first country knocked out of a World Cup without losing a game it would only be fitting to be the first to win the Euros without scoring a goal.
  20. 'Create fake accolades' ? From a man who regularly posts the falsehood that Celtic's 67 European Cup win is the single greatest achievement in the history of all club football ? Wow...both beyond parody and further proof, if proof needed, that Glasgow Rangers and Glasgow Celtic and their tedious band of paranoid, delusional and humourless supporters are exactly the same. A pathetic set of Siamese twins forever conjoined at the arse existing solely to give life to the other.
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