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Genuine Hibs Fan

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Everything posted by Genuine Hibs Fan

  1. Haha fair point. A couple of days ago it had been four years since we met. Better?
  2. The gf and I met 4 years back a couple of days ago and decided to make something of it as we've never had any kind of anniversary before. Decided to make a lasagna from scratch and it was honestly sensational. A pal of hers essentially did a master of none and trained in an Italian pasta restaurant for a year so have us some pointers, in particular plenty of pasta and keep the layers v thin. There's ragu, bechamel, ricotta and mozzarella in there. Would probably add some wilted spinach to the ricotta, and a bit looser ragu, in future, but that's just nitpicking
  3. It's got an interactive map and that means it has very little left to do to convince this guy! The principles are absolutely right, especially in comparison to Europe. I lived with my folks for a few months in rural Spain, and was pretty taken aback by how localised their government is. Down to village level (more like a large village, two hamlets and 30km² of land to be fair)there was a local government who applied for money from the regional/state/national government and spent it. Not perfect but public services a lot better than the equivalent areas here have in my experience.
  4. While Maduro's nothing but a tin pot Castro, I fucking love his ball's out batting away of obvious coups. Love that the "deep state" now apparently includes qanon supporters as well. America truly is the melting pot baby!
  5. You're right, other people are also bad. If we want to discuss every factor in the rise of the Nazis, how important was the inventor of the radio? No matter what rhetoric he used, Stalin and the comintern instructed the German communists to prioritize crushing the SDP. You could think this was in order to make more likely wars between the "Imperial" nation's, hastening revolution; or another masterstroke from the man whose favourite biologist believed you should plant millions of seeds per acre as competition within species was a myth. That's up to you. I've a feeling the answer will be more false equivalencies and stories with convenient details missing though
  6. That's really interesting, I didn't know that about the army wanting to invade the USSR at that time. Am I not right in thinking that a lot of the Japanese high command knew the war was lost the moment that they realised the Pacific Fleet hadn't been destroyed?
  7. Weimar Germany, at least in urban areas, was probably one of the best places in the world to be gay or transgender at that time, a very liberal place and until the Nazis were elected I believe (don't have time to find the figures) a clear majority voted for centre left to left wing parties. Nazism won one free national election, but only then taking advantage of the voting system and intimidation/street violence. Far more than a generally intolerant population Nazism rose in Germany due to the left failing (in the case of the communists, being specifically banned as Stalin was worried about the SDP's plan for a version of the eu strengthening western Europe) to unite effectively in the same way that the Nazis coalesced the forces of conservatism and corporate business under their banner. Intolerance was only a factor for those who would have voted for the Nazis anyway. So not only did Stalin ally with the Germans, and extend the war by obliterating his own army in the purges, his government was to a large extent responsible for the rise of the Nazis in the first place. This was around the same time he was repressing those who believes in genetics in agriculture and having his dead wife's family killed. Sorry I know you weren't talking about Stalin but f**k Stalin
  8. Haha I'm sure man, sorry wasn't a dig just genuinely tickled me. Also wouldn't have been a dig if you were veggie
  9. As much as I love making veggie and vegan dishes, there is something wonderfully vegetarian about someone taking the time to announce to people that spices taste nice
  10. Oh Christ you're right! Forgot all about the coma episodes. The Wire and Breaking Bad there's arguments but anyone who thinks GoT is anywhere near the discussion for very best isn't worth talking too.
  11. Started rewatching this with the gf this week. Absolutely peerless tv. Struggling to remember a bad episode from earlier watched but of the ones we've seen so far College is the first of the classic episodes
  12. Loved this back in my early high school days but was a bit sceptical about the podcast having heard a fair few adverts for it. Felt it was a bit dated when I've caught the odd episode here or there too in recent years. Glad to hear the podcast is good though will give it a go
  13. If you don't give a f**k feel free to ignore what I'm saying, don't whine about it. Tbf you're probably right but I missed the chat and am genuinely interested in how folk fall for the free speech grift
  14. Has anyone managed to explain how Icke's removal from Facebook is a freedom of speech issue yet?
  15. Not seen this mentioned but a decent amount of love for Casa de Papel here so I'd recommend Elité to anyone who enjoyed that. A fair few of the actors are in both (Maria Pedraza, Jaime Llorente and Miguel Herran to be precise) Set in a posh school in Spain, it looks like a gossip girl rip off which put me off. It's so so much more though and Midway through the third season it's defo on my favourite of all time list
  16. Fantastic! Went to see the Hogarth exhibition at John Sloane museum a few months back, gin Lane and beer street the obvious highlights
  17. Imagine linking to Toby fucking young to support your argument. The man who sums up the reason almost all of the contrarian fuckwits who've made a career from that grift are men - grew up being told they were clever wee boys who were never grew out of thinking they must know better than everyone else
  18. The older I get, the less I get annoyed by obvious contrarian/conspiracy theory loonballs, and more fucking bored I get. Citizen reporters on YouTube you utter fool
  19. Has this got you more or less raging than when people think Oli McBurnie shouldn't be a shoe in for the Scotland team?
  20. That's yer Edinburgh festival cancelled. Bad news for the city's coffers but wouldn't be too sad if some of the leeches (well, underbelly) were fucked as a result
  21. 10 different locations in the car, or ten different sections of the car?
  22. The same Richard Horton who published and defended standing by the Andrew Wakefield article? That guy?
  23. Cool! That sounds fascinating I'll look it up! Looked them up and that's defo the one. The gloss on them is beautiful, I was worried they'd been caught in an oil slick at first
  24. Any idea on these beauties I saw on the canal on our one prescribed outdoor activity yesterday? Never seen them before but I'd imagine a common enough sort of duck. I day duck but they were huge, more like goose sized
  25. Surely that's very unnecessary if it's all clear?
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