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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Hibs will likely have as big a rebuilding job as we do. Exciting times for both teams IMO.
  2. I was reading that he could go under the Webster ruling but until now the top clubs have had a gentlemens agreement not to use it.
  3. Lads, don't bite before the Hibs lads do. You must have had more interesting things to do on Friday night
  4. Happier with this type of signing if Glass has actually coached him before. IF we were to get Irvin then I guess that'd mean Regan Hendry is a non starter. Disappointing.
  5. Yeah he was very good taking the ball up the field from rcb the first couple of months.
  6. Then we can replace them with other players. Selling Ferguson to fund a rebuild would be a no brainer in that case.
  7. Both are good players at this level. Depends what you are after. Hoban started well but we probably overplayed him. Wasn't comfortable playing out from the back either. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get a decent enough offer down the road though.
  8. That's exactly my thoughts but while he is there and we don't have a replacement he'll be starting.
  9. How I see us shaping up for next season. Would like a new left winger too but I genuinely don't think we're in too bad a shape. If we do get McGrath in and play Hedges out wide then we don't need too much more? Striker is obviously absolutely critical.
  10. Don't think we had another opportunity to cash in on Cosgrove? We tried to shift him last summer prior to his injury.
  11. Agree with both posts. Don't think we can sell both in the same window. Also agreement with someone further up who said Ferguson probably won't develop much more here. Maybe half a season being coached to play the system Glass wants to play may help. Can't see it adding much transfer value.
  12. A bit early to get upset about it Bob. £2m as an opening offer is good news. Getting that up to around £5m with add ons would be very good business
  13. Keep doing nothing. Keep living in blissful ignorance. Keep steaming in to threads defending your team, wondering why they're hated. Players in celebrating title shocker. Wright was also an Aberdeen fan. No idea why you think otherwise.
  14. Are you this dense? I already stated previously anyone arrested. You go through hoops to try and defend your club in every thread. You're part of the problem.
  15. Of course they can. The ban the people identified. Then refuse to sell season tickets to the fans singing sectarian songs. Of course there's millions of reasons why they don't take any action
  16. Watkins 'loves' Wright's photo with the trophy. He can do one as well.
  17. It's probably because the club has turned a blind eye to supporters acting like animals for decades. Both clubs.
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