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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Aye. Full circle. The first bent copper we met.
  2. The at Johnstone is evidence enough you're raging. Been there myself several times this season
  3. He's already manager of the year. Who else even compares to the season he's had?
  4. You've been spewing this before Derek left. How you can't think extra time Saturday, Wednesday then Sunday shouldn't be a factor us beyond me. If that's the case then why did United rest half their team? It's not why we lost but it's certainly a factor. Half the players could barely run by 80mins against Celtic.
  5. I'd rather he learns his lessons at the end of this season tbh.
  6. I don't think Hayes will be going anywhere. Took a years deferral of wages yo sign didn't he? Still can't believe we took him back.
  7. That's better than the usual Hibs 'patter'. Your pals will be along to give you a greenie no matter what anyway
  8. Given that 4th is more or less a given now what do we do? Play the young guys and the players we know will be here next season? I could suffer a few defeats if MacKenzie, Ramsay, Ross etc are getting some game time in the managers system.
  9. There's going to be a big overhaul which was required whether McInnes was here or not. I'm a lot more comfortable with a new manager building a new squad than Derek getting another go.
  10. Don't think this was any worse than Motherwell at home or Ross County away tbh.
  11. Exactly. Anyone watching McInnes first 5 games would never have thought he'd last 8 years in the job.
  12. Nobody cares Pep. You said McInnes wouldn't have a team 3-0 down at home within an hour. That happened this season. To Motherwell who have struggled for the whole season. McInnes took over from Brown and it was uneventful and boring. He was given the summer to get his own players in. We were very good. Glass shouldn't be afforded the same luxury.
  13. We needed Kennedy at the time. He started well but nowhere near consistent enough. You could actually argue he's consistently shite tbh.
  14. Don't really see too much point in changing it. He can see he has a team of shitebags. Keep the team trying to play the way he wants with the knowledge the ones who can't will be off in the summer.
  15. Every player in the Aberdeen team signed to a contract by...checks note...Derek McInnes.
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